Data modelling of industrial steel structures

dc.contributor.advisorVan Rooyen, G. C.
dc.contributor.authorOosthuizen, Daniel Rudolph
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Civil Engineering.en
dc.descriptionThesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2003.en
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: AP230 of STEP is an application protocol for structural steel-framed buildings. Product data relating to steel structures is represented in a model that captures analysis, design and manufacturing views. The information requirements described in AP230 were analysed with the purpose of identifying a subset of entities that are essential for the description of simple industrial steel frames with the view to being able to describe the structural concept, and to perform the structural analysis and design of such structures. Having identified the essential entities, a relational database model for these entities was developed. Planning, analysis and design applications will use the database to collaboratively exchange data relating to the structure. The comprehensiveness of the database model was investigated by mapping a simple industrial frame to the database model. Access to the database is provided by a set of classes called the database representative classes. The data-representatives are instances that have the same selection identifiers and attributes as corresponding information units in the database. The datarepresentatives' primary tasks are to store themselves in the database and to retrieve their state from the database. A graphical user interface application, programmed in Java, used for the description of the structural concept with the capacity of storing the concept in the database and retrieving it again through the use of the database representative classes was also created as part of this project.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: AP230 van STEP is 'n toepassingsprotokol wat staal raamwerke beskryf. Die produkdata ter beskrywing van staal strukture word saamgevat in 'n model wat analise, ontwerp en vervaardigings oogmerke in aanmerking neem. Die informasie vereistes, soos beskryf in AP230, is geanaliseer om 'n subset van entiteite te identifiseer wat noodsaaklik is vir die beskrywing van 'n eenvoudige nywerheidsstruktuur om die strukturele konsep te beskryf en om die struktuur te analiseer en te ontwerp. Nadat die essensiële entiteite geïdentifiseer is, is 'n relasionele databasismodel van die entiteite geskep. Beplanning, analise en ontwerptoepassings maak van die databasis gebruik om kollaboratief data oor strukture uit te ruil. Die omvattenheid van die databasis-model is ondersoek deur 'n eenvoudige nywerheidsstruktuur daarop afte beeld. Toegang tot die databasis word verskaf deur 'n groep Java klasse wat bekend staan as die verteenwoordigende databasis klasse. Hierdie databasis-verteenwoordigers is instansies met dieselfde identifikasie eienskappe as die ooreenkomstige informasie eenhede in die databasis. Die hoofdoel van die databasis-verteenwoordigers is om hulself in die databasis te stoor asook om hul rang weer vanuit die databasis te verkry. 'n Grafiese gebruikerskoppelvlak, geprogrammeer in Java, is ontwikkel. Die koppelvlak word gebruik om die strukturele konsep te beskryf, dit te stoor na die databasis en om dit weer, met behulp van die databasis-verteenwoordigers, uit die databasis te haal.af_ZA
dc.format.extent1 v. ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen
dc.subjectStructural analysis (Engineering) -- Data processingen_ZA
dc.subjectSteel, Structuralen
dc.subjectDissertations -- Civil engineeringen_ZA
dc.titleData modelling of industrial steel structuresen
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