An assessment of conservation agriculture adaption by smallholder farmers : a case of Goromanzi, Zimbabwe

dc.contributor.advisorMorokong, Tshepoen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorDangwa, Lorraineen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. School of Public Leadership.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2024.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY: Conservation agriculture (CA) builds the resilience of farming systems and supports rural livelihoods. The practice is normally known for its benefits of promoting better crop yields and soil fertility in a sustainable way as a climate adaptation strategy. This study assesses factors influencing the adoption of conservation agriculture by smallholder farmers in Goromonzi District, Zimbabwe. The study focuses on the following objectives: to identify factors influencing the adoption of conservation agriculture by smallholder farmers; to identify types of CA practices being done by smallholder farmers; and to identify farmers’ perceptions of the role of CA in solving environmental issues. Overall, a total of 60 smallholder farmers and two extension officers participated in the study, and the research data was collected using household surveys and interviews. The analysis techniques applied in this study were descriptive statistics, the ordinal probit model and thematic analysis. The results show that 83% of the farmers are already practising CA based on the three principles, whereas 2% adopted soil cover and minimum soil disturbance, 2% adopted crop rotation and minimum soil disturbance, 2% adopted crop rotation only, and the remaining 7% were non-adopters of CA. This shows that CA is being adopted mostly in the area, despite a few smallholder farmers adopting only two CA practices and those not adopting at all. Using the ordinal probit model, the following variables were used to assess CA adoption: age, gender, education, experience in CA, and CA adoption solves climate change environmental issues. The research only found the following variables to be significant: age, gender and education, whereas experience in CA and CA adoption solves climate change environmental issues were found to be insignificant. The following policy recommendations can be made to improve CA adoption: information and training content should be disseminated that will help female smallholder farmers; the government should arrange an agriculture extension network to assist smallholder farmers; and smallholder farmers should get a chance to get access to credit facilities.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Bewaringslandbou (BL) bou die veerkragtigheid van plaasstelsels en ondersteun ook landelike lewensbestaan. Die praktyk is oor die algemeen daarvoor bekend dat dit as deel van ’n klimaatsaanspassingstrategie beter oes-opbrengste bevorder en grondvrugbaarheid volhoubaar verbeter. Hierdie studie het die faktore ondersoek wat die ingebruikneming van bewaringslandbou onder kleinboere in Goromonzi-distrik, Zimbabwe beinvloed. Die studie het op die volgende doelwitte gefokus: om faktore te identifiseer wat die ingebruikneming van bewaringslandbou deur kleinboere beinvloed; om die soorte BL-praktyke te identifiseer wat deur kleinboere uitgevoer word; en om die boere se persepsies van die rol van BL in die oplossing van omgewingskwessies te identifiseer. ’n Totaal van 60 kleinboere en twee voorligtingsbeamptes het aan die studie deelgeneem en die navorsingsdata is met behulp van huishoudelike opnames en onderhoude versamel. Die analisetegnieke wat in hierdie studie toegepas is, is beskrywende statistiek, die ordinale probitmodel en tematiese analise. Die resultate toon dat 83% van die kleinboere al drie BL-praktyke ingestel het, 3% het twee praktyke aangeneem, en 7% het geen BL-praktyke gebruik nie. Dit wys dat BL grootliks in die gebied gebruik word, ten spyte daarvan dat ‘n paar kleinboere net twee praktyke gebruik en ander geen praktyke gebruik nie. Met behulp van die ordinale probitmodel is die volgende veranderlikes gebruik om BL-implementering te assesseer: ouderdom, gender, opvoeding, ervaring in BL, and dat BL-gebruik kwessies m.b.t. klimaatsverandering oplos. Slegs die volgende veranderlikes is deur die navorsing gevind om betekenisvol te wees: ouderdom, gender en opvoeding, terwyl ervaring met BL en dat BL-gebruik kwessies m.b.t. klimaatsverandering oplos, gevind is om nie betekenisvol te wees nie. Die volgende beleidsaanbevelings kan gemaak word om die implementering van BL te verbeter: inligting en opleidingsinhoud moet versprei word wat vroulike kleinboere sal help; die regering moet die landbouvoorligtingsnetwerk gebruik om kleinboere te help; en kleinboere moet geleenthede kry om toegang tot krediet te verkry.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxi, 107 pages : illustrations, maps, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subject.lcshAgricultural conservation -- Economic aspects -- Goromonzi District (Zimbabwe)en_ZA
dc.subject.lcshFarms, Small -- Goromonzi District (Zimbabwe)en_ZA
dc.subject.lcshConservation of natural resources -- Goromonzi District (Zimbabwe)en_ZA
dc.subject.lcshNatural resources -- Management -- Goromonzi District (Zimbabwe)en_ZA
dc.titleAn assessment of conservation agriculture adaption by smallholder farmers : a case of Goromanzi, Zimbabween_ZA
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