Determining a sourcing approach to infrastructure asset maintenance : a case study in the City of Cape Town: assessing the insourcing and outsourcing approach

dc.contributor.advisorBurger, A. P. Johanen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorMeyer, Ronelen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. School of Public Leadership.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY: The purpose of this study is to determine a sourcing approach to infrastructure asset maintenance in the City of Cape Town. A favoured sourcing approach is largely influenced by the underlying aims surrounding insourcing or outsourcing. The sourcing approach is usually concerned with resource capacity, technical expertise, changes in infrastructure technology and response to risks in the asset maintenance environment. The sourcing decision for asset maintenance services considers factors such as increasing capacity, time saving, gaining technical expertise and mitigating exposure to risks, and can be based on an acceptable method of procuring services. This study explores key sourcing factors that influence the sourcing decision to insource or outsource asset maintenance services and suggests how theoretical perspectives influence sourcing decision-making that responds to risks to infrastructure in the City of Cape Town. The case study focuses on four asset maintenance branches in the City of Cape Town municipality. The asset maintenance unit’s maintenance portfolio and services enabled the researcher to explore similarities in operating environments and the strategic sourcing approach in the City of Cape Town municipality. The research sample observed is relatively small, and therefore primary data was collected through interviewing asset maintenance experts using questionnaires, as well as through a comprehensive literature review exploring qualitative data and the application of thematic analysis against the research findings. The study concluded that, if properly structured, the sourcing decision can effectively combine key factors such as business strategy, capacity, competency and contractual risks to inform the optimal sourcing approach. The study maintains that the sourcing approach is an integral part of the business strategy and departmental structure of the asset maintenance branches. From the results it is established that a structured sourcing approach will provide proper guidance for the decision to insource or outsource services. It was also found that an increasing reliance on outsourcing key maintenance services leads to increased exposure to uncertain events in the contract environment, which explains why the evaluation of risks during the sourcing decision is a critical process. This places emphasis on evaluating the best sourcing approach against the degree of risks in the procurement environment when entering into a sourcing relationship. The study contributes towards identifying gaps in knowledge in the area of decision making in the sourcing approach when maintaining and procuring services during asset maintenance in the City of Cape Town municipal environment. The study recommends that asset maintenance departments improve their sourcing approach and decision making and look to implement a more structured asset lifecycle management approach which integrates ISO 55001 into the asset maintenance sourcing approach throughout the asset lifecycle. Incorporating knowledge-based decision-making applications and business processes will provide a strategic and systematic approach to decision making against related risks in the lifecycle of any asset and can inform the relevant sourcing approach in a strategic framework.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om 'n verkrygings benadering tot instandhouding van infrastruktuur bates in die Stad Kaapstad te bepaal. 'n Begunstigde verkrygings benadering word grootliks beïnvloed deur die onderliggende doelwitte rondom inkontraktering of uitkontraktering. Die verkrygings benadering is gewoonlik gemoeid met hulpbronkapasiteit, tegniese kundigheid, veranderinge in infrastruktuur tegnologie en reaksie op risiko's in die bate-instandhoudings omgewing. Die verkrygings besluit vir bate-instandhoudingsdienste oorweeg faktore soos die verhoging van kapasiteit, tydbesparing, die verkryging van tegniese kundigheid en die versagting van blootstelling aan risiko's, en kan gebaseer word op 'n aanvaarbare metode om dienste te verkry. Hierdie studie ondersoek sleutel verkrygings faktore wat die verkrygings besluit beïnvloed om bate-instandhoudingsdienste in te kontrakteer of uit te kontrakteer, en stel voor hoe teoretiese perspektiewe verkrygings besluitneming beïnvloed wat op risiko's vir infrastruktuur in die Stad Kaapstad reageer. Die gevallestudie fokus op vier bate-instandhoudings takke in die Stad Kaapstad-munisipaliteit. Die bate-instandhoudings eenheid se instandhoudings portefeulje en dienste het die navorser in staat gestel om ooreenkomste in bedryfsomgewings en die strategiese verkrygings benadering in die Stad Kaapstad-munisipaliteit te ondersoek. Die navorsing steekproef wat waargeneem is, is relatief klein, en daarom is primêre data ingesamel deur onderhoude te voer met bate-instandhoudings kundiges met behulp van vraelyste, asook deur 'n omvattende literatuuroorsig wat kwalitatiewe data en die toepassing van tematiese analise teen die navorsingsbevindings ondersoek. Die studie het tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat, indien behoorlik gestruktureer, die verkrygings besluit sleutelfaktore soos besigheidstrategie, kapasiteit, bevoegdheid en kontraktuele risiko's effektief kan kombineer om die optimale verkrygings benadering in te lig. Die studie hou vol dat die verkrygings benadering 'n integrale deel van die besigheidstrategie en departementele struktuur van die bate-instandhoudings takke is. Uit die resultate word vasgestel dat 'n gestruktureerde verkrygings benadering behoorlike leiding sal gee vir die besluit om dienste te inkontrakteer of uit te kontrakteer. Daar is ook gevind dat 'n toenemende afhanklikheid van die uitkontraktering van sleutel instandhoudingsdienste lei tot verhoogde blootstelling aan onsekere gebeure in die kontrak omgewing, wat verduidelik waarom die evaluering van risiko's tydens die verkrygings besluit 'n kritieke proses is. Dit plaas klem op die evaluering van die beste verkrygings benadering teenoor die graad van risiko's in die verkrygings omgewing wanneer 'n verkrygings verhouding aangegaan word. Die studie dra by tot die identifisering van gapings in kennis op die gebied van besluitneming in die verkrygings benadering by die instandhouding en verkryging van dienste tydens bate-instandhouding in die Stad Kaapstad munisipale omgewing. Die studie beveel aan dat bate-instandhoudings departemente hul verkrygings benadering en besluitneming verbeter, en daarna streef om 'n meer gestruktureerde bate-lewensiklus bestuur-benadering te implementeer wat ISO 55001 in die bate-instandhouding verkrygings benadering deur die hele bate-lewensiklus integreer. Die insluiting van kennisgebaseerde besluitnemings toepassings en besigheidsprosesse sal 'n strategiese en sistematiese benadering tot besluitneming teen verwante risiko's in die lewensiklus van enige bate verskaf en kan die relevante verkrygings benadering in 'n strategiese raamwerk inlig.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxiii, 96 pages : illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectInfrastructure (Economics) -- Management -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectGovernment property -- Management -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectPublic works -- Maintenance and repair -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectPublic utilities -- Management -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.titleDetermining a sourcing approach to infrastructure asset maintenance : a case study in the City of Cape Town: assessing the insourcing and outsourcing approachen_ZA
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