Near-optimum cost minimisation of transporting bioenergy carriers from source to intermediate distributors

dc.contributor.advisorDirkse van Schalkwyk, T. G.
dc.contributor.authorRoberts, Thearien_ZA
dc.contributor.otherUniversity of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Industrial Engineering.
dc.descriptionThesis (MScEng (Industrial Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The world is facing an energy crisis with worldwide energy consumption rising at an alarming rate. The effects that fossil fuels have on the environment are also causing concern. For these two reasons the world is determined to find ‘cleaner’, renewable and sustainable energy sources. The Cape Winelands District Munisipality (CWDM) area has been identified as the study area for a bioenergy project. The CWDM project aims to determine the possibility of producing bioenergy from lignocellulosic biomass, and transporting it as economically as possible to a number of electricity plants within the study area. From the CWDM project a number of research topics were identified. The aim of this thesis is to determine the best location for one or more processing plants that will maximise the potential profit through the entire system. This is achieved by minimising the overall life cycle cost of the project. It takes into account costs from establishing and maintaining the crops, harvesting, transportation, conversion and generation; with a strong focus on the transport costs. In conjunction with a Geographical Information Systems (GIS) specialist and taking into account various factors such as electricity demand, heat sales and substation locations, 14 possible plant locations were identified. The possible supply points for each of the 14 plant locations were then analysed by GIS again to yield data in terms of elevation, road distances and slope. The transport costs were calculated using the Vehicle Cost Schedule (VCS) from the Road Freight Association (RFA) and fuel consumption calculations. It takes into account slope, laden and unladen transport and considers different transport commodities. These calculations together with the other associated costs of the life cycle are then combined with the results of the GIS into an EXCEL file. From this a transportation optimisation model is developed and the equivalent yearly life cycle cost of each of the 14 demand points are minimised by means of LINGO software. Initially runs were done for 2.5 MW capacity plants. From the high profit areas identified here, a single area was chosen and further runs were done on it. These runs were performed to determine the effect of different plant capacities on the life cycle costs, as well as how it affects the farm gate price that can be paid to the farmer. It also determined the effect of farmer participation at different plant capacities. The results indicate that it is currently possible to pay a farmer between R 300.00 and R 358.00 for a ton of biomass. It also revealed that with higher participation from farmers in the CWDM project, lower costs and higher farm gate prices will result, since the transport costs will be lower. Although all the costs within the life cycle are variable over time, the transport cost is the only cost that varies spatially and this will have a major effect on the overall system cost. The thesis found that generating electricity from woody biomass is feasible for all areas that were considered as well as for all variations considered during the sensitivity analysis. For the recommended plant size of 5 MW the transport of logs will be optimum.en
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die tempo waarteen energieverbruik wêreldwyd styg is ʼn rede tot kommer. Die nadelige effek wat fossiel brandstowwe op die omgewing het, is ook ʼn probleem. Hierdie twee redes is hoofsaaklik wat die wêreld dryf om ‘skoner’ hernieubare en volhoubare energie bronne te vind. Die Kaapse Wynland Distrik Munisipaliteit (KWDM) area is identifiseer as ʼn studie area vir ʼn bio-energie projek. Die doel van die KWDM projek is om die vervaardiging van bio-energie vanaf plantasies, die vervoer van hierdie bome sowel as die prosessering koste by die fabriek te bepaal en te evalueer. Vanuit die KWDM projek het `n aantal tesisse ontwikkel waarvan hierdie een is. Die doel van hierdie tesis is om die beste posisie vir een of meer prosesserings fabrieke te bepaal wat die potensiële wins van die KWDM projek sal maksimeer. Dit is ook gemik daarop om die ekwivalente jaarlikse oorhoofse lewenssiklus koste van die projek te minimeer. Dit neem die vestiging en onderhoud van gewasse, oeskostes, vervoerkostes en proseskostes in ag, met ʼn spesifiek fokus op die vervoerkoste. In samewerking met `ʼn “Geographical Information Systems” (GIS) spesialis en deur verskeie faktore, soos elektrisiteitsverbruik, inkomste vanaf hitte verkope en substasie posisies, in ag te neem is 14 moontlike fabriek posisies identifiseer. Verder is die moontlike voorsienings areas van elk van die 14 fabriek posisies weer deur GIS analiseer om resultate in terme van hoogte bo seespieël, padafstand en helling te verkry. Die vervoerkostes is verkry vanaf die “Vehicle Cost Schedule” (VCS) van die “Road Freight Association” (RFA), asook berekeninge wat die brandstof verbruik in ag neem. Hierdie kostes sluit in die effek van gradiënt, gelaaide en ongelaaide vervoer sowel as verskillende vervoer produkte. Hierdie berekeninge sowel as die ander kostes in die siklus en die resultate van GIS is kombineer in ʼn EXCEL leer. Hierdie data word dan gebruik om ʼn LINGO model te ontwikkel en die oorhoofse lewenssiklus koste van elk van die 14 fabriek posisies te minimeer. Optimering is gedoen vir 2.5 MW kapasiteit fabrieke. Uit die beste areas is een area identifiseer en verdere lopies is daarop gedoen. Die doel van hierdie lopies is om die effek van verskillende fabriekskapasiteit op die lewensiklus koste te bepaal, asook die effek daarvan op die prys wat aan die boer betaal word vir hout. Hierdie lopies is ook gebruik om die effek van boer deelname te bepaal. Die resultaat dui aan dat dit tans moontlik is om ʼn boer tussen R 300.00 en R 358.00 te betaal vir ʼn ton biomassa. Dit het ook gewys dat hoe meer boere deelneem aan hierdie projek hoe laer is die oorhoofse lewensiklus koste en hoe hoër is die prys wat betaal kan word vir hout aangesien die vervoerkoste laer sal wees. Alhoewel al die lewensiklus kostes veranderlik is oor tyd, is dit net die vervoerkoste wat ʼn ruimtelike komponent ook het en dit sal ʼn groot effek op die oorhoofse lewenssiklus koste hê. Die tesis bevind dat dit lewensvatbaar is vir alle areas in die studie om elektrisiteit op te wek vanaf hout biomassa, selfs al word die uiterse variasie in die sensitiwiteitsanalise gebruik. Vir die aanbeveling van ʼn 5 MW fabriek sal die goedkoopste vervoer opsie boomstompe
dc.format.extent106 p. : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
dc.rights.holderUniversity of Stellenbosch
dc.subjectDissertations -- Industrial engineeringen
dc.subjectTheses -- Industrial engineeringen
dc.subjectBiomass energyen
dc.subjectGeographical Information Systems (GIS)en
dc.subjectBiomass energy -- Economic aspectsen
dc.titleNear-optimum cost minimisation of transporting bioenergy carriers from source to intermediate distributorsen_ZA
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