Agile software development practices in remote working contexts : a systematic literature review

dc.contributor.advisorParry, Douglasen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorIbrahim, Mohamed Zaakiren_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Information Science.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY: Agile software development in today’s organisations has become increasingly remote-oriented. The accelerated adoption of global software development and enterprise social media in remote working contexts has been shown to have the potential to alleviate remote work challenges in the software industry, particularly since the inception of the Covid-19 pandemic. Media and tools pose profound implications for agile methods and practices in distributed agile software development. The objective of this study is to explore the agile practices, tools, roles, and unique challenges that describe project management in the context of global software development. Three key aspects of agile global software development are focused on: agile methods, agile practices and, the various distribution scenarios in which development occurs. Previously studies have focused on reporting the successful application of agile practices and distribution scenarios in global software development. However, less focus has been placed on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on agile global software development practices in general. In this study, a systematic review approach is adopted in order to update research in this domain and gather the data necessary to further understand the usage of agile methods and practices in various remote working scenarios. In this regard, the review consisted of identifying portals to search for relevant papers using the Stellenbosch University library. Through a systematic review process these selected and studied papers provided a number of useful themes describing many aspects of agile software development in remote working contexts, relating to agile methods, practices, and the challenges thereof. Synthesizing all of the themes, the main contribution of this study to this domain is the finding that team members in global software development were faced with similar challenges when collaborating remotely with communication media. In addition to this, this study identified that Scrum-orientated practices, and Scrum methods and Scrum in combination with other agile methods remained the most frequently adopted in remote working contexts. Ultimately, given that this project represents the continuation of an ongoing research tradition in this domain, this project provides a mile-marker for the current state of agile methods in the context of global software development. Current trends are identified, explained, and compared to the recent past, with open questions framed for future investigation.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agile sagteware-ontwikkeling in vandag se organisasies het al hoe meer op afstand georienteerd geraak. Daar is getoon dat die versnelde aanvaarding van wereldwye sagteware-ontwikkeling en sosiale media vir ondernemings in afgelee werkkontekste die potensiaal het om uitdagings vir afgelee werk in die sagtewarebedryf te verlig, veral sedert die ontstaan van die Covid-19-pandemie. Media en gereedskap hou diepgaande implikasies in vir ratse metodes en praktyke in verspreide ratse sagteware-ontwikkeling. Die doel van hierdie studie is om die ratse praktyke, gereedskap, rolle en unieke uitdagings wat projekbestuur beskryf in die konteks van globale sagteware-ontwikkeling te verken. Drie sleutelaspekte van ratse globale sagteware-ontwikkeling word gefokus op: ratse metodes, ratse praktyke en die verskillende verspreidingscenario's waarin ontwikkeling plaasvind. Voorheen het studies gefokus op die rapportering van die suksesvolle toepassing van ratse praktyke en verspreidingscenario's in globale sagteware-ontwikkeling. Minder fokus is egter geplaas op die impak van die Covid-19-pandemie op ratse wereldwye sagteware-ontwikkelingspraktyke in die algemeen. In hierdie studie word 'n sistematiese oorsigbenadering aangeneem om navorsing in hierdie domein op te dateer en die data te versamel wat nodig is om die gebruik van ratse metodes en praktyke in verskeie afgelee werkscenario's verder te verstaan. In hierdie verband het die hersiening bestaan uit die identifisering van portale om na relevante vraestelle te soek deur die Universiteit Stellenbosch-biblioteek te gebruik. Deur 'n sistematiese oorsigproses het hierdie geselekteerde en bestudeerde referate 'n aantal nuttige temas verskaf wat baie aspekte van ratse sagteware-ontwikkeling in afgelee werkskontekste beskryf het, met betrekking tot ratse metodes, praktyke en die uitdagings daarvan. Deur al die temas te sintetiseer, is die hoofbydrae van hierdie studie tot hierdie domein die bevinding dat spanlede in globale sagteware-ontwikkeling voor soortgelyke uitdagings te staan gekom het wanneer hulle op afstand met kommunikasiemedia saamgewerk het. Hierbenewens het hierdie studie geidentifiseer dat Skrum-georienteerde praktyke, en Skrummetodes en Skrum in kombinasie met ander ratse metodes die algemeenste gebly het in afgelee werkskontekste. Uiteindelik, aangesien hierdie projek die voortsetting van 'n deurlopende navorsingstradisie in hierdie domein verteenwoordig, bied hierdie projek 'n mylmerker vir die huidige stand van ratse metodes in die konteks van globale sagteware-ontwikkeling. Huidige neigings word geidentifiseer, verduidelik en vergelyk met die onlangse verlede, met oop vrae wat vir toekomstige ondersoek opgestel is.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxiii, 191 pages : illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectAgile software developmenten_ZA
dc.subjectComputer software industryen_ZA
dc.subjectSoftware Engineeringen_ZA
dc.titleAgile software development practices in remote working contexts : a systematic literature reviewen_ZA
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