Fabrication of an affordable organic electrochemical transistor for the detection of apolipoprotein A1

dc.contributor.advisorPerold, Willemen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorSmith, Wesleyen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Cardiovascular diseases are responsible for up to 31% of all deaths internationally. For optimal treatment, cardiac health biomarkers, such as cholesterol, need to be measured regularly. However, for the average South African, these biomarker tests are too expensive to be performed regularly. A low cost, easy to use, point-of-care device is needed to allow tests to be performed on a more regular basis. Advances in micro-manufacturing and its integration with biosensitive surfaces provide the perfect combination to produce an alternative to these tests. This paper investigates the suitability of apolipoprotein A1 as a biomarker for general cardiac health. An in-depth review of the constituents of a modern biosensor is performed, while also evaluating the impact of several constraints on optimal designs. Guided by this research, an organic transistor based sensor is proposed. This proposed sensor is then broken into its components followed by the design, evalu- ation, and testing of each of these components. Once all the designs have been evaluated, a final design is chosen, initial testing is performed, using five different apolipoprotein A1 concentrations. Two extreme concentrations and three concentrations nearer to one another are used to evaluate the linearity and sensitivity. Limited initial testing is performed and evaluated. The results show promise, but required further testing as a direct result of financial and time constraints. The obtained results show a good linearity when the protein concentration is changed. With the lowering cost of custom transistor manufacturing, the possibility is there for further research using tailored transistors.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kardiovaskulêre siektes is verantwoordelik vir tot 31% van alle sterftes internasio- naal. Vir optimale behandeling moet hartgesondheidsbiomerkers, soos cholesterol, gereeld gemeet word. Vir die gemiddelde Suid-Afrikaner is hierdie biomerkertoetse egter te duur om gereeld uitgevoer te word. ’n Laekoste, gebruikersvriendelike, versorgingspunttoestel is nodig sodat die toetse op ’n meer gereelde basis uitgevoer kan word. Vooruitgang in mikrovervaardiging en die integrasie daarvan met biosensitiewe oppervlaktes bied die perfekte kombinasie om ’n alternatief vir hierdie toetse te produseer. Hierdie tesis ondersoek die geskiktheid van apolipoprotein A1 as ’n biomerker vir al- gemene hartgesondheid. ’n Gedetailleerde oorsig van die bestanddele van ’n moderne biosensor word uitgevoer, terwyl die impak van verskeie beperkings op optimale on- twerpe geëvalueer word. Onder leiding van hierdie navorsing word ’n organiese transistor gebaseerde sensor voorgestel. Hierdie voorgestelde sensor word dan in sy komponente ingedeel, gevolg deur die ont- werp, evaluasie en toetsing van elk van hierdie komponente. Nadat al die ontwerpe geë- valueer is, word ’n finale ontwerp gekies. Die eerste toets word met behulp van vyf verskillende apolipoprotein A1 konsentrasies uitgevoer. Twee ekstreme konsentrasies en drie konsentrasies nader aan mekaar word gebruik om die lineariteit en sensitiwiteit te evalueer. ’n Beperkte aantal toetse is aanvanklik uitgevoer en geëvalueer. Die resultate toon belofte, maar vereis verdere toetse as ’n direkte gevolg van finansiële en tydsbeperkings. Die resultate wat verkry is, dui op ’n goeie lineariteit wanneer die proteïen konsentrasie ve- rander. Met die verlaging van die koste vir die vervaardiging van pasgemaakte transistors, is die moontlikheid beskikbaar vir verdere navorsing met aangepaste transistorsaf_ZA
dc.format.extent146 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectOrganic electrochemical transistorsen_ZA
dc.subjectDetection (Electronics)en_ZA
dc.subjectBiochemical markersen_ZA
dc.subjectCardiac health -- Biosensorsen_ZA
dc.titleFabrication of an affordable organic electrochemical transistor for the detection of apolipoprotein A1en_ZA
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