A practical theological exploration of the missional role and contribution of the Christian development organisation in Cape Town, South Africa

dc.contributor.advisorBowers-Du Toit, Nadineen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorLe Roux, Elisabeten_ZA
dc.contributor.authorHancox, Deborah Merleen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The church is currently undergoing a transformation from being a church with a mission, to becoming a missional church participating in the missio Dei. The missional discourse is the theological conversation about this transformation. This conversation, however, appears to be a particularly congregational and academic one, with missing dialogue partners. The Christian development organisation (CDO) that carries out significant amounts of global Christian activity in the area of humanitarian relief, social care and transformation, appears to be one such missing partner. To explore further whether the CDO is indeed a missing dialogue partner, this study aimed to expand the minimal literature about the CDO from a theological and, particularly, a missiological perspective, through the development of a substantive classic grounded theory. The expectation is that the findings will help CDO leaders, congregational leaders and theologians engaging the missional discourse to understand the CDO’s missional role and contribution. Classic grounded theory was selected as the most appropriate methodology for this context of discovery. In order to use the methodology in an intradisciplinary way within Practical Theology and Missiology, the researcher first articulated the missiological consensus that was developed during the 20th century and on which the missional discourse is based. Furthermore, given the absence of a clearly defined name for the unit of analysis, the CDO was also richly defined prior to the research. The research, undertaken with eighteen CDOs based in Cape Town, South Africa, elicited the substantive classic grounded theory of Waymaking. The main concern of the CDO was identified as being true to their calling, a concern that is constantly being resolved through the core category, which is following to make a way, a form of missional spirituality. Two strategy categories ensue from this. The primary strategy, helping holistically, is a process of helping their beneficiaries move towards greater flourishing in life. The second strategy is extending the congregation, which shows the persistent and interpenetrating relationship between the CDO and the congregation. Both strategies were found to be dependent on the ongoing forming of the CDO as a sustaining organisation. Waymaking was further extended by engaging literature as indicated by the theory. This resulted in four interconnected contours of a missional ecclesial pattern emerging from Waymaking, namely: the impetus-giving contour of a missional calling; the animating contour of a missional spirituality; the visible contour of missional encounters; the sustaining contour of missional communities. The research shows that the CDO is not only playing a missional role in its work, but also has a significant contribution to make to the missional discourse, which indicates the need for the CDO to be part of this theological conversation. This is especially necessary if the emergent missional church is to be a place of belonging for laity, women, World Christianity and those who have always been at the centre for the God of Compassion: the widow, the orphan, the foreigner and the poor.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die kerk is tans besig om te verander van ʼn kerk met ʼn sending, na ʼn sendingkerk wat deelneem aan die missio Dei. Die sendingdiskoers is die teologiese gesprek oor hierdie verandering. Dit blyk wel om veral ʼn gemeentelike en akademiese gesprek te wees, maar met sekere dialoogvennote afwesig. Die Christen ontwikkelingsorganisasie (CO), wat ʼn beduidende hoeveelheid globale Christelike aktiwiteite in areas van humanitêre steun, maatskaplike sorg, en transformasie verrig, blyk om een so ʼn afwesige dialoogvennoot te wees. Om verdere ondersoek te doen na of die CO werklik ʼn afwesige dialoogvennoot in die sendingdiskoers is, poog hierdie studie om die minimale literatuur oor die CO vanuit ʼn teologiese en veral ook ʼn missiologiese perspektief te betrek en uit te brei deur die ontwikkeling van ʼn substantiewe klassieke gegronde teorie. Sodoende is die doel om die begrip wat gemeenteleiers en teoloë wat deelneem aan die sendingdiskoers oor die CO het, sowel as die CO se selfbegrip, vanuit ʼn teologiese perspektief te verbeter. Klassieke gegronde teorie is gekies as die mees geskikte metodologie vir hierdie ondersoek. Om hierdie metodologie op ʼn interdissiplinêre manier te gebruik binne die Praktiese Teologie en die Missiologie, het die navorser die missiologiese konsensus gebruik wat gedurende die 20ste eeu ontwikkel is en waarop die sendingdiskoers gebaseer is. Verder, gegewe die afwesigheid van ʼn duidelik gedefinieerde naam vir die navorsingseenheid, is die CO ook ryklik gedefinieer in die voorafgaan van die navorsingstudie. Die navorsingstudie is met agtien CO’s in Kaapstad, Suid-Afrika, onderneem en het die gebruik van die substantiewe klassieke gegronde teorie van Waymaking vereis. Die grootste kwessie van die CO is gedefinieer as getrou aan hul roeping. Hierdie kwessie word voortdurend opgelos deur die kernkategorie, volg om ʼn weg te baan, ʼn vorm van sendingspiritualiteit. Twee strategieë vloei hieruit voort. Die primêre strategie, om holisties te help, is ʼn proses van hulp aan begunstigdes om meer in hulle lewens te floreer. Die tweede strategie is uitbreiding van die gemeente wat wys op die aanhoudende en deurdringende verhouding tussen die CO en die gemeente. Albei strategie is afhanklik van die aangaande vorming van die CO as ʼn volhoubare organisasie. Waymaking is verder uitgebrei deur die gebruik van literatuur soos aangedui deur die teorie. Dit het vier onderling verbonde kontoere van 'n sendingkerklike patroon uit Waymaking ontluik: die kontoer van stukrag-gee is dié van ʼn sendingroeping, die kontoer van animeer is dié van sendingspiritualiteit, die kontoer van sigbaarheid is dié van sendingontmoetings, en die kontoer van handhawing is dié van sendinggemeenskappe. Die navorsing wys dat CO’s nie net ʼn sendingrol in hulle werk speel nie, maar dat hulle ook ʼn beduidende bydrae maak tot die sendingdiskoers en dat hulle deel moet wees van hierdie teologiese gesprek. Dit is veral noodsaaklik as die opkomende sendingkerk ʼn tuiste gaan wees vir leke, vrouens en die wêreld Christendom; en vir diegene wat nog altyd die middelpunt vir die God van Deernis is: die weduwee, die weeskind, die buitelander en die armes.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxii, 305 pages : illustrations (some color)
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectTheology, Practical -- South Africa -- Cape Townen_ZA
dc.subjectMissions -- Theoryen_ZA
dc.subjectChristian development organisationen_ZA
dc.titleA practical theological exploration of the missional role and contribution of the Christian development organisation in Cape Town, South Africaen_ZA
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