The contributions of education for sustainable development (ESD) to quality education: an action research project on the implementation of fieldwork in die school geography curriculum

dc.contributor.advisorLe Grange, Lesleyen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorSimasiku, Frederick Simasikuen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Geographyen_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (DPhil) -- Stellenbosch University, 2020en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Goal 4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) emphasises the integration and implementation of education for sustainable development (ESD) in formal school contexts, including the provision of professional development for teachers with a view to enhancing the delivery of quality education for all school learners by 2030. Integrating ESD into formal education institutions through an action research approach is regarded as an effective avenue through which teachers’ capacity can be enhanced to implement ESD effectively in their teaching practice. This dissertation reports on an action research project undertaken at a secondary school in Windhoek in the Khomas region of Namibia. The purpose of the research study was to explore and illuminate how the integration and implementation of ESD through the application of geographical fieldwork as a teaching method contributes to the delivery of quality education within the Namibian senior secondary school Geography curriculum. The research was designed as a collaborative action research study, framed within an interpretive paradigm. The investigation process was conducted in two phases: Phase one was a small-scale qualitative survey involving semi-structured interviews carried out on a purposive sample of six practising Geography teachers. The purpose of the survey was twofold: firstly, to explore how Geography teachers conceptualised ESD as well as to explore how they integrated and implemented ESD in their classroom practice; secondly, to explore Geography teachers’ understanding and application of geographical fieldwork as a teaching method. Survey data pertaining to teachers’ classroom practices formed the basis for designing a classroom pedagogical intervention as an approach for integrating ESD into the Geography school curriculum and in teachers’ classroom practices. The design of the classroom pedagogical intervention was responsive to the Geography teachers’ challenges in effectively integrating and implementing ESD through the application of a learner-centred fieldwork teaching method. A synthesis of the social constructivist theory of learning and a ‘strengths’ model to ESD provided a theoretical and practical framework for designing and implementing a classroom pedagogical intervention. Phase two of the study involved the implementation of the classroom pedagogical intervention by two teachers in their respective Geography lessons. The researcher observed the lessons in order to collect data on the teaching and learning activities. The implementation of the classroom pedagogical intervention provided opportunities for classroom teachers to reorient their teaching practice by adopting a learner-centred fieldwork teaching method compatible with the principles of ESD and ESD pedagogy. Observations, focus group discussions, audio transcripts of classroom activities, analysis of lesson-planning records were all employed to gather in-depth qualitative data from teachers and their learners in order to interrogate the impact of the pedagogical intervention. Thereafter, triangulated data were deductively analysed and interpreted using a multidimensional framework of quality in education as a data analysis tool. This study found that, the integration and implementation of ESD through the application of geographical fieldwork as a teaching method contributed to all seven dimensions of quality education. Thus, it contributed towards the delivery of quality education within the Namibian senior secondary school geography curriculum. The study provides key recommendations in an attempt to contribute towards the effective integration and implementation of ESD in the Namibian senior secondary school Geography curriculum. The study further contributes to the understanding of how the implementation of ESD in school contexts can be evaluated within the context of Goal 4 of the UNSDGs.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Doelwit 4 van die Verenigde Nasies se Doelwitte vir Volhoubare Ontwikkeling (UNSDG’s) beklemtoon die integrasie en implementering van onderwys vir volhoubare ontwikkeling (ESD) in formele skoolkontekste, onder meer deur die voorsiening van professionele onderwysersontwikkeling, ten einde die gehalte van onderwys aan alle skoolleerders te verbeter teen 2030. Die integrasie van ESD in formele onderwysinstellings deur middel van ’n aksienavorsingsbenadering word beskou as ’n effektiewe manier waardeur onderwysers se vermoë verbeter kan word om ESD effektief in hul onderrigpraktyk te implementeer. Hierdie proefskrif lewer verslag oor ’n aksienavorsingsprojek wat by ’n senior sekondêre skool in Windhoek, in die Khomas-streek van Namibië, onderneem is. Die doel van die navorsing was om ondersoek in te stel na en lig te werp op hoe die integrasie en implementering van ESD deur die toepassing van geografiese veldwerk as ’n onderrigmetode tot die lewering van gehalte-onderwys binne die Namibiese geografiekurrikulum vir senior sekondêre skole bydra. Die navorsing is ontwerp as ’n samewerkende aksienavorsingstudie, wat binne ’n interpretatiewe paradigma geplaas word. Die ondersoekproses is in twee fases uitgevoer: Fase een was ’n kwalitatiewe opname op klein skaal, met inbegrip van semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude, wat via doelgerigte steekproefneming onder ses praktiserende Geografie-onderwysers uitgevoer is. Die doel van die opname was tweeledig: eerstens, ’n ondersoek na hoe Geografie-onderwysers ESD konseptualiseer, asook hoe hulle ESD in hul klaskamerpraktyk integreer en implementeer; en tweedens, ’n ondersoek na Geografie-onderwysers se begrip en toepassing van geografiese veldwerk as ’n onderrigmetode. Data uit opnames oor onderwysers se klaskamerpraktyke vorm die grondslag vir die ontwerp van ’n pedagogiese intervensie vir die klaskamer as ’n benadering tot die integrasie van ESD in die Geografie-skoolkurrikulum en in onderwysers se klaskamerpraktyke. Die ontwerp van die pedagogiese intervensie vir die klaskamer is in reaksie op die uitdagings aan Geografie-onderwysers wat betref die effektiewe integrasie en implementering van ESD deur die toepassing van ’n leerdergesentreerde veldwerkonderrigmetode. ’n Sintese van die sosiaal-konstruktivistiese leerteorie en ’n sterk punte”-model om ESD bied ’n teoretiese en praktiese raamwerk vir die ontwerp en implementering van ’n pedagogiese intervensie vir die klaskamer. Fase 2 van die studie behels die implementering van die pedagogiese intervensie vir die klaskamer deur twee onderwysers in hul onderskeie Geografie-lesse. Die navorser het die lesse waargeneem ten einde data oor die onderrig- en leeraktiwiteite te versamel. Die implementering van die pedagogiese intervensie vir die klaskamer bied geleenthede vir klaskameronderwysers om hul onderrigpraktyk te heroriënteer deur ’n leerdergesentreerde veldwerkonderrigmetode te gebruik wat versoenbaar is met die beginsels van ESD en ESD-pedagogiek. Waarnemings, fokusgroepbesprekings, oudiotranskripsies van klaskameraktiwiteite, en ontledings van lesbeplanningsrekords is gebruik om omvangryke kwalitatiewe data van onderwysers en hul leerders te versamel en die uitwerking van die pedagogiese intervensie te ondersoek. Daarna is driehoekige data deduktief ontleed en geïnterpreteer aan die hand van ’n multidimensionele raamwerk van onderriggehalte as ’n dataontledingsinstrument. Hierdie studie het bevind dat die integrasie en implementering van ESD deur die toepassing van geografiese veldwerk as 'n onderrigmetode bygedra het tot al sewe dimensies van gehalte-onderwys. Dus, het dit bygedra tot die lewering van gehalte- onderwys in die Namibiese senior sekondêre skool geografie kurrikulum. Die studie bied belangrike aanbevelings in ’n poging om by te dra tot die effektiewe integrasie en implementering van ESD in die Namibiese geografiekurrikulum vir senior sekondêre skole. Verder dra die studie by tot insig oor hoe die implementering van ESD in skoolkontekste, binne die konteks van Doelwit 4 van die UNSDG’s, geëvalueer kan wordaf_ZA
dc.format.extentxx, 316 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectEnvironmental education -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Namibiaen_ZA
dc.subjectGeography -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Curricula -- Namibiaen_ZA
dc.subjectSustainable development -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Namibiaen_ZA
dc.subjectGeography -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Fieldwork -- Namibiaen_ZA
dc.titleThe contributions of education for sustainable development (ESD) to quality education: an action research project on the implementation of fieldwork in die school geography curriculumen_ZA
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