Efficient call management in broadband networks

dc.contributor.advisorKrzesinski, A. E.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorInggs, Andrew Marken_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Science. Dept. of Mathematical Sciences.
dc.descriptionThesis (M.Sc.) -- University of Stellenbosch, 1999.
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Huge increases in switching and transmission capacity coupled with a need to integrate communication services has lead to the development of the asynchronous transfer mode (ATM), a standard for the transport of all telecommunication services over a common network. This thesis describes optimization techniques used to design call admission controls and call routing strategies which optimize the rate of earning revenue in broadband ATM networks carrying multirate traffics. Several optimization techniques are investigated and a new technique called XFG is presented. XFG is a small efficient algorithm for calculating a virtual path connection network (VPCN) that optimizes the rate of earning revenue. The optimal VPCN provides route separation (each origin-destination pair is connected by a dedicated VPC) and service integration (all service classes share a VPC). The thesis presents the theoretical basis of XFG, followed by applications of the algorithm to several test networks. These results are used to evaluate XFG and to compare XFG to other optimization techniques. We show that, for the network models under investigation, XFG is a suitable algorithm to dynamically reconfigure a large VPCN in response to slow time-scale variations in the offered multirate traffics. We further show that dynamic reconfiguration can be augmented by alternative routing or call queueing to deal with the short time-scale random mismatches between offered traffic and capacity. The combination of dynamic reconfiguration and alternative routing/call queueing can be used to achieve the required grade of service for a wide range of multirate traffics.
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die skakeling- en oordragvermoe van kommunikasienetwerke het toegeneem. Terselfdertyd het 'n behoefte ontstaan om kommunikasiedienste te integreer. Dit het gelei tot die ontwikkeling van 'n standaard vir die oordrag van alle telekommunikasiedienste oor 'n algemene netwerk, bekend as ATM ("asynchronous transfer mode"). Dit is belangrik dat die winstempo in breeband ATM-netwerke wat multidiensverkeer dra, optimaal moet wees. Daar bestaan dan ook verskeie tegnieke om die ontwerp van oproeptoegangskontroles en oproeproetebepalingstrategiee te optimeer. Verskeie optimeringstegnieke is in hierdie navorsing ondersoek, en 'n nuwe tegniek, XFG, is ontwikkel. XFG is 'n klein, effektiewe algoritme vir die bepaling van 'n virtuele-pad konneksie netwerk (VPKN) wat die winstempo optimeer. Die optimale VPKN bied roete skeiding (elke oorsprong-eindpunt paar is verbind deur 'n afsonderlike VPK) en diens integrasie (alle dienste deel 'n VPK). Hierdie tesis verduidelik die teoretiese basis van XFG. Daarna word die algoritme op verskeie toetsnetwerke toegepas. Die resultate wat sodoende verkry word, word dan gebruik om XFG te evalueer en met ander optimeringstegnieke te vergelyk. Uit die resultate blyk dat XFG - vir die netwerke wat ondersoek is - 'n toepaslike algoritme is vir die dinamiese herkonfigurasie van 'n groot VPKN in reaksie op stadige tydskaal variasies in die gelewerde multidiensverkeer. Alternatiewe roetebepaling, of die gebruik van oproepwagtoue, kan saam met dinamiese herkonfigurasie gebruik word. Sodoende kan die lukraak verskille wat op 'n kort tydskaal tussen aankomende verkeer en oordragvermoe ontstaan, hanteer word. Die kombinasie van dinamiese herkonfigurasie en alternatiewe roetebepaling/gebruik van wagtoue kan benut word om die vereiste diensgehalte vir 'n wye reeks van multidiensverkeer te verkry.
dc.format.extent70 pages : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectAsynchronous transfer modeen_ZA
dc.subjectBroadband communication systemsen_ZA
dc.subjectMathematical optimizationen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Computer scienceen_ZA
dc.titleEfficient call management in broadband networksen_ZA
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