"Andere machen hier Urlaub, ich lebe hier!" - Deutschland- und Sudafrikabilder und die Reprasentation von 'Lifestyle' im Diskurs deutschsprachiger Lifestyle-MigrantInnen im sudlichen Afrika

dc.contributor.advisorAnnas, Rolfen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorZabel, Rebeccaen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorZimmermann, Dana Mercedesen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Modern Foreign Languages.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: „Others come here for vacation, I live here!“ The discursive constructions of Germany and South Africa and the representation of ‘life-style’ in the discourse of German-speaking lifestyle-migrants in Southern Africa This work deals with the discursive constructions of Germany and South Africa in the discourse of German-speaking lifestyle-migrants in Southern Africa. The main purpose of this study is to reconstruct discursive content based on material from the German-speaking online-forum Südafrika-Forum. The findings of this study will then be implemented to explain lifestyle mi-gration as a social phenomenon. While the findings can possibly shed a light upon lifestyle-migration, this study also acknowledges the recent findings about lifestyle migration in sociology to this day. Lifestyle migration, which is typically described as the mobilization of relatively affluent individuals (mostly Westerners), who migrate in search for a better way of life, leads to the concept of lifestyle itself, which shall also be outlined in detail during this work. The discourse analysis in this study will then be contextualized by reflecting the mentioned aspects. The reconstruction of representations of Germany and South Africa in the discourse of German-speaking lifestyle migrants in Southern Africa therefore also contribute to the German-South African contact dis-course and to the migration discourse as well, by elaborating the dreams, aspirations and desires of the relatively affluent German-speaking lifestyle migrants in Southern Africa.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: „Ander kom hiernatoe vir vakansie, ek lewe hier!“ Die diskursiewe konstruksies van Duitsland en Suid-Afrika en die verteenwoordiging van ‚leefstyl‘ in die diskoers van Duitssprekende leefstyl-migrante in Suider-Afrika Hierdie tesis handel oor die diskursiewe konstruksies van Duitsland en Suid-Afrika in die dis-koers van Duitssprekende leefstyl-migrante in Suider-Afrika. Die doel van die studie is om die diskursiewe inhoud, wat op materiaal van die Duitssprekende aanlyn-forum Südafrika-Forum gebaseer is, te rekonstrueer. Die bevindinge van die studie sal daarna geïmplementeer word om leefstyl-migrasie as ‘n sosiale verskynsel te verduidelik. Terwyl die bevindinge moontlik ‘n lig op leefstyl-migrasie sal werp, word onlangse bevindinge in verband met leefstyl-migrasie in sosiologie in hierdie studie erken. Leefstyl-migrasie word tipies beskryf as die mobilisering van betreklik welgestelde individue (meestal Westerlinge), wat er wille van ’n soektog na ‘n beter lewenswyse migreer. Die konsep van leefstyl-migrasie gee aanleiding tot die begrip leefstyl op sigself, wat ook in hierdie tesis breedvoerig uiteengesit sal word. Die diskoersanalise in hierdie tesis sal dan gekontekstualiseer word deur die genoemde aspekte te reflekteer. Die rekonstruksie van representasies van Duitsland en Suid-Afrika in die diskoers van Duitssprekende leefstyl-migrante in Suider-Afrika sal dus ook ‘n bydrae tot die diskoers van Duits-Suid-Afrikaanse kontak, asook die migrasie-diskoers, lewer deur die drome, aspirasies en begeertes van die betreklik welgestelde Duitssprekende leefstyl-migrante in Suider-Afrika uiteen te sit.af_ZA
dc.format.extent118 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectLifestyle migrationen_ZA
dc.subjectGerman-speaking lifestyle migrants in Southern Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectLifestyle migration as social phenomenonen_ZA
dc.title"Andere machen hier Urlaub, ich lebe hier!" - Deutschland- und Sudafrikabilder und die Reprasentation von 'Lifestyle' im Diskurs deutschsprachiger Lifestyle-MigrantInnen im sudlichen Afrikade
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