How Many Things by Season Season’d Are

Jackson, Sue
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AOSIS OpenJournals
People born between June and September in the southern hemisphere are more likely to suffer from schizophrenia than those born in other months; a quarter of the entire genome of Arabidopsis thaliana (a cress plant) is devoted to sensing and responding to environmental changes; and human basal metabolic rate drops to 40% of normal values during starvation. These are some of the many remarkable facts that I learned while reading this book, which successfully unites wideranging discussions of plant phenology, animal behaviour and evolutionary physiology; the seasonality of human disorders as diverse as malaria and seasonal affective disorder; and the timing of crime and of human reproductive rhythms—all in the context of climate change. This is the second book by the neurobiologist/ science writer team that produced a wellreceived description of circadian rhythms, Rhythms of Life, in 2004. Seasons of Life takes a wider perspective, addressing organisms’ anticipation of and responses to the environmental changes that follow seasonal rather than daily rhythms.Many biologists will share the authors’ concluding wish for a better understanding of biological rhythms, in the hope that this might improve our chances of slowing down the accelerating extinction rate resulting from climate change.
The original publication is available at
Seasons of Life: The biological rhythms that living things need to thrive and survive., Russell G. Foster, Leonard Kreitzman, Book review, Schizophrenia, Seasonal affective disorder, Seasonal rhythms
Jackson, S. 2009. How Many Things by Season Season’d Are. South African Journal of Science, 105, 332-333.