The cloning of credit cards: the Dolly of the electronic era

dc.contributor.authorVan der Bijl, Charnelleen_ZA
dc.descriptionCITATION: Van Der Bijl, C. 2007. The cloning of credit cards: The dolly of the electronic era. Stellenbosch Law Review = Stellenbosch Regstydskrif 18(2):331-346.
dc.descriptionThe original publication is available at
dc.description.abstractINTRODUCTION: The long-awaited and much-anticipated EMV (Europay, Mastercard and Visa) system aimed at combating credit and debit card fraud has recently been launched by ABSA. VISA branded debit cards will contain a special chip and transactions will be verified, using a four-digit personal identification number, which will be keyed in instead of the signing of receipts. The introduction of the EMV bank chip smart card system, which is to replace magnetic stripe cards with microchip cards, is aimed at eliminating the risks of unauthorised use. A smart card is a plastic card based on cryptography with a microcomputer chip in it, which is swiped at a payment terminal, or smart card reader that verifies the smart card as being genuine by sending a random code. This code in turn is responded to by the microchip, which together with a security access code such as a PIN (Personal Identification Number), acts as a type of secret key. Smart card technology therefore refers to the microcomputer-embedded technology linked to the card rather than to the purpose of the card.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractDie EMV (Europay, Mastercard en Visa) stelsel is onlangs deur ABSA geïmplementeer. Die stelsel maak gebruik van 'n sogenaamde smart card skyfiekaart wat daarop gemik is om die ongemagtigde gebruik van kredietkaarte uit te skakel. Kaarte bevat spesiale skyfies met PIN-nommers wat die kaarthouer identifiseer. Alhoewel hierdie stelsel 'n besondere vordering in tegnologie is, kom bedrog ongelukkig nog steeds voor. Verslae van bedrog in Brittanje en Frankryk is al gerapporteer. Onderskeie probleme kan moontlik ondervind word waar die stelsel nog nie volledig geïmplementeer word nie, soos in die geval waar kaartleesmasjiene beide magnetiese kaarte en smart-kaarte aanvaar; waar smart-kaarte nie gebruik word nie, soos byvoorbeeld in die geval van tweeledige kredietkaarte; en waar internet- en telefoniese aankope gemaak word. 'n Belangrike vraag wat beantwoord moet word is op wie die risiko rus - op die kaarthouer of op die uitreiker? Om hierdie vraag te beantwoord, word 'n onderskeid getref tussen die posisie waar daar ongemagtigde gebruik van die oorspronklike kredietkaart is, en die posisie waar 'n afsonderlike gekloonde kaart gebruik word. Daar word dan na die beginsels van kontraktereg en deliktereg gekyk om 'n moontlike oplossing te vind.af_ZA
dc.description.versionPublishers version
dc.identifier.citationVan Der Bijl, C. 2007. The cloning of credit cards: The dolly of the electronic era. Stellenbosch Law Review = Stellenbosch Regstydskrif 18(2):331-346.
dc.identifier.issn1016-4359 (print)
dc.identifier.issn1996-2193 (online)
dc.publisherJuta Law Publishing
dc.rights.holderJuta Law Publishing
dc.subjectEuropay, Mastercard and Visa systemen_ZA
dc.subjectCredit cards -- Forgeriesen_ZA
dc.subjectSmart cards -- Risk assessmenten_ZA
dc.subjectCommercial crimesen_ZA
dc.titleThe cloning of credit cards: the Dolly of the electronic eraen_ZA
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