Modification, elaboration and empirical evaluation of the Beyers’ Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Leadership Model.

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT : This origin of this study lies in the importance of leadership in organisations. The behaviour of individuals in leadership positions affects the attitudes and performance of employees, and therefore, also the overall effectiveness and success of the organisation. Understanding which factors contribute to effective leadership is therefore critical, so that employee performance and organisational success can be enhanced. A construct that has received increased attention with regard to effective leadership is Emotional Intelligence (EI). It has been argued that leaders with a higher EI are more effective than leaders with a lower EI. Beyers (2006) examined the relationship between EI and leadership (more specifically, the Transformational Leadership style). The present study aimed to expand on the work of Beyers by using a more recent model and measurement of EI. Furthermore, three constructs were assessed as outcomes of effective leadership (Perceived Supervisor Support, Organisational Commitment and Job Satisfaction). Leadership has been shown to be an antecedent of these three constructs. It was argued that gaining insight into the outcomes of effective leadership, as experienced by the follower of a particular leader that exhibits certain transformational leadership behaviours being influenced by various EI competencies, could hold important positive outcomes for an organisation (i.e. better employee performance and retention rates). The results of the study confirmed that EI affects Transformational Leadership (TFL) behaviours. Only one dimension of TFL was found to be associated with one of the three outcomes of effective leadership (i.e. Perceived Supervisor Support). The relationships between the three outcomes were also tested, and the only significant path was from Organisational Commitment to Job Satisfaction. Reflecting on these results, the study concludes with a discussion of the limitations of the study, as well as recommendations for future research.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Die oorsprong van hierdie studie lê in die belangrikheid van leierskap in organisasies. Individue in leierskapposisies se gedrag beinvloed die houdings en prestasies van werknemers en derhalwe ook die algehele doeltreffendheid en sukses van die organisasie. Begrip van watter faktore bydra tot effektiewe leierskap is dus van kardinale belang om sodoende werknemer prestasie en organisasie sukses te verbeter. Emosionele Intelligensie (EI) is `n konstruk wat toenemende aandag ontvang ten opsigte van effektiewe leierskap. Dit word aangevoer dat leiers met `n hoër EI meer effektief is as leiers met `n laer EI. Beyers (2006) het die verhouding tussen EI en leierskap (meer spesifiek die Transformasionele Leierskap styl) ondersoek. Die huidige studie het dit ten doel gehad om uit te brei op die werk van Beyers deur die gebruik van 'n meer onlangse model en meting van EI. Verder was drie konstrukte geassesseer as uitkomste van effektiewe leierskap (Waargenome Toesighouer Ondersteuning, Organisasie-toegewydheid en Werksbevrediging). Dit blyk dat Leierskap `n determinant van hierdie drie konstrukte is. Dit was aangevoer dat om insig in te win in die resultate van EI soos ondervind deur die volgeling van ‘n spesifieke leier wie sekere Transformasionele Leierskap gedrag openbaar, wat beïnvloed is deur verskeie EI vaardighede, kan belangrike positiewe uitkomste tot gevolg hê vir die organisasie (naamlik beter werknemer prestasie en verhoogde retensie syfers). Die resultate van die studie het bevestig dat Transformasionele Leierskapsgedrag beinvloed word deur Emosionele Intelligensie. Slegs een dimensie van Transformasionele Leierskap het verband gehou met een van die drie uitkomste van effektiewe leierskap (naamlik Waarneembare Toesighouer Ondersteuning). Die verhoudings tussen die drie uitkomste is ook getoets, en die enigste beduidende verwantskap was tussen Organisatoriese toegewydheid en Werksbevrediging. Ter nabetraging van hierdie resultate, is die studie voltooi met n bespreking van die beperkinge van die studie, sowel as aanbevelings vir toekomstige navorsing.
Thesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 2016
Emotional Intelligence (EI), Transformational Leadership (TFL), Leadership -- Psychological aspects, Job satisfaction, Perceived organisational support, Organisational Commitment, UCTD