'n Maatskaplike ontwikkelingsgerigte perspektief op supervisie aan maatskaplikewerkstudente by opleidingsinstansies in Suid-Afrika

dc.contributor.advisorGreen, S.
dc.contributor.authorEngelbrecht, Lambert K.
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences . Dept. of Social Work.
dc.descriptionThesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2002.
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to establish a theoretical and practical framework for supervision to social work students at training institutions that are based on the outcomes of developmental social work in South Africa, as contained in the White Paper for Welfare (1997). The motivation for this study is the contribution that it can make to the reality that the paradigm shift of the developmental perspective on supervision to students contains. This research was done based on an extensive literature study, which focused on the conceptualisation of supervision to social work students from a social developmental perspective. The systemic nature of supervision to students was examined, after which the models for supervision to students were analysed. The functions of supervision by means of the management, educational and support functions are also broadly defined. The empirical investigation of the study dealt with the current state of supervision to social work students at training institutions in South Africa. From the empirical investigation a social developmental perspective was developed, which indicates that supervision to social work students in South Africa can be defined as a process of education, support and management so as to develop students' competencies according to the outcomes of the training institution's field practice education programme, so that students can integrate the theory and practice of social work. Supervision also involves interactive guidance, based on educational needs, academic development and empowerment of students. The abovementioned perspective was evaluated by supervisors of students at tratrung institutions in South Africa, the majority of whom supported the perspective. From the social developmental perspective that was formulated, conclusions and recommendations were made that can serve as a framework for supervision of social work students. The framework for situation-relevant supervision, which is accounted for eco-systemically, is based on a competency model and is empowering in its nature. This is the contribution that this study makes to field practice education to social work students.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om 'n teoretiese en praktiese raamwerk daar te stel vir supervisie van maatskaplikewerkstudente by opleidingsinstansies wat op die uitkomste van ontwikkelingsgerigte maatskaplike werk in Suid-Afrika, soos vervat in die Witskrif vir Welsyn (1997), gebaseer is. Hierdie studie is gemotiveer deur die bydrae wat dit kan Iewer tot die realiteit wat die paradigmaskuif van die ontwikkelingsgerigte perspektief in maatskaplike werk vir supervisie van studente inhou. Die ondersoek is gedoen aan die hand van 'n uitgebreide literatuurstudie, wat op die konseptualisering van supervisie aan maatskaplikewerkstudente vanuit 'n maatskaplike ontwikkelingsgerigte perspektief gefokus het. Die sistemiese aard van supervisie aan studente is ondersoek, waarna die aard van die modelle vir supervisie aan studente ontleed is. Die funksies van supervisie deur middel van die bestuurs-, onderrig- en ondersteuningsfunksie word ook breedvoerig omskryf. Die empiriese ondersoek van die studie het oor die huidige stand van supervisie aan maatskaplikewerkstudente by opleidingsinstansies in Suid-Afrika gehandel. Vanuit die empiriese ondersoek is 'n maatskaplike ontwikkelingsgerigte perspektief ontwerp wat daarop dui dat supervisie aan maatskaplikewerkstudente in Suid-Afrika omskryf kan word as 'n proses van onderrig, ondersteuning en bestuur om studente se bekwaamhede volgens die uitkomste van die opleidingsinstansie se praktykonderrigprogram te ontwikkel, sodat studente die teorie en praktyk van maatskaplike werk kan integreer. Supervisie behels ook interaktiewe Ieiding, gebaseer op onderrigbehoeftes, akademiese ontwikkeling en bemagtiging van studente. Die bogenoemde perspektief is deur supervisors van studente by opleidingsinstansies in Suid-Afrika oorwegend ondersteunend geevalueer. Vanuit die maatskaplike ontwikkelingsgerigte perspektief wat geformuleer is, is gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings gemaak, wat as raamwerk vir supervisie van maatskaplikewerkstudente kan dien. Die raamwerk vir situasie-relevante supervisie, wat ekosistemies verantwoord word, gegrond is op 'n kompetensiemodel en bemagtigend van aard is, is dus die bydrae wat hierdie studie tot praktykonderrig aan maatskaplikewerkstudente bied.af_ZA
dc.format.extent290 p. : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectSocial work education -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectUniversities and colleges -- South Africa -- Graduate worken_ZA
dc.subjectUniversities and colleges -- South Africa -- Study and teaching -- Supervisionen_ZA
dc.subjectGraduate students -- Study and teaching -- Supervision -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Social worken_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Social worken_ZA
dc.title'n Maatskaplike ontwikkelingsgerigte perspektief op supervisie aan maatskaplikewerkstudente by opleidingsinstansies in Suid-Afrikaaf_ZA
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