Die bydrae van maatskaplike werk ten opsigte van gemeenskapstrawwe

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates the contribution of social work in regard to community sentences. In spite of the statutory availability of community sentence options and a realization of the detrimental effect that imprisonment might have on transgressors, the overcrowding of prisons remains a serious problem. The most important motivation for the study was to investigate the potential contribution of probation officers to the advancement of community sentences. The goal of the study was to evaluate the services rendered by probation officers at criminal courts, in order to assess whether it could contribute to the advancement of community sentences. Evaluative research was accepted as the most appropriate research paradigm. Because the research results should be used to develop and improve existing service programmes, formative evaluative research was used for this study. A mainly qualitative work method was followed. The rationale behind this was that a service programme must be assessed within the total context of the criminal administration of justice; that information had to be extracted from the actors in the program and that new dimensions generated during field work could be verified. Information was collected by way of interviews according to an interview schedule and by way of focus group discussions. Two components are needed in the advancement of community sentences, namely sentencers to sentence and probation officers to render the necessary supportive services to the court. The investigation group consisted therefore of magistrates and probation officers composed through maximal variation sampling. The information that had been collected, was processed as a whole around specific subjects.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die bydrae van maatskaplike werk ten opsigte van gemeenskapstrawwe. Ten spyte van die statutere beskikbaarheid van gemeenskapstrafopsies en 'n besef van die nadelige effek wat gevangenisstraf op oortreders kan he, bly oorbevolking van gevangenisse steeds 'n ernstige probleem. Die belangrikste motivering vir die studie was om te ondersoek watter bydrae proefbeamptes kan lewer om gemeenskapstrawwe te bevorder. Die doelstelling van die studie was om die dienslewering van proefbeamptes aan die strafhowe te evalueer ten einde te bepaal of dit kan bydra tot die uitbouing van gemeenskapstrawwe. Evaluatiewe navorsing is as die mees geskikte navorsingsparadigma aanvaar. Aangesien die navorsingsbevindings benut moet word om bestaande diensleweringsprogramme te ontwikkel en te verbeter, is formatiewe evaluatiewe navorsing onderneem in die studie. 'n Oorwegend kwalitatiewe werkswyse is gevolg. Die rasionaal hiervoor was dat 'n diensleweringsprogram binne die totale konteks van die strafregpleging beoordeel moet word; dat die inligting van die akteurs in die program verkry word en dat nuwe dimensies wat gedurende veldwerk gegenereer word, geverifieer kan word. Inligting is ingesamel deur middle van onderhoude aan die hand van 'n onderhoudskedule en deur fokusgroepbesprekings. Twee komponente is nodig vir die uitbouing van gemeenskapstrawwe, naamlik straftoemeters wat strawwe moet oplê en proefbeamptes wat die nodige ondersteunende dienste aan die hof moet lewer. Die ondersoekgroep het dus bestaan uit landdroste en proefbeamptes wat deur maksimale variasie monsterneming saamgestel is. Die inligting wat verkry is, is tot 'n geheel verwerk rondom spesifieke onderwerpe.
Proefskrif (Ph. D.) -- Universiteit van Stellenbosch, 1991.
Community-based corrections -- South Africa, Probation officers, Social work with criminals -- South Africa, Sentences (Criminal procedure) -- South Africa, Corrections -- South Africa, Dissertations -- Social work