Animal-assisted activities in a halfway facility: A case study

dc.contributor.advisorLe Roux, Marieanna C.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorVan Besouw, Juliette Rochelleen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Psychology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY: The female correctional population has increased dramatically over the last decade and continues to grow annually. Females on parole, including those in halfway facilities, face a variety of socio-economic, -environmental, and –political issues that have the potential to severely inhibit successful reintegration. High recidivism rates signal a lack of post-incarceration support and transitional services, which indicate that rehabilitative needs are not being met. Despite this, offender rehabilitation receives little public attention or interest in South Africa. This necessitates the development and implementation of low-cost, practical, and innovative approaches to offender rehabilitation, thus facilitating this critical period of re-adjustment. Human-animal interaction (HAI) may be a case in point. Over the past several decades, a widespread awareness of the beneficial effects of HAI, including that which takes place in the context of animal-assisted activity (AAA), has emerged. Based on this growing interest, there is an increasing collection of literature that suggests that animal contact and interaction can provide significant physical, psychological, and social benefits for human well-being and functioning. The present research set out to explore the experience of AAA within the context of a halfway facility, with an emphasis on the female parolee’s experience. It was designed to explore the female parolee’s experience of the activity from three participant perspectives: (a) the female parolee’s, (b) the house parent’s, and (c) the Pets as Therapy volunteer’s. A qualitative case-study design was implemented in order to achieve this aim. Semistructured interviews were conducted with four female parolees currently residing within a halfway facility located in a suburb of Cape Town. The two house parents employed by said halfway facility and a Pets as Therapy volunteer, who supervised AAA sessions held at the halfway facility, were also interviewed as supplementary sources of data. Upon completion of the interviews, the data was transcribed and analysed according to the principles of thematic analysis. Following thematic analysis, four themes emerged: the perceived benefits of AAA, participants’ personal experiences of AAA, participants’ reactions towards the visiting AAA dog, and the participant’s perceptions Stellenbosch of the visiting AAA dog. These findings are largely supported by the existing literature surrounding this topic of investigation. The findings, however, also address a gap in the existing literature regarding the use of AAA as a support measure conducive to the successful reintegration of female parolees in South Africa.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: Die vroulike korrektiewe bevolking het dramaties oor die afgelope dekade toegeneem en gaan voort om jaarliks te groei. Vroue op parool, insluitende dié in halfwegfasiliteite, staar ’n verskeidenheid van sosio-ekonomiese, -omgewings-, en -politieke kwessies in die gesig wat die potensiaal het om afsonderlik suksesvolle herintegrasie te voorkom. Hoë heroortredingberamings dui op 'n gebrek aan na-gevangenskap ondersteuning en oorgangsdienste wat beteken dat rehabilitasie-behoeftes nie bevredig word nie. Ten spyte hiervan ontvang oortrederrehabilitasie min openbare aandag of belangstelling in Suid-Afrika. Dit vereis die ontwikkeling en implementering van lae-koste, praktiese, en innoverende benaderings tot oortrederrehabilitasie, wat hierdie kritieke tydperk van aanpassing fasiliteer. Mens-dierinteraksie kan 'n goeie voorbeeld hiervan wees. Oor die afgelope paar dekades het 'n wydverspreide bewustheid van die voordelige uitwerking van mens-dierinteraksie, insluitende dié wat in die konteks van troeteldier-ondersteunde aktiwiteite (TOA) plaasvind, na vore gekom. Op grond van hierdie groeiende belangstelling, is daar 'n toenemende versameling literatuur wat daarop dui dat dierekontak en -interaksie beduidende fisieke, sielkundige, en sosiale voordele vir menslike welstand en funksionering kan voorsien. Die huidige navorsing ondersoek die ervaring van TOA binne die konteks van 'n halfweg-fasiliteit, met die klem op die ervaring van die vroue op parool. Dit is ontwerp om die vroue op parool se ervaring van die aktiwiteit te verken uit drie deelnemerperspektiewe: (a) die vroue op parool, (B) die huisouers, en (c) die Pets as Therapy-vrywilliger. 'n Kwalitatiewe gevallestudie-ontwerp is geïmplementeer om hierdie doel te bereik. Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is gevoer met vier vroue op parool tans woonagtig binne 'n halfweg-fasiliteit geleë in 'n voorstad van Kaapstad. Onderhoude is ook gevoer met die twee huisouers in diens van genoemde halfweg-fasiliteit en die Pets as Therapy-vrywilliger, wat oor TOA-sessies toesig gehou het by die halfweg-fasiliteit, as aanvullende databronne. Na voltooiing van die onderhoude is die data getranskribeer en geanaliseer volgens die beginsels van tematiese analise. Na aanleiding van tematiese analise, het vier temas na vore gekom: die waargenome voordele van TOA, deelnemers se persoonlike ervarings van TOA, deelnemers se reaksies teenoor die besoekende TOA-hond, en die deelnemer se persepsies van die besoekende TOA-hond. Hierdie bevindings is grootliks ondersteun deur die bestaande literatuur rondom hierdie onderwerp van ondersoak. Die bevindings het egter ook 'n gaping in die bestaande literatuur uitgewys met betrekking tot die gebruik van TOA as 'n ondersteuningsmaatstaf wat bevorderlik is vir die suksesvolle herintegrasie van vroue op parool in Suid-Afrika.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxxi, 241 pages ; illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectAnimals -- Therapeutic useen_ZA
dc.subjectParolees, female -- Rehabilitationen_ZA
dc.subjectHalfway houses -- South Africa -- Cape Townen_ZA
dc.titleAnimal-assisted activities in a halfway facility: A case studyen_ZA
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