Primary caregivers' evaluation of a burns rehabilitation programme at the Red Cross Childrens' Hospital

dc.contributor.advisorMji, G.
dc.contributor.authorParbhoo, A
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Dept. of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences. Centre for Rehabilitation Studies.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2005.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: A bum injury is an injury for life, causing scarring on a physical, emotional and psychological level. For these individuals, rehabilitation is a vital aspect of regaining their lives. The bums unit at the Red Cross Children's Hospital aims to provide a comprehensive health care service to all children who have suffered from a bum injury. The service is enveloped by an interdisciplinary team approach to management. The burns team perceives the rehabilitation programme to be an effective one, but this has never been evaluated. The researcher has the perception that the primary caregivers are the people who could evaluate the bums unit at the Red Cross Children's Hospital. Hence the aim of this study was to determine how primary caregivers evaluated the rehabilitation of a child at the burns unit of the Red Cross Children's Hospital. The design of the study was of a retrospective, descriptive and analytical nature. The study population consisted of all primary caregivers of patients who have been managed in the burns unit at the Red Cross Children's Hospital, from the period of 1 June 2001 to 30 July 2003. A sample size of 30 primary caregivers, who suited the inclusion and exclusion criteria, were randomly chosen. They were all interviewed using questionnaires that were compiled by the researcher. Quantitative and qualitative data was collected during the interviews. Results on the evaluation of aspects such as management in hospital, caregiver involvement, discharge planning and rehabilitation outcome, showed that primary caregivers found most aspects to be satisfactory at the burns unit of Red Cross Children's Hospital. The scores on the level of satisfaction of the above aspects were between 86% and 100% for management, between 94%-97% for discharge planning, 97% for caregiver involvement, and 75%-100% for rehabilitation outcome. Factors that were reported to be unsatisfactory were pain management, the child's psychological outcome and service and fit of pressure garments. Recommendations regarding pain management and reintegration of the child into the community were made to team members of the unit. The urgent need for a full time psychologist was advocated to the hospital management. These recommendations were based on the findings of this study.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Brandbesering is 'n lewenslange besering wat liggaamlike, emosionele en sielkundige letsels laat. Vir individue met sodanige beserings is rehabilitasie hoogs belangrik vir die herwinning van hulle lewens. Die brandwondeenheid van die Rooikruis Kinderhospitaal het ten doelom 'n omvattende gesondheidsorgdiens aan alle kinders wat 'n brandbesering opgedoen het, te bied. Die diens word deur 'n interdissiplinêre spanbenadering tot bestuur omsluit. Die brandspan beskou die rehabilitasieprogram as effektief, maar dit is nooit voorheen geëvalueer nie. Die navorser is van mening dat primêre versorgers ons van sienings rakende die bestuur van brandpasiënte kan voorsien. Die doelwit van hierdie studie was om te bepaal hoe primêre versorgers die rehabilitasie van 'n kind by die brandwondeenheid van die Rooikruis Kinderhospitaal geëvalueer het. Die studie se ontwerp was retrospektief, beskrywend en analities van aard. Die studiebevolking het bestaan uit alle primêre versorgers van pasiënte wat vir die tydperk van 1 Junie 2001 tot 30 Julie 2003 in die brandwondeenheid van die Rooikruis Kinderhospitaal behandel is. 'n Steekproefgrootte van 30 primêre versorgers, wat aan die insluitings en uitsluitingkriteria voldoen het, is ewekansig gekies. Onderhoude is met almal gevoer deur middel van vraelyste wat deur die navorser opgestel is. Kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe data is tydens die onderhoude versamel. In die lig van die aspekte van bestuur in die hospitaal, die betrokkenheid van versorgers, ontslagbeplanning en rehabilitasie-uitkoms is die slotsom bereik dat primêre versorgers met die meeste aspekte van die brandwondeenheid van die Rooikruis Kinderhospitaal tevrede was. Die tellings vir die vlak van tevredenheid van die bogenoemde aspekte was tussen 86% en 100% vir bestuur, 97% vir die betrokkenheid van versorgers, tussen 94% en 97% vir ontslagbeplanning en tussen 75% en 100% vir rehabilitasie-uitkoms. Faktore wat as onbevredigend uitgewys is, was pynbeheer, die kind se sielkundige uitkoms asook die diens en pas van drukkIeding. Op grond van die bespreking en resultate van hierdie studie, was aanbevelings by die eenheid se spanlede asook die hospitaalbestuur gedoen.af_ZA
dc.format.extent142 p.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectRed Cross Children's Hospital (South Africa)en_ZA
dc.subjectBurn care units -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectBurns and scalds in childrenen_ZA
dc.subjectBurns and scalds -- Patients -- Rehabilitationen_ZA
dc.subjectBurns and scalds -- Psychological aspectsen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Rehabilitationen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Rehabilitationen_ZA
dc.titlePrimary caregivers' evaluation of a burns rehabilitation programme at the Red Cross Childrens' Hospitalen_ZA
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