Exploring the lived experiences of students with disclosed epilepsy in accessing support services at a teachers’ college in Zimbabwe

dc.contributor.advisorOhajunwa, Chiomaen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorGeiger, Marthaen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorChimedza, Margareten_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Centre for Rehabilitation Studies.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MHumanRehabSt)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY : There is a marked increase in students with disabilities accessing higher education. A significant proportion of these students constitute students with chronic conditions such as epilepsy. The purpose of this study was to gain an insight into the lived experiences of students with disclosed epilepsy in accessing support services at a Teachers’ College in Zimbabwe. The main objectives were to identify the provisions that are available in the institution and the accessibility barriers students with epilepsy encounter in their learning. The study also intended to provide guidelines to stakeholders on how to assist students with epilepsy in accessing higher education based on their experiences. The study employed a qualitative approach to answer the main research question. Four former students with disclosed epilepsy, recruited through snowballing, participated in the research. Data was gathered by responding to telephonic interviews and analysed through thematic analysis. Three themes were derived from the data which included facilitators to inclusion, accessibility barriers and reasonable adjustments that the participants suggested would improve their access to higher education. Findings from the study indicated that the lack of mandatory disability policies, negative attitudes from the college community, inappropriate training of members of staff and lack of information acted as obstacles to accessing support services in the institution. The participants recommended that institutions draw up policies that guide their operations. They expressed the need for appropriate training for academic staff, psychosocial support, the need for disability awareness campaigns and self-representation at the college. The study outcomes recognized the need for institutions to adopt a Multi-dimensional support framework that values human rights and creates an inclusive and accessible learning environment. Findings from this study may add to the information base about the support services appropriate for students with epilepsy in accessing higher education.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Daar is ’n merkbare toename in studente met gestremdhede wat hoër onderwys toetree. ‘n Beduidende deel van hierdie studente konstitueer studente met kroniese toestande soos epilepsie. Die doel van hierdie studie was om insigte te kry in die geleefde ervarings van studente met epilepsie om toegang tot steundienste by ‘n Onderwyskollege in Zimbabwe te verkry. Die hoofdoelstellings was om die beskikbare voorsienings by die instelling en die toeganklikheidsversperrings wat studente met epilepsie in hul onderrig ervaar, te identifiseer. Die studie was ook bedoel om riglyne voor te stel vir belanghebbendes oor hoe om studente met epilepsie te ondersteun om toegang tot hoër onderwys te kry. ’n Kwalitatiewe benadering is geïmplementeer om die hoof navorsingsvraag te beantwoord. Vier voormalige studente, met bekend-gemaakde epilepsie, is gewerf deur ’n ‘sneeubal’-steekproefnemingsmetode. Data is versamel deur telefoononderhoude met die deelnemers en dan tematies ge-analiseer. Drie temas is afgelei en het die volgende ingesluit: fasiliteerders tot insluiting, toeganklikheidsversperrings en redelike aanpassings wat die deelnemers voorgestel het om hoëronderwys-toeganklikheid vir hulle te verbeter. Bevindinge uit die studie dui op ’n gebrek aan verpligte gestremdheids-beleide, negatiewe houdings van die kollege-gemeenskap, ontoepaslike opleiding van personeellede en gebrekkige inligting, as hindernisse vir studente om steundienste by die instelling te bekom. Die deelnemers het aanbeveel dat instellings beleide opstel wat die bedrywighede van die instellings reël. Hulle het ’n behoefte geïdentifiseer by die instelling vir toepaslike opleiding vir akademiese persooneellede, psigososiale ondersteuning, gestremdheid bewusmakingsveldtogte en selfverteenwoordiging. Die studie-uitkomste erken die behoefte daaraan dat instellings multidimensionale ondersteuningsraamwerke aanneem, wat menseregte waardeer en ’n insluitende en toeganklike leeromgewing steun. Bevindinge uit hierdie studie mag bydra tot die inligtingsbasis oor toepaslike, toeganklike steundienste vir studente met epilepsie om toegang tot hoër-onderwys te verkry.af_ZA
dc.format.extent82 pages ; illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectStudents with disabilities -- Zimbabween_ZA
dc.subjectEpileptic students -- Attitudes -- Zimbabween_ZA
dc.subjectEpileptic students -- Services for -- Zimbabween_ZA
dc.subjectTeachers colleges -- Zimbabween_ZA
dc.titleExploring the lived experiences of students with disclosed epilepsy in accessing support services at a teachers’ college in Zimbabween_ZA
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