Andersdenkende verset : Afrikaner kulturele standpunt teen apartheid en Afrikaner kontak met die ANC in die 1980's

dc.contributor.advisorGrundlingh, Alberten_ZA
dc.contributor.authorKitshoff, Herman van Zijlen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of History.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: A renewed and unique spirit of resistance to apartheid spread across South Africa during the 1980's. This manifested as the black revolt between 1984 and 1986, as well as in the ANC's policies supporting the use of violence as a means to emancipation from the restrictions imposed by the apartheid government. The legacy of the Soweto uprising of 1976, coupled with P.W. Botha's efforts to reform, to a great extent fuelled these revolts which spread across the country during the 1980' s; while the constitution of 1983 led the militant young, predominantly ANC followers to again conclude that their future was doomed under apartheid. The ANC's policy of aggession towards the government was a further impetus for violent behaviour amongst the masses. International sanctions against apartheid increasingly crippled the National Party government during the 1980's. This revolutionary situation III the country, together with the obvious logjam the government found itself in, led to the psychological awakening of a group of Afrikaners known as the "dissidents". Although doubts about apartheid had existed amongst white South Africans since the sixties, the resistance in Afrikaner-circles during the 1980's was unique especially for it's active nature. It agreed furthermore with a zealous global sense of apathy towards apartheid, and was to a great degree fuelled by the black revolts and the government's aggressive way of containing these uprisings. This caused liberalminded Afrikaners not only to question their own identity and privileged position within South Africa, but urged several individuals, groups and organisations to make contact with the ANC. The reason for this was to engage in discussions with the ANC concerning the future of the country, and served as a form of passive resistance against the government. This thesis examines the work of these liberal Afrikaners against the backdrop of the troublesome eighties, and tries furthermore to capture their spirit of resistance.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gedurende die tagtigerjare het 'n hernieude en unieke gees van verset teen apartheid oor Suid-Afrika gespoel. Dit het onder meer gemanifesteer in die swart opstande tussen 1984 en 1986, asook in die beleidsformulerings van geweld as middel tot emansipasie soos deur die ANC voorgehou. Die Soweto-opstande van 1976, asook die Botha-regering se pogings tot hervorming, was veral sentraal as aansporing vir die opstande van die tagtigs. Die grondwet van 1983, wat in die daaropvolgende jaar van krag gekom het, het in baie opsigte die opstande as direkte resultaat gehad, aangesien dit veral die swart jeug was wat die magteloosheid van uitsluiting besef het. Die ANC se werksaamhede, hoewel die organisasie in ballingskap verkeer het, het verder bygedra tot die rewolusionêre gees onder die massas. Die hervormings het dus 'n onverwagse resultaat gehad, terwyl internasionale sanksies die regering in 'n knyptang situasie vasgevang het. Bogenoemde gebeure het gelei tot 'n aanwakkering onder 'n deel van die Afrikaner bevolking wat as die "andersdenkendes" bekend gestaan het. Hoewel daar sedert die sestigerjare reeds tweespalt in blanke geledere oor apartheid se toepassing en wesenlikheid bestaan het, was die verset teen apartheid onder blankes in die tagtigs uniek, veral vanweë die daadwerklikheid daarvan. Dit het verder ooreengestem met 'n globale gees van weersin in die misdrywe van apartheid, en is in 'n groot mate aangevuur deur die bestaande gees van swart verset in die land, asook die regering se militante optrede daarteen. Liberale Afrikaners het hul eie identiteit krities bevraagteken, asook die rede vir huloënskynlike bevoorregte posisie ten koste van nie-blanke Suid-Afrikaners. Hierdie self-ondersoek het verskeie individue en organisasies aangespoor om hulle tot gesprekvoering met die ANC te wend, veral met die oog op 'n toekomstige demokratiese Suid-Afrika, asook in passiewe opstand teen die regering en apartheid. Hierdie tesis poog om die werksaamhede van die liberaal-gesinde Afrikaners teen die agtergrond van die troebele tagtigerjare te ondersoek, hul gees uit te beeld, en hul dade te dokumenteer.af_ZA
dc.format.extent127 leavesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectAfrican National Congressen_ZA
dc.subjectApartheid -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectAfrikaners -- Politics and governmenten_ZA
dc.subjectAfrikaners -- Attitudesen_ZA
dc.subjectSouth Africa -- Politics and government -- 1978-1989en_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Historyen_ZA
dc.titleAndersdenkende verset : Afrikaner kulturele standpunt teen apartheid en Afrikaner kontak met die ANC in die 1980'saf_ZA
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