Simbool en ritueel as instrumente vir geloofsvorming

dc.contributor.advisorHendriks, Hans Jurgensen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorHanekom, Abraham Rochelleen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherUniversity of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (DTh)--Stellenbosch University, 1995.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: A number of theories aimed at more effective ways of religious education have seen the light in recent years. They are all characterized by a holistic approach which emphasises the fact that we should try to utilise more than just the cognitive and verbal potential of man. This study does not merely accept this view but would also like to go further and look for practical means to implement these ideas. The central hypothesis of the study is that symbols and rituals are eminently suitable instruments if one opts for a holistic approach towards religious education. Various shifts which have recently occurred in modern society are highlighted in the study. These include a new outlook on life, new behavioural patterns, new ways of communication and new theories on communication. The complexity of our society is described because it has a major influence on the functioning of symbols and rituals. Secondly, symbols and rituals are defined and their functioning is described. Issues like the interplay between symbol and ritual and society, the way in which order and identity are given to society by symbols and rituals, the way in which symbols and rituals communicate without the use of a multitude of words, the pastoral function that symbols and rituals can fulfil and the gradual disappearance of symbols and rituals from our society are discussed. Attention is also paid to the concepts "liminality" and "commullitas", as described by the anthropologist Victor Turner. These two concepts are central to the understanding of the way in which rituals function. Thirdly, symbols and rituals are viewed from a Biblical and theological angle. The study shows that man was created as a symbol, but also underlines the importance of seeing man's body and soul as a unity. This has special implications for the manner in which we ritualize. It is also pointed out that symbols and rituals have played a major role in worship since the earliest times. The important role which kerugmatic and cultic acts, as well as the sacraments have played and can still play in the life of a believer is also described. Fourthly, the study concludes that symbols and rituals can indeed play a vital role in the process of religious education and the deepening and expansion of faith. The argument is supported in a deductive manner by the insights of people like H. Westerhoff, P. Babin, C.R. Foster, S. McLean and others. It is stressed that symbols and rituals should be used in a nuanced manner. Finally a number of proposals are made as to how these principles could be implemented in practice, together with some suggestions for further study. We believe that this should stimulate both the utilisation of symbols and rituals and further discussion and research in this regard.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar het die afgelope aantal jare 'n hele aantal teoriee rakende die effektiewe oordrag van geloofsinhoude die lig gesien. Die teoriee word feitlik deurgaans gekenmerk deur 'n holistiese benadering wat beklemtoon dat meer as die kognitiewe en verbale potensiaal van die mens benut behoort te word. Hierdie studie sluit daarby aan, maar soek verder na praktiese instrumente vir geloofsvorming wat aan hierdie vereiste sal voldoen. Die sentrale hipotese van die studie is dat simbole en rituele by uitnemendheid geskik is om geloofsinhoude op 'n holistiese wyse oor te dra en so mee te werk aan 'n proses van geloofsvorming. Daar word in die studie gewys op skuiwe wat die afgelope aantal jare binne die moderne samelewing plaasgevind het en die mens se gedrag, lewens- en wereldbeskouing, asook kommunikasie en teoriee ten opsigte van kommunikasie daadwerklik beinvloed het. Die kompleksiteit van die samelewing word uitgelig omdat dit sowel positiewe as negatiewe implikasies vir die funksionering van simbole en rituele het. Tweedens word simbole en rituele gedefinieer en die funksionering daarvan beskryf Sake soos die wisselwerking tussen simbole en ritue1e en die gemeenskap, die wyse waarop simbole en rituele orde en identiteit aan die gemeenskap gee, die wyse waarop simbole en rituele sonder 'n omhaal van woorde kommunikeer, die pastorale funksies wat deur simbole en ritue1e vervul kan word en die wyse waarop simbole en rituele algaande uit die samelewing verdwyn het, word bespreek. Aandag word ook aan die begrippe "liminaliteit" en "communitas" gegee. Daar word veral aangesluit by die werk van die antropoloog Victor Turner. Hierdie twee begrippe word as wesenlik vir die verstaan van die funksionering van rituele beskou. Derdens word simbole en rituele deur 'n teologiese en Bybelse bril beskou. Ten aanvang word daarop gewys dat daar aan die mens die kwaliteit gegee is om as lewende simbool te funksioneer. Vervolgens word aangetoon hoe be1angrik dit is om die liggaamlikheid van die mens ernstig op te neem en daarna hoedat simbole en rituele vanaf die Bybelse tye 'n sentrale rol gespeel het in die aanbiddingswereld van gelowiges. Die besondere rol wat kerugmatiese en kultiese handelinge, asook die sakramente, in die geloofslewe van mense gespeel het en steeds speel, word bespreek. Vierdens word die gevolgtrekking gemaak dat simbole en rituele inderdaad 'n belangrike rol kan speel in die proses van geloofsvorming. Die argument word verder op deduktiewe wyse ondersteun deur insigte van persone soos J.H. Westerhoff, P. Babin, R. Osmer, C.R. Foster, S. McLean e.a. Daar word veral gewys op die belangrikheid van 'n genuanseerde gebruik van simbole en rituele. Ten slotte word enkele bedieningsvoorstelle en aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing gemaak wat as stimulering van die bedieningspraktyk behoort te dien.en_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Practical Theology and Missiologyen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Practical Theology and Missiologyen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshSpiritual formationen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshSigns and symbolsen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshRites and ceremoniesen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshFaith developmenten_ZA
dc.titleSimbool en ritueel as instrumente vir geloofsvormingen_ZA
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