Mathematical and simulation techniques for modelling urban train networks

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Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Railway systems can pose complex problems for the scheduling and operation of trains. A passenger rail service’s first priority is to provide a punctual and safe transport service to its customers. But doing so is a major challenge for rail network operators, as disruptions are inevitable, especially in densely-populated networks. Disruptions can be caused not only by infrastructure or rolling stock breakdowns, but also by maintenance activities, new rolling stock, or new train services. Managing these disruptions and predicting the extent of its effects is a crucial part of rail network operation. Mathematical models and simulation can be applied to these problems. This paper will review the literature concerning the modelling of train networks.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Spoorwegstelsels skep soms komplekse probleme met betrekking tot die skedulering en die bedryf van treine. ’n Passasiers-spoordiens se eerste prioriteit is om stiptelike en veilige vervoer te verskaf aan sy gebruikers. Om ’n stiptelike en betroubare diens te lewer is ’n groot uitdaging vir netwerk operateurs, aangesien trein dienste maklik ontwrig word in digbevolkte netwerke. Ontwrigtinge word nie net deur infrastruktuur en rollende materiaal falings veroorsaak nie, maar ook deur infrastruktuur onderhoud, nuwe rollende materiaal, en nuwe treindienste wat ingestel kan word. Die bestuur van dié ontwrigtinge en die akkurate vooruitskatting van die effek op die res van die netwerk is ’n kritiese komponent van die bedryf van ’n trein netwerk. Wiskundige modelle en simulasie metodes kan toegepas word op dié tipe probleme. Hierdie artikel bespreek die literatuur wat oor die modellering van trein netwerke handel.
CITATION: Wilson, N., Fourie, C. J. & Delmistro, R. 2016. Mathematical and simulation techniques for modelling urban train networks. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 27(2):109-119, doi:10.7166/27-2-1364.
The original publication is available at
Rail networks -- Mathematical models, Rail industry, Railway networks, Railroads -- Joint use of facilities
Wilson, N., Fourie, C. J. & Delmistro, R. 2016. Mathematical and simulation techniques for modelling urban train networks. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 27(2):109-119, doi:10.7166/27-2-1364