An analysis of the influence of induction programmes on beginner teachers’ professional development in the Erongo Region of Namibia

dc.contributor.advisorNdevu, Zwelinzimaen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorNghaamwa, Twahafifwa Ndahekelekwa Tupavalien_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. School of Public Leadership.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY : This empirical study is based on the need to analyse how induction programmes influence the personal growth and professional development of beginner teachers in the Erongo Region, Namibia. This perceived need prompted the interest to carry out an empirical study to ascertain how induction programmes in the Erongo Region influenced the personal and professional growth of novice teachers. In order to augment the study, the following research objectives were formulated with an aim to determine the extent to which induction programmes influence the beginner teachers’ personal growth and professional development. In operationalising the study, the qualitative research methodology in which a phenomenological research design was used, was utilized to come up with the intended outcomes. A phenomenological approach was used in an attempt to gain insights into the everyday issues novice teachers contend with. A total of 18 participants took part in the study. A purposive sampling method was employed in this study and data was collected using in-depth face to face interviews. The findings yielded eight themes and revealed: the induction programmes in the Erongo region was presented at both regional level and at school level; induction programmes benefitted the novice teachers by imparting to them classroom management skills, such as planning, teaching and learning as well as filing; novice teachers experienced adaptation challenges relating to the forging of new relationships; induction programmes at school level were largely informal and incidental and the induction support experienced by the new teachers was limited. The data also revealed there was a weak partnership between teacher education institutions and schools in providing for teacher personal and professional development. The study concluded that the absence of a policy on induction in the country had resulted in an erosion of the significance of induction in the teacher development continuum. The study has also highlighted the haphazard manner in which issues of induction were handled. The main policy recommendations emanating from the study are that a policy in respect of induction should be put in place, for the schools in the Erongo Region (if they are to be empowered to provide induction). Such induction would in addition require supports that should be amenable in the country’s context to be fully exploited. In addition, the study proposed there should be a partnership between teacher training institutions and schools in order to provide a holistic induction programme.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Die bestaande literatuur verwoord duidelik die unieke behoeftes van pas gekwalifiseerde onderwysers en die uitdagings wat hulle in die gesig staar tydens die beginjare van hul loopbaan. Hierdie empiriese studie is gebaseer op die behoefte om te ontleed hoe induksieprogramme die persoonlike groei en professionele ontwikkeling van nuwe onderwysers in die Erongo-streek, Namibie, beinvloed. Hierdie behoefte het daartoe gelei dat 'n empiriese studie onderneem is omte bepaal hoe induksieprogramme die persoonlike en professionele groei van nuwe onderwysers in die Erongo-streek beinvloed. Ten einde die studie aan te vul, is die volgende navorsingsdoelwitte geformuleer met die oog daarop om te bepaal in watter mate induksieprogramme die persoonlike groei en professionele ontwikkeling van nuwe onderwysers beinvloed. In operasionalisering van die studie is ‘n kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetodologie gevolg waarin 'n fenomenologiese navorsingsontwerp gebruik is ten einde die verlangde resultate te verkry. Deur ‘n fenomenologiese benadering te volg is daar gepoog om insig te verkry in die alledaagse kwessies waarmee nuwe onderwysers te kampe het. Altesame 18 deelnemers het deelgeneem aan die studie. 'n Doelgerigte steekproefneming is in hierdie studiegebruik en data is ingesamel deur middel van ongestruktureerde aangesig tot aangesig onderhoude. Die bevindinge het agt temas opgelewer en die volgende aan die lig gebring: die induksieprogramme in die Erongo-streek word op beide streeks- sowel as skoolvlak aangebied; induksieprogramme bevoordeel die nuwe onderwysers deurdat klaskamer-bestuursvaardighede aan hulle oorgedra word. Sodanige vaardighede sluit onder meer in: beplanning, onderrig en leer sowel as liassering; nuwe onderwysers ervaar uitdagings wat betref aanpassing soos die smee van nuwe verhoudings; induksieprogramme op skoolvlak was grootliks informeel van aard en lukraak en die induksieondersteuning wat die nuwe onderwysers ontvang het was beperk. Die data het ook getoon dat daar min samewerking tussen onderwysinstellings en skole bestaan om nuwe onderwysers se persoonlike en professionele ontwikkeling te bevorder. Die studie het bevind dat die afwesigheid van 'n beleid oor induksie gelei het tot die erodering van die belangrike rol wat induksie speel in die ontwikkelingskontinuum van onderwysers in die land. Die studie het ook die lukrake wyse waarop induksie plaasvind, uitgelig.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxv, 136 pages ; illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectEducators -- College graduates -- Erongo (Namibia)en_ZA
dc.subjectInitiations (into trades, societies, etc.) -- Erongo (Namibia)en_ZA
dc.subjectInduction programmes -- Erongo (Namibia)en_ZA
dc.subjectCareer developmenten_ZA
dc.titleAn analysis of the influence of induction programmes on beginner teachers’ professional development in the Erongo Region of Namibiaen_ZA
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