Preterism, futurism or historicism? : a theological evaluation of three interpretive schools of Apocalyptic Prophecy within the doctrine of the last things

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: As the interest in eschatology within academia as well as amongst many Christians increases, the natural outflow of apocalyptic prophecy interpretation has given occasion to two main popular interpretations, namely futurism and preterism – even to the extent of questionably influencing politics and theocratic movements. With the aim of identifying an adequate school of apocalyptic interpretation within the discourse of eschatology, this theological study within systematic theology analyses the way apocalyptic prophecy is interpreted within broader discourses on eschatology. The different hermeneutical assumptions of the various interpretation schools of apocalyptic models are researched and challenged. Preterism, which assigns apocalyptic prophecy’s fulfilment to the past; futurism, which consigns apocalyptic prophecy’s fulfilment to the future; and historicism, which disperses apocalyptic prophecy’s fulfilment throughout the lapse of history, are the focus of this study. The study is directed towards determining whether the more adequate system for interpreting apocalyptic prophecy can be identified within the doctrine of the last things (eschatology). An analysis model is developed whereby the three interpretational schools are critically evaluated. The consequential proposal from this research is a historicist hermeneutic.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Twee prominente apokaliptiese interpretasiemodelle, naamlik preterisme en futurisme, het die afgelope tyd na vore getree as ‘n natuurlike uitvloeisel van die toenemende belangstelling in eskatologie onder akademici sowel as Christene, soms met ‘n twyfelagtige uitwerking op die politiek en teokratiese bewegings. Derhalwe het hierdie teologiese studie binne die dissipline van sistematiese teologie dit ten doel om ‘n toepaslike skool van apokaliptiese interpretasie te identifiseer binne die breër diskoers oor eskatologie. Die hermeneutiese aansprake van verskeie apokaliptiese interpretasieskole word ondersoek en uitgedaag. Die studie fokus op preterisme, wat die vervulling van apokaliptiese profesie in die verlede plaas; futurisme, wat die vervulling daarvan aan die toekoms koppel; en historisisme, wat aanvoer dat die vervulling van apokaliptiese profesie deur die loop van die geskiedenis plaasvind. Die studie is daarop gerig om te bepaal of die meer toepaslike sisteem van apokaliptiese interpretasie geïdentifiseer kan word binne die leer van die laaste dinge (eskatologie). Vir hierdie doeleinde word ‘n analisemodel ontwikkel vir die kritiese evaluering van bogenoemde interpretasieskole. Die voorstel wat hieruit voortvloei is ‘n historisistiese hermeneutiek.
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Apocalyptic literature, Prophecy, Eschatology, Futurism (Art), UCTD