Adolescent girls’ experiences of sexual and reproductive health services in public clinics in the Western Cape

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY: This study explored the experiences that adolescent girls had when attending public clinics in the Western Cape for sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services, as well as explored the opinions and beliefs of healthcare workers (HCWs) who provided these SRH services. Participants were adolescent girls between the ages of 13-17 years, and the HCWs at the clinics who provided these adolescents with SRH services. Participants were recruited through purposive sampling. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 15 participants (adolescents (n=11); HCWs (n=4)), and through observations of the clinic environment with the use of an observation schedule. The interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim for reflexive thematic analysis. Findings of this study reveal that adolescent girls had positive experiences at the clinic and with HCWs, which were unlike their initial expectations. Adolescents reported being comfortable, happy, and even enjoyed being in the clinic during their SRH consultations. The HCWs created an adolescent-friendly environment that allowed adolescents to ask questions, and speak about sex and SRH openly and comfortably. Adolescents reported the main influences that encouraged them to seek SRH services were from their mothers and peers. HCWs had differing personal views as to when they believe adolescents were ready to engage in sexual activity. However, there was an overall agreement that their personal beliefs were not to affect the way they treated adolescents who approached them seeking SRH services. The HCWs reported numerous barriers that may hinder adolescents’ access to SRH services, which included: clinic operating hours that did not accommodate high school times; understaffed clinics; lack of resources; and governing body of schools who did not allow HCWs to provide SRH education and services at high schools. The findings from this study demonstrate that it is possible for adolescents to have positive experiences when seeking SRH services, even in contexts or cultures that may be more conservative. There have been numerous reports from adolescents, in various areas of rural and sub-Saharan Africa, where HCWs were reported to humiliate, scold, and even refuse to provide SRH services to adolescents who approached them for these services. As such, the clinic environment and behaviour of HCWs are two of the determining factors to whether adolescents will continue to seek SRH services and care. This study recommends targeting the needs of adolescents to make the clinic environment adolescent-friendly in order to promote adolescents’ adherence to utilising SRH services, thus promoting better long-term adolescent SRH outcomes.
AFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie het die ondervindings van adolessente meisies tydens hulle besoeke aan openbare gesondheidsorgklinieke in die Wes-Kaap vir seksuele en reproduktiewe gesondheidsdienste (SRG-dienste), asook die menings en oortuigings van die gesondheidswerkers (GW’s) wat hierdie SRG’s voorsien, ondersoek. Deelnemers was adolessente meisies tussen die ouderdom van 13-17 jaar en die GW’s by die klinieke wat hierdie adolessente van SRG-dienste voorsien het. Deelnemers is gewerf deur middel van ’n steekproef. Data is versamel deur semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude met 15 deelnemers (adolessente (n=11); GW's (n=4)), en deur waarnemings van die kliniek-omgewing deur van 'n waarnemingskedule gebruik te maak. Die onderhoude is deur middel van stemopnames verbatim getranskribeer ten einde reflektiewe tematiese analise moontlik te maak. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie toon aan dat adolessente, anders as hul aanvanklike verwagtings, positiewe ondervindings by die kliniek en die GW’s gehad het. Adolessente het gemeld dat hulle op hulle gemak en gelukkig was en dat hulle dit selfs geniet het om in die kliniek te wees tydens hulle SRG-konsultasies. Die GW’s het 'n adolessent-vriendelike omgewing geskep waarin adolessente toegelaat is om vrae te vra en openhartig en gemaklik oor seks en SRG te gesels. Adolessente het aangetoon dat die belangrikste invloede wat hulle aangemoedig het om SRG-dienste te besoek, die van moeders en hul portuurgroep was. GW's het verskillende persoonlike opinies oor wanneer hulle glo adolessente gereed is om seksueel aktief te raak. Daar was egter 'n algehele konsensus dat hul persoonlike oortuigings nie die manier moet beïnvloed waarop hulle adolessente behandel wat hulle nader vir SRG-dienste nie. Gesondheidswerkers het verskeie struikelblokke uitgelig wat adolessente se toegang tot SRG-dienste mag belemmer. Openingstye van klinieke wat nie hoërskoolure in ag neem nie, personeeltekorte in klinieke, gebrek aan hulpbronne en beheerliggame van skole wat nie GW’s toelaat om SRG-voorligting en –dienste by skole aan te bied nie, is daarby ingesluit. Die bevindings van hierdie studie bewys dat dit moontlik is vir adolessente om positiewe ervarings te hê wanneer SRG-dienste verlang word, selfs in kontekste en kulture wat meer konserwatief van aard is. Talle mededelings van adolessente in verskeie landelike gebiede in sub-Sahara Afrika is ontvang wat rapporteer dat GW’s adolessente sou verneder, met hulle raas en selfs SRG-dienste aan adolessente weier wat hulle daarvoor nader. As sulks is die kliniekomgewing en gedrag van GW's die twee faktore wat sal bepaal of adolessente sal voortgaan om SRG-dienste en –sorg op te soek. Hierdie studie beveel aan dat dat die behoeftes van adolessente aangespreek moet word om die kliniekomgewing 'n meer adolessent-vriendelike ruimte te maak om sodoende die volgehoue gebruik van SRG-dienste onder adolessente te bevorder en gevolglik beter langtermyn adolessente SRG-uitkomste te bewerkstellig.
Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2022.
Preventive health services for children, Sex instruction for girls, Reproductive health services