Polyurethane dispersions for paper coatings

dc.contributor.advisorSanderson, R. D.
dc.contributor.advisorMequanint, K.
dc.contributor.authorSeboa, Sharrief
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Science. Dept. of Chemistry & Polymer Science.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2002.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Aqueous polyurethane (PU) dispersions were synthesized for the use in paper coatings. These PUs contained a polyester polyol soft segment (content of 60-70%) and a urethane hard segment (content of 30-40%). This was followed by grafting using four different grafting agents. Triethylamine (TEA) was used as the neutralizing agent. The polyester polyol segment consisted of neopentyl glycol (NPG), adipic acid, 1,4-cyclohexane dicarboxylic acid (1,4-CHOCA) and 2-phosphonobutane-1 ,2,4- tricarboxylic acid (PSTCA), while the urethane hard segment consisted of hydrogenated 4,4-diphenylmethane diisocyanate, dimethylolproponic acid (OMPA), 3-hydroxypivalic acid (HPA) and hydroxyethylene methacrylate (HEMA). The grafting agents used were lauryl methacrylate (LMA), n-butyl methacrylate (n-SMA), methyl methacrylate (MMA) and styrene. Two different polyester polyols were synthesized, one containing 10% phosphate and the other none. The polyols were characterized in terms of their acid value, hydroxyl value and molecular mass. The PUs synthesized from the polyol containing 0% phosphate were grafted with LMA, while the phosphate-containing PUs were grafted with each of the all four grafting agents. The resulting dispersions were applied to paperboard, and then dried at a maximum temperature of 100°C. The PU-coated paperboard was characterized using the moisture vapour transmission rate (MVTR), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques. PU films (not supported by paper, stand alone) were prepared by heating the PU dispersion in Teflon holders up to 130°C for 6 hours. The dried films were then characterized by thermogravimatric analysis (TGA), differential scanning calorimetry (OSC), dynamic mechanical analysis (OMA) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). MVTR-analysis showed that the phosphated PU coatings had a minimum MVTR-value at 0% grafting, and that its overall MVTR-values were much lower than that of the non-phosphated PU coatings. SEM-analysis showed that the phosphated PU coatings had no pinholes at a maximum of 8% grafting, while the non-phosphated PU coatings showed pinholes at all levels of grafting. OMA-analysis showed that the phosphated PU samples had higher Tg's (Tg onset between O-S°C)than that of the non-phosphated PU samples (Tgonset below -SO°C).en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: POLI-URETAAN DISPERSIES VIR PAPIER BEDEKKINGS Waterige poli-uretaan (PU) dispersies is gesintetiseer vir gebruik as papierbedekkings. Hierdie poli-uretane het 'n poliester poli-ol sagte segment (60-70% inhoud) en 'n uretaan harde segment (30-40% inhoud) bevat. Die poli-uretane is met vier verskillende ent-middels geêent. Trietielamien (TEA) is as neutraliseermiddel gebruik. Die poli-ester poli-ot segment het bestaan uit: neopentielglikol (NPG), adipiensuur, 1,4-sikloheksaandikarboksielssuur (1,4- SHDKS) en 2-fosfonobutaan-1 ,2,4-trikarboksielssuur (FSTKS). Die uretaan harde segment het bestaan uit: hidrogeneerde 4,4-difenielmetaandiisosianaat, dimetielpropioonsuur (DMPS), 3-hidroksipivaalsuur (HPS) en hidroksietileenmetakrilaat (HEMA). Laurielmetakrilaat (LMA), n-butielmetakrilaat (n-SMA), metielmetakrilaat (MMA) en stireen is as entmiddels gebruik. Twee verskillende poli-ester polihidroksie verbindings is gesintetiseer: een met 10% fosfaat en een met geen fosfaat, en gekarakteriseer in terme van hulle suurwaardes, hidroksiwaardes en molekulêre massas. Die PUs wat vanaf die fosfaat-bevattende poli-ol gesintetiseer is, is met LMA geêent, terwyl die fosfaat-bevattende PUs met al vier entmiddels geêent is. Papier (Eng. paperboard) is met hierdie dispersies bedek en by 100°C gedroog. Die PU-bedekte papier is gekarakteriseer in terme van vogdeurlaatbaarheidstransmissie (Eng: MVTR - the moisture vapour transmission rate), en skandeerelektonmikroskopie (SEM). PU-films wat nie deur papier gestut is nie is ook voorberei deur die verhitting van die PU dispersies in Teflon houers (130°C, 6 ure). Die droë films is daarna gekarakteriseer deur middel van termogravimetriese analise (TGA), differensiêle skandeerkalorimetrie (DSC), dinamiese meganiese analise (OMA) en Fourier-transformasie infrarooispektroskopie (FTIR). Resultate van MVTR analises het getoon dat die fosfaat-bevattende PU bedekkings 'n mimimum MVTR-waarde by 0% enting gehad het, en dat die totale MVTR waardes baie laer was as die van die nie-fosfaatbevattende bedekkings. SEM het gewys dat die fosfaat-PU bedekkings by 8% enting geen mikrogaatjies (Eng. pinholes) gehad net nie, terwyl die PU bedekings met geen fosfaat mikrogaatjies (Eng. pinholes) by alle vlakke van enting gehad het. OMA analises het getoon dat die monsters van die fosfaatbevattende PU hoër Tg waardes gehad het (Tg begin tussen 0 en 5 "C) as die nie-fosfaatbevattende PU monsters (Tg begin onder -50°C).af_ZA
dc.format.extent106 p. : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectPaper coatingsen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Polymer scienceen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Polymer scienceen_ZA
dc.titlePolyurethane dispersions for paper coatingsen_ZA
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