The adolescent and sexual health

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Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Research and in certain instances the lack of research as well as extensive experience of the researcher in this field of study convinced the researcher that a scientific study / exploration is critical on the different aspects of adolescent sexual health. A study, based on a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods (triangulation), was conducted to identify and describe the factors playing a role in adolescents’ experiencing problems in maintaining their sexual health. Adolescents are at risk of contracting Sexually Transmitted Diseases including HIV/AIDS because of their sexual behaviour. Initiation of early sexual relations contributing to possible multiple sexual partners and failure to consistently use condoms contribute to this risk. Failure to continuously use a reliable contraceptive method also enhances the risk of unintended pregnancies and consequent exposure to the risks involved in termination of pregnancy or the psychological effects of giving the baby up for adoption, the hardship of raising the baby as a single parent or being forced to marry at a young age. Thus the physical-, emotional-, and social well being of the adolescent is at risk when they are not equipped to maintain their sexual health.The study concludes that adolescents that are sexually active and have multiple sexual partners have a higher probability of not maintaining their sexual health. Based on the outcome of this study the researcher feels strongly that the following needs to be addressed in order to promote the maintenance of adolescent sexual health: • Professional nurses need to be trained and sensitized to guide and manage adolescents seeking sexual or reproductive advice; • Sexuality programmes need to be integrated into school curricula; • Positive use of the mass media to promote healthy lifestyles; and • Training programmes for parents and adolescents.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Navorsing en in sekere gevalle die gebrek daaraan sowel as ekstensiewe ondervinding van die navorser in die studieveld, het die navorser oortuig dat ‘n wetenskaplike studie / eksplorasie oor die veskillende aspekte van adolessente seksuele gesondheid krities was. ‘n Studie, gebaseer op ‘n kombinasie van kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe metodes (triangulasie), was uitgevoer om die faktore wat ‘n rol speel in adolessente se vermoëns om hul seksuele gesondheid te handhaaf, te identifiseer en te bepreek. Adolessente se risiko is hoog om Seksueel Oordraagbare siektes, insluitend MIV/VIGS, op te doen weens hul seksuele gedrag. Die aanvang van vroeë seksuele verhoudings dra by tot moontlike meervoudige seksmaats en die gebrek aan konsekwente gebruik van kondome verhoog die risiko. Gebrek aan die aaneenlopende gebruik van ‘n betroubare kontraseptiewe metode verhoog ook die risiko van ‘n ongewensde swangerskap en gevolglike blootstelling aan die risiko’s verbonde aan terminasie van swangerskap of die psigologiese effekte wat gepaard gaan met aanneming, enkel ouerskap en geforseerde trou op ‘n vroeë ouderdom. Derhalwe word die fisiese-, emosionele- en sosiale welsyn van die adolessent bedreig as hulle nie toegerus is om hul seksuele gesondheid te handhaaf nie.Die gevolgtrekking van die studie is dat adolessente wat seksueel aktief is en meervoudige seksmaats het, ‘n hoër waarskynlikheid het om nie hul seksuele gesondheid te handhaaf nie. Gebaseer op die uitkoms van die studie is die navorser van mening dat die volgende aangespreek moet word ten einde die handhawing van adolessente seksuele gesondheid te bevorder: • Geregistreerde vepleegkundiges moet opgelei en gesensitiseer word om adolessente te hanteer en van leiding te voorsien; • Seksualitiet programme moet in die skool kurrikulum integreer word; • Positiewe gebruik van die massa media om gesonde lewenstyle te bevorder; en • Opleidingsprogramme vir ouers en adolessente.
Thesis (MCur)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004.
Health behavior in adolescence, Teenagers -- Sexual behavior -- South Africa, Sexually transmitted diseases -- South Africa -- Prevention, Theses -- Nursing, Dissertations -- Nursing