Preaching about the Last judgment in the New Testament? : a hermeneutical approach to the portrayal of the Last Judgment in Luk 16:19-31 and Rev 20:11-15

dc.contributor.advisorMouton, Elna, 1952-en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorKuenstel, Annegreten_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionAssignment (MDiv)--Stellenbosch University, 2006.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: This assignment deals with the question of whether and how it is possible to preach about texts on the last judgment in the New Testament under the premise of a merciful God. This question will be approached from a hermeneutical angle. Therefore the researcher will, after some introductory comments, deal with two different texts about the last judgment (Luk 16:19-31 and Rev 20:11-15) and investigate them exegetically. This will form a large part of the assignment. After the exegesis, a homiletical as well as a systematical reflection will be done on these specific biblical texts. Each of these chapters will conclude with a draft of a sermon on the texts, showing what a possible sermon on these texts may look like. In the last chapter, the researcher will summarize the approaches she used on her way from the biblical texts to the sermons. A general outline of different approaches depicting how a sermon on the last judgment in the New Testament can be done is followed. The researcher will come to the conclusion that it is possible to preach about the last judgment in the New Testament under the premise of a merciful God. She shows this in dealing with the biblical texts in exegetical and contextual, rhetorical and historical, theological and homiletical ways.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie werkstuk handel oor die vraag of en inderdaad hoe dit moontlik is om te preek oor tekste wat handel oor die laaste oordeel in die Nuwe Testament vanuit die veronderstelling van ‘n genadige God. Hierdie vraag sal benader word vanuit ‘n hermeneutiese hoek. In hierdie verband sal die navorser, na ‘n paar inleidende opmerkings, handel met twee verskillende tekste oor die laaste oordeel nl. Luk 16:19-31 and Openbaring 20:11-15. Hierdie tekste sal eksegeties ondersoek word en dit sal ‘n groot deel uitmaak van hierdie werkstuk. Na die eksegese sal ‘n homiletiese sowel as ‘n sistematiese refleksie gedoen word oor hierdie spesifieke Bybeltekste. Elk van hierdie hoofstukke sal afgesluit word met ‘n preekontwerp van die teks wat sal dien as voorstel hoe ‘n moontlike preek oor die betrokke teks sal kan lyk. Binne die laaste hoofstuk sal die navorser ‘n opsomming maak van al die benaderings deur haar gebruik op haar weg vanaf die Bybelse tekste na die preke. ‘n Algemene raamwerk van die verskillende benaderings wat voorstel hoe ‘n preek oor die laaste oordeel in die Nuwe Testament gedoen kan word sal hierop volg. Die navorser sal dan tot die gevolgtrekking kom dat dit wel moontlik is om oor die laaste oordeel in die Nuwe Testament te preek vanuit die veronderstelling van ‘n genadige God. Dit dui sy aan deur op ‘n eksegetiese en kontekstuele, ‘n retoriese en historiese, en op ‘n teologiese en homiletiese wyse te handel met die
dc.format.extentv, 98 leaves
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectBible. Luke, XVI, 19-31 -- Criticism, interpretation, etc.en_ZA
dc.subjectBible. Revelation, XX, 11-15 -- Criticism, interpretation, etc.en_ZA
dc.subjectJudgment Dayen_ZA
dc.subjectJudgment of God -- Biblical teachingen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Theologyen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Theologyen_ZA
dc.titlePreaching about the Last judgment in the New Testament? : a hermeneutical approach to the portrayal of the Last Judgment in Luk 16:19-31 and Rev 20:11-15en_ZA
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