The effects of food gardens on food security amongst urban households in Gauteng and Western Cape Provinces of South Africa

dc.contributor.advisorHorn, Aneleen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorMatsimbi, Fikileen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Geography and Environmental Studies.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2024.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Globally urbanisation is in the rise and African continent is experiencing high rise of urbanisation in the 21st century than ever before. The world population is estimated to reach 9.6 billion in 2050 and 80% of the world population is expected to be living in the cities by 2030. More than 60% of the South African population is already living in the cities and 80% is expected to be urbanised by the mid- century. As urbanisation rises, food security challenge is also shifting from rural areas and becoming an increasing challenge facing urban areas. Gauteng and Western Cape are the highest recipient of migration with an estimation of 1 048 440 and 311 004 migrants in 2016-2021. With the increasing urbanisation facing South Africa, it has become very important to focus on urban food security especially in the two most urbanised provinces in South Africa. The study examined the effects of food gardens on food security amongst urban households in Gauteng and Western Cape Province of South Africa. The secondary data from General Household Survey- Stats S.A., (2018) was used. The data was analysed through descriptive statistics and probity regression model. The descriptive statistics revealed food inadequacy in both Gauteng and Western Cape at 15% and 21% respectively. The demographic and socioeconomic factors revealed that the households vulnerable to inadequate food access were black and coloured, female headed, single headed, unemployed head, larger households, less educated head of the household, low monthly income households and the household with no access to water. Both provinces were involved in food gardens, as a main source of food and as an extra source of food for Gauteng and Western Cape. The probity regression showed no statistical significance on all variables except for larger household and high income households. However, the Pearson chi-square showed a strong positive association of food gardens and food security, and the predictive probability of households involved in food gardens were high showing a high probability of being food secured when households are involved in either backyard food gardens or communal food gardens.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wereldwyd is verstedeliking besig om toe te neem en die Afrika kontinent ervaar ‘n hoër koers van verstedeliking in die 21ste eeu as ooit tevore. Die wereldbevolking word geskat om 9.6 biljoen te bereik in 2050 en 80% van die wereldbevolking sal na verwagting in stede woon teen 2030. Meer as 60% van die Suid Afrikaanse bevolking woon alreeds in stede, en 80% sal na verwagting verstedelik wees teen die middel van die eeu. Soos verstedeliking toeneem, word voedsel sekuriteit toenemend nie net ‘n landelike probleem nie maar ook ‘n stedelike probleem. Gauteng en die Wes Kaap provinsies is tans die hoogste ontvangers van migrasie met onderskeidelik 1 048 440 en 311 004 migrante in 2016-2021. Die toename in verstedeliking wat Suid Afrika in die gesigstaar plaas klem op die belangrikheid van voedselsekuriteit in die twee mees verstedelike provinsies in Suid Afrika. Die studie het die effek van groentetuine op voedselsekuriteit onder huishoudings in Gauteng en die Wes Kaap in Suid Afrika geevalueer. Sekondere data van die Algemene Huishoudelike Opname (Stats SA 2018) is gebruik. Die data is geanaliseer deur van beskrywende statsitiek en die probit-regressie-model gebruik te maak. Beskrywende statsitiek het getoon dat voedsel tekorte in Gauteng en die Wes Kaap onderskeidelik op 15% en 21% staan. Demografiese en sosio-ekonomiese faktore het getoon dat huishoudings wat die mees kwesbare vir onvoldoende toegang tot voedsel is, meesal swart, kleurling, met ‘n vroulike-, enkellopende-, of werklose hoof is. Groter huishoudings en laer vlakke van opvoeding onder huishouding hoofde, lae maandelikse inkomste en huishoudings met geen toegang tot water was ook aanduidend van ‘n toename in onvoldoende toegang tot voedsel onder huishoudings in die twee provinsies. Huishoudings in beide provinsies is betrokke by groentetuine as ‘n hoof bron van voedsel sowel as ‘n ekstra bron van voedsel. Die probit-regressie het gewys op geen beduidende statsitiese verwantskap tussen veranderlikes en voedselsekuriteit nie behalwe vir groter huishoudings en hoër inkomste huishoudings. Die Pearson-chi-square het egter ‘n sterk positiewe verwantskap getoon tussen groentetuine en voedselsekuriteit, en die voorspelbare waarskynlikheid van huishoudings betrokke by groentetuine was hoog, aanduidend van ‘n groot waarskynlikheid van huishoudings om voedelssekuriteit te ervaar as huishoudings betrokke is by agtertuin – of gemeenskaplike groentetuine.af_ZA
dc.format.extentv, 75 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshFood security – South Africa Urban areas – Food supply Vegetable gardening – South Africa Cities and towns – Food supply Urbanization – South Africa South Africa – Demographics South Africa – Social conditions South Africa – Economic conditionsen_ZA
dc.titleThe effects of food gardens on food security amongst urban households in Gauteng and Western Cape Provinces of South Africaen_ZA
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