Prediction and measurement of power line carrier signal attenuation and fluctuation

De Villiers, Wernich
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A frequency domain Power Line Carrier (PLC) simulation program, with the ability to simulate signal attenuation including the coupling equipment, was developed. This simulation program was put to the test against the independent program of Professor L.M. Wedepohl and against practical field measurements. The predictions of the two programs were in precise agreement for a wide range of input parameters. Results from the field tests and predictions also showed close agreement. Further investigations, applying the simulation program, explained how ground conductors and soil resistivity influences PLC signal propagation. An experiment, which was developed to monitor PLC signal attenuation, was installed on the PLC system between Koeberg power station and Acacia substation, both near Cape Town. Data logged continuously over 28 days, indicated measurable and deterministic PLC signal attenuation variations with typical time constants of a few hours. Simulations of the PLC system indicated that the signal amplitude variations were influenced by changes in the height above the ground plane of the phase conductor. This significant finding creates the possibility to obtain real time knowledge of the sag of an Over Head Transmission Line (OHTL) by exploiting an operational PLC system. The knowledge about real time sag can be used in economical dynamic ampacity control systems. The practical and financial benefits to the electricity supply and distribution industry can be significant.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Frekwensie gebied "Power Line Carrier" (PLC) simulasie program wat die sein verswakking en die koppeling verliese kan naboots, is ontwikkel. Die program is getoets teen die onafhanklike program van Professor L.M. Wedepohl asook praktiese metings in die veld. Die vooruitskatings van beide programme is presies die selfde vir 'n wye reeks van parameters. Metings en nabootsings het ook noue ooreenstemming getoon. Verdere ondersoek, m. b. v. die program, is gedoen ten einde te verduidelik hoe grond-geleiers en grond weerstand die PLC sein se voortplanting beïnvloed. 'n Eksperiment om die PLC sein se verswakking mee te monitor is ontwerp. Die eksperiment was geïnstalleer in die PLC stelsel tussen Koeberg kernkragstasie en Acacia substasie, naby Kaapstad. Die eksperiment was vir 28 dae geaktiveer en die data wat die eksperiment opgelewer het toon meetbare PLC sein verswakking met tyd konstantes van 'n paar uur. Verdere nabootsings het gewys dat die veranderende verswakking in die PLC seinsterkte toegeskryf kan word aan die wisseling in hoogte van die fase geleiers bo die grondvlak. Hierdie bevinding is van besondere belang aangesien dit die moontlikheid oopmaak om die gemiddelde sak van kraglyne in reële tyd en onder bedryfs toestande te kan meet. Die informasie van die reële sak van kraglyne kan gebruik word in effektiewe stroomdrae-vermoë beheer stelsels. Die praktiese en finansiële voordele wat krag voorsieners en verspreiders hieruit kan put kan aansienlik wees.
Thesis (MScEng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001,
Overhead electric lines, Electric lines -- Carrier transmission, Dissertations -- Electronic engineering, Theses -- Electronic engineering