Techno-economic evaluation of long-term energy storage options for variable renewable energies in South Africa

dc.contributor.advisorHarms, TMen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorVan der Spuy, SJen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorSebitosi, Ben_ZA
dc.contributor.authorBurger, JDVen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MEng) -- Stellenbosch University, 2022.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Energy generated by renewable technologies like solar photovoltaics (PV), concentrated solar power (CSP) and wind power, is intermittent (i.e., not dispatchable) and is therefore known as variable renewable energy (VRE). Since the value of electricity is dependent on when it is generated, a dispatchable energy power plant that can deliver electricity when it is needed, is more valuable. With the inclusion of energy storage systems (ESSs), VRE plants can produce dispatchable electricity. This can increase their share of the national energy mix and facilitate the transition away from traditional, greenhouse gas emitting, hence climate change inducing, electricity generation based on fossil fuels like coal or natural gas. The motivation for this study was to identify the most cost-effective ESS technologies for VREs, based on selected applications. This study sets out to conduct a literature survey of the state-of-the-art ESS, develop a method of comparing their technical and financial performance and based on the results, draw conclusions pertaining to the deployment of such systems. An appropriate solution is proposed for the development of the South African energy mix going forward. The special case of CSP is considered since it includes built-in low-cost thermal energy storage (TES) and electricity generating inertia, which other VREs do not have. Based on findings in the literature, two energy storage applications are selected, namely peaker replacement and long-term seasonal energy storage, for evaluation in this study. State-of-the-art ESSs are investigated, and five technologies are selected for comparison: pumped storage hydroelectricity, compressed air energy storage, lithium-ion battery energy storage, vanadium-redox flow batteries and hydrogen power-to-gas energy storage. A metric like LCOE, levelised cost of energy storage (LCOS), is identified as a suitable method for comparing ESS technologies. A probabilistic model, in the form of Monte Carlo analysis, is developed to account for the uncertainty associated with some of the input variables of the LCOS model. The model is verified and its sensitivity to some of the input variables is determined. The techno-economic model is used to compare the five ESSs in the peaker replacement and long-term seasonal storage applications. The sensitivity of the LCOS to variance of the discount rate and discharge duration is investigated. A method is developed to compare the cost-competitiveness of CSP (with built-in TES) to PV and wind-powered plants coupled with the five ESSs considered in this study. It was found that the investment cost had the greatest influence on LCOS, while that of replacement and operational costs were far less. This sensitivity was found to be even more significant for long-term seasonal storage applications. It was also found that the LCOS is more sensitive to changes in the annual cycle frequency than the discharge duration. While it was found that pumped hydroelectricity and compressed air energy storage proved cost competitive with South African CSP plants (commissioned between 2018-2019), a comparison with the Aurora CSP plant in Australia showed that CSP has a value proposition at storage capacities of 4-8 h. As such, an argument is presented for CSP to be re-introduced in South Africa’s integrated resource plan, particularly whenever dispatchable generation is called for.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: Energie wat deur hernubare kragopwekkingstegnologieë opgewek word, soos sonfotovoltaïes (PV), gekonsentreerde sonkrag (CSP) en wind krag, is veranderlik (en dus nie versendbaar nie) en staan dus bekend as veranderlike hernubare energie (VRE). Omdat die waarde van elektrisiteit afhanklik is van waneer dit opgewek word, is ’n versendbare energie kragstasie, wat elektrisiteit kan verskaf wanneer dit benodig word, meer waardevol. Met die byvoeging van energiestoorstelsels (ESSs) kan VRE kragstasies versendbare elektrisiteit produseer. Dit kan hulle aandeel in die nasionale energymengsel verhoog, en dus die oorskakeling fasiliteer, vanaf tradisionele, kweekhuisgas vrystellende, dus klimaat verandering induserende, elektrisiteit opweking gebaseer op fossiele brandstowwe soos steenkool of natuurlike gas. Die motivering vir hierdie studie was om die mees koste-effektiewe ESS tegnologie vir VREs te identifiseer, gebaseer op uitgesoekte toepassings. Hierdie studie mik om ’n literatuurstudie oor die stand-van-sake ESS te voltooi, om ’n metode te ontwikkel om die tegniese en finansiële prestasie daarvan te vergelyk, en, gebaseer op die resultate, gevolgtrekkings oor die aanwending van sulke stelsels te maak. ’n Toepaslike oplossing word voorgestel vir die ontwikkeling van die toekomstige Suid-Afrikanse energiemengsel. Die spesiale geval van CSP word oorweeg omdat dit goedkoop termiese energiestoor (TES) insluit en ook ander kragopwekkingtraagheids voordele het, wat ander VREs nie het nie. Gebaseer op die uitkoms van die literatuurstudie, was twee toepassings vir energie stoor geïdentifiseer, naamlik spitskragopwekking vervanging en lang-termyn seisonale energiestoor, vir verdere oorweging in hierdie studie. Die stand-van-sake ESSs was ondersoek en vyf tegnologieë was gekies vir verglyking: pompstoorhidroelektrisiteit, druklugenergiestoor, litium-ioon battery energiestoor, vandium-redoks vloeibatterye en waterstof krag-tot-gas energiestoor. ’n Metriek soos LCOE, naamlik gelykgemaakte koste van energiestoor (LCOS), is geïdentifiseer as ’n gepaste metode, om ESS tegnolgieë te vergelyk. ’n Waarskynlikheidsmodel, in die vorm van Monte Carlo analise, is ontwikkel om die onsekerheid in ag te neem wat gepaard gaan met van die insetveranderlikes van die LCOS model. Die model is ge-verifieer en sy sensitiwiteit teenoor van die insetveranderlikes is bepaal. Die tegno-ekonomise model word gebruik om die vyf ESSs te vergelyk in spitskragvervanging en lang-termyn seisoenale stoortoepassings. Die sensitiwiteit van die LCOS teenoor die diskontokoers en die ontladingtydsduur word ondersoek. ’n Metode is ontwikkel om die kostemededingendheid van CSP (met ingeboude TES) te vergelyk met PV en windkragaanlegte gepaard met die vyf ESSs wat in hierdie studie oorweeg is. Dit was gevind dat die belegingskoste die grootste invloed op LCOS gehad het, meer so as vervanging- en operasionelekostes, wat baie kleiner was. Die sensitiewiteit was nog meer betekenisvol in die geval van lang-termyn, seisoenale stoortoepassings. Dit was ook gevind dat die LCOS meer sensitief is vir veranderinge in die jaarlikse laaifrekwensie as die ontladingtydsduur. Die studie het gevind dat pompstoorhidroelektrisiteit en druklugenergiestoor kostemededingend is met Suid-Afrikanse CSP kragstasies (in bedryf geneem tussen 2018-2019). In vergelyking met die Aurora CSP kragstasie in Australië, het die studie ook gewys dat CSP steeds goeie waarde kan toe voeg in stoorontladingtydsdure van 4-8 h. Dus, word ’n argument aangebied vir CSP om heroorweeg te word as ’n kandidaat vir versendbare VRE in Suid-Afrika se geintegreede hulpbronplan.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxviii, 101 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectEnergy storage -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectRenewable energy sources -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectCost of energy storageen_ZA
dc.subjectSimulated annealing (Mathematics)en_ZA
dc.titleTechno-economic evaluation of long-term energy storage options for variable renewable energies in South Africaen_ZA
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