Poverty as a ground of unfair discrimination in post-apartheid South Africa

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Since the advent of constitutional democracy, the project of transformative constitutionalism has had limited success in addressing structural poverty and inequality in post-apartheid South Africa. The stubborn nature of poverty and inequality is a result of four-hundred-odd years of politically calculated spatial ghettoisation, infrastructural neglect, land dispossessions, privileged citizenship, elite capture, perpetual wealth hoarding and unequal access to socio-economic goods. As a result, impoverished people continue to experience pervasive forms of discrimination such as violence, abhorrent prejudices, political marginalisation and structural barriers to accessing basic needs. Despite this reality, poverty is not recognised as an entrenched prohibited ground of discrimination. This study develops a comprehensive interpretative framework to conceptualise poverty as a ground of discrimination under the Constitution and the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act 4 of 2000. It does so specifically by developing a transformative conception of substantive equality that should undergird impoverished people’s right to equality and non-discrimination. It draws from the work of the global justice critical social theorist Nancy Fraser as well as South African critical legal scholars to postulate an appropriate framework for conceptualising poverty as a ground of unfair discrimination under current capitalist conditions within the South African constitutional regime. The study employs a critical methodology to examine the implications of a reimagined transformative conception of substantive equality for the adjudication and litigation of poverty as a ground of unfair discrimination.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sedert die aanvang van grondwetlike demokrasie het die projek van transformatiewe konstitusionalisme in post-apartheid Suid-Afrika beperkte sukses behaal om strukturele armoede en ongelykheid ongedaan te maak. Die hardnekkige verwantskap tussen armoede en ongelykheid is die gevolg van meer as vierhonderd jaar se politiese projekte van krotgebiede skep, infrastrukturele verwaarlosing, grondbesit, bevoorregte burgerskap, staatskaping, die voortdurende opgaar van rykdom en ongelyke toegang tot sosio-ekonomiese goedere. As ‘n gevolg hiervan, ervaar arm persone onafwendbare vorme van diskriminasie soos geweld, grusame vooroordele, politieke marginalisering en strukturele hindernisse vir toegang tot basiese behoeftes. Ondanks hierdie werklikheid word armoede steeds nie regstegnies as ‘n onbillike grond van diskriminasie erken nie. Hierdie studie ontwikkel 'n omvattende interpretatiewe raamwerk om armoede as ‘n grond van onbillike diskriminasie ingevolge die Grondwet en die Wet op die Bevordering van Gelykheid en Voorkoming van Onbillike Diskriminasie 4 van 2000 te konseptualiseer. Dit word spesifiek gedoen deur 'n transformatiewe opvatting van substantiewe gelykheid te ontwikkel wat arm mense se reg tot gelykheid en niediskriminasie behoort te onderlê. Die studie gebruik die werk van die globale geregtigheids- en kritiese sosiale teoretikus Nancy Fraser en Suid-Afrikaanse kritiese regsteoretici om 'n gepaste raamwerk vir die konseptualisering van armoede as 'n grond van onbillike diskriminasie onder huidige kapitalistiese toestande binne die Suid-Afrikaanse grondwetlike regime daar te stel. Die studie gebruik 'n kritiese metodologie om die implikasies van 'n heroorweegde transformatiewe opvatting van substantiewe gelykheid vir die beregting en litigasie van armoede as ‘n grond van onbillike diskriminasie te ondersoek.
ISISHWANKATHELO: Ukusukela ngethuba ekwavela ngalo idemokhrasi yomgaqo-siseko, iprojekthi yenguqu yomgaqo-siseko ibenempumelelo elinganiselweyo ekusombululeni ubuhlwempu kunye nokungalingani eMzantsi Afrika emva kocalucalulo. Ukungagungqi kobume bentlupheko kunye nokungalingani yimiphumela yeminyaka engamakhulu amane ephenjelelwe zezopolitiko yokubekela bucala abantu, ukungahoywa kweziseko zophuhliso, ukufudulwa kwabantu kumhlaba wabo, ubumi bokubanelungelo elikhethekileyo, urhwaphilizo lwabo bakwizikhundla eziphezulu, ubutyebi obungapheliyo kunye nokungalingani kwabantu kukufikelela kwizinto zentlalo nezoqoqosho. Ngenxa yoko, abo bahlwempuzekileyo baqhubeka nokujamelana neendlela ezixhaphakileyo zocalucalulo ezinje ngobundlobongela, intiyo ecekisekayo, ukucinezeleka kwezopolitiko kunye nokuthinteleka ekufikeleleni kwiimfuno ezisisiseko. Ngaphandle koku, ubuhlwempu abunakubonwa njengengcambu engalunganga yocalucalulo. Olu phando lwakha isikhokelo esibanzi sokucacisa ubuhlwempu njengesizathu socalucalulo phantsi koMgaqo-siseko kunye noMthetho -4 ka-2000 wokuKhuthaza ukulingana kunye nokuthintela ucalucalulo (the Constitution and the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act 4 of 2000). Ikwenza oko ngokukodwa ngokuzisa ingcinga yenguqu yokulingana okufanelekileyo ekufuneka kuxhase ilungelo labantu abahlwempuzekileyo lokulingana nokungacalucaluli. Ivela kwimisebenzi yobulungisa yehlabathi ingcali yezentlalo ebalulekileyo uNancy Fraser kunye nabaphengululi bezomthetho baseMzantsi Afrika ukuba babeke isikhokelo esifanelekileyo sokuqiqa ubuhlwempu njengesizathu sokucalucalulwa ngokungenabulungisa phantsi kweemeko zangoku zongxowankulu kulawulo lomgaqo-siseko woMzantsi Afrika. Ngoko ke, olu phando lusebenzisa indlela yokuqokelela ulwazi lophando (methodology) ephambili ukuphonononga imiphumela yendlela yokuqiqa eqinisekileyo eza nenguqu ekugwebeni intlupheko eyimiphumela nengcambu yocalucalulo.
Thesis (LLM)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.
South Africa -- Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act, 2000, Equality before the law, Discrimination -- Law and legislation, Poverty -- South Africa, Race discrimination -- South Africa, UCTD