Assessing reasons for non-compliance to the requirements of the Employment Equity Act no. 55 of 1998 : case study of the dietetics department within Tygerberg Hospital

dc.contributor.advisorNdevu, Zwelinzimaen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorBekwa, Noluvuyo Margareten_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. School of Public Leadership.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The relevance of employment equity has been widely debated. This study is of the view that affirmative action is the core factor in realising compliance to and implementation of employment equity. The study was aimed at investigating why Tygerberg Hospital has not complied with the implementation of the Employment Equity Act (EEA) No 55 of 1998 specifically with regards to the field of Dietetics. Research questions have been formulated, relying on literature which includes guiding legislation and policies. Recruitment and selection processes applicable to the dietetic department were analysed and linked with the consulted literature. Role of transformation in transforming the institution was part of the study to ascertain the scope of transformation in managing diversity within Tygerberg Hospital. A combination of data collection tools was used in the study, including interviews and questionnaires to better understand the underlying reasons of non-compliance. The fundamental findings of the study showed that even though policies and legislation had been formulated, there are underlying issues to be addressed by the institution, such as language barriers and personal perceptions of the institution which could subsequently be improved through effective diversity management strategies. It is recommended that the institution will have to come up with a short-term, measurable plan to ensure compliance such as an institutional employment equity plan, appointment of a transformational officer who will focus on managing the institutional diversity management, and an internal capacity building unit to carry out institutional training and development as opposed to the current system. To ensure monitoring and evaluation compliance on employment equity, it is recommended that the responsibility be linked to the performance plan of the senior managers as well as the line manager of the dietetic department. By so doing failure to comply will result in a poor performance assessment outcome of the delegated authority, compliance enforced through departmental disciplinary procedures.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die toepaslikheid van billike indiensneming is al wyd gedebatteer. Hierdie studie is die mening toegedaan dat regstellende aksie die kern faktor is om nakoming van en die implementering van billike indiensneming te bereik. Die studie was daarop gemik om ondersoek in te stel waarom Tygerberg Hospitaal nie voldoen het aan die implementering van die Indiensneming Gelykheids Wet No 55 van 1998 nie, spesifiek met betrekking tot die veld van Dieetkunde. Vrae in die navorsing was geformuleer, gebasseer op literature wat rigtinggewende wetgewing en beleid insluit. Werwing en seleksie prosesse van toepassing in die Dieetkunde Departement was ontleed en gekoppel aan die toepaslike literatuur. Die rol van transformasie in die transformering van die inrigting het deel uitgemaak van die studie om die omvang van transformasie te bepaal, rakende die bestuur van diversiteit binne Tygerberg Hospitaal. ‘n Kombinasie van data versameling metodes was in die studie gebruik. Dit het onderhoude en vraelyste ingesluit om die onderliggende redes vir nie-nakoming te verstaan. Die fundamentele bevindinge van die studie het getoon dat ongeag die feit dat beleid en wetgewing geformuleer was, daar onderliggende aspekte was wat by die inrigting aangespreek moet word, soos taal-hindernisse en persoonlike persepsie oor die inrigting en wat gevolglik verbeter kan word by wyse van ‘n effektiewe uiteenlopende bestuursstrategie. Dit word aanbeveel dat die inrigting navore moet kom met ‘n kort-termyn en meetbare plan ter versekering van ‘n institusionele billikheidsindiensneming plan, die indiensneming van ‘n Transformasie Beampte wat sal fokus op bestuur van die inrigting se diversiteit en ‘n interne eenheid om die vermoë van die inrigting se opleiding en ontwikkeling uit te voer in teenstelling met die huidige sisteem. Om monitoring en evaluasie van billike indiensneming te verseker, word dit aanbeveel dat dié verantwoordelikheid gekoppel word aan die werkverrigtingsplan van Senior Bestuurders asook dié van Lynbestuurders van die Dieetkundige Departement. Mislukking om hieraan te voldoen sal lei tot ‘n swak werkverrigting evaluering resultaat van die aangewese outoriteit. Voldoening hieraan sal afgedwing moet word deur departementele dissiplinêre prosedures.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxv, 108 p.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectSouth Africa. Employment Equity Act (1998)en_ZA
dc.subjectHospitals -- Food service -- Personnel managementen_ZA
dc.subjectTygerberg Hospital -- Recruitment and selectionen_ZA
dc.subjectDiscrimination in employment -- South Africa -- Western Capeen_ZA
dc.subjectAffirmative action programs -- South Africa -- Western Capeen_ZA
dc.subjectLabor laws and legislation -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Public management and planningen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Public management and planningen_ZA
dc.titleAssessing reasons for non-compliance to the requirements of the Employment Equity Act no. 55 of 1998 : case study of the dietetics department within Tygerberg Hospitalen_ZA
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