Numerical modelling and experimental measurement of the temperature distribution in a rolling tire

dc.contributor.advisorVenter, Gerharden
dc.contributor.authorMaritz, Johannes Christoffelen
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2015.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Rubber is the main component of the pneumatic tire. When rubber is put under cyclic loading, like when a tire is rolled, heat is generated and stored in the rubber, due to hysteresis. Heat stored in the tire is increased by factors like under-inflation, overloading, speeding and defects in the tire. The heat causes high temperatures in the tire due to the poor thermal conductivity of rubber. When the temperature in the rubber increases to 185 °C, pyrolysis and thermo-oxidation starts and can cause the tire to eventually explode. A numerical model of a rolling passenger vehicle tire was developed to calculate the temperature distribution inside the tire and analyse the effect of different operating conditions on the temperature. Operating conditions include loading, inflation pressure, rolling velocity and ambient temperature. The tire was modelled by a single rubber type, using the Mooney-Rivlin material model. The bead wire was modelled using an isotropic material model, while the body and steel cord plies were modelled as rebars. The cavity, used to inflate the tire, included the pressure increase due to the volume change, when the tire is loaded. The numerical model was validated using experimental data from tests done on an actual tire. These tests included deformation and contact stress analysis, as well as surface temperature measurements. Numerical results showed an increase in temperature when the load, rolling velocity and the ambient temperature were increased, as well as when the inflation pressure was decreased. The trends of the numerical data matched the trends of the experimental data. However, the values of the numerical model were not consistent with the experimental data due to material properties from literature being used to model the tire.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Rubber is die hoofkomponent in die pneumatiese band. As rubber onder ’n sikliese las geplaas word, soos wanneer ’n band rol, word hitte gegenereer en in die rubber gestoor as gevolg van histerese. Die hitte wat in die band gestoor word, word verhoog deur faktore soos lae inflasiedruk, hoë las, hoë rol snelhede en gebreke in die band. Die hitte veroorsaak hoë temperature in die band weens die swak termiese geleiding van rubber. As die temperatuur in die band hoër as 185 °C raak, vind piroliese en termo-oksidasie plaas en die band kan uiteindelik ontplof. ’n Numeriese model van ’n passasiersmotorband is ontwikkel om die temperatuurverspreiding te bepaal, asook om die effek van verskillende werkstoestande op die temperatuur te analiseer. Die band is gemodelleer met een tipe rubber en die Mooney-Rivlin materiaal-model is gebruik om die rubber te beskryf. Die spanrand van die band is deur ’n isotropiese materiaalmodel gemodelleer, terwyl die hoof- en staalkoordlae as bewapening gemodelleer is. Die holte wat gebruik word om die band op te blaas, neem die druk toename as gevolg van die verandering in volume in ag wanneer die band belas word. Die numeriese model was bekragtig met eksperimentele data wat deur toetse op ’n werklike band onttrek is. Die toetse sluit die volgende in: vervormingen kontakspanninganalises, asook temperature wat op die oppervlak van die band gemeet is. Die numeriese resultate toon ’n toename in temperatuur wanneer die las, rolsnelheid en omgewingstemperatuur verhoog word, asook waneer die inflasiedruk verlaag word. Die numeriese model se tendense stem ooreen met die eksperimentele data, maar die waardes van die numeriese model is nie in ooreenstemmig met die eksperimentele data nie. Die verskil is as gevolg van die materiaaleienskappe wat uit die literatuur geneem is.af_ZA
dc.format.extent106 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectRolling tire -- Temperature distributionen_ZA
dc.subjectHysteresis lossen_ZA
dc.subjectNumerical modellingen_ZA
dc.titleNumerical modelling and experimental measurement of the temperature distribution in a rolling tireen_ZA
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