Die moontlike privatisering van enkele onderwysfunksies in sekondere onderwys in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika

dc.contributor.advisorPrinsloo, N. P.
dc.contributor.authorDiedericks, A. E.(Anton Ewald)
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Education Policy Studies.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The South African system of education is in a transitional stage from a fragmented educational system with various departments to a more encompassing unitary one. The finances of the various departments were centrally controlled and managed. The objective of the new system of education is to be transparent, free, equal and democratic with only one umbrella department. Great expectations were raised among the South African public with regards to this new system. Nowadays many more learners are involved at schools without the provision of more monetary resources. In order to meet the public's expectations and live up to acceptable standards, alternative initiatives to generate funds must be investigated. During the first phase of this investigation research of the educational systems of relevant countries was undertaken. It was established that these countries implement various forms of privatisation to enable their educational systems to function at a high level. In all these countries adjustments were made to adapt to the local circumstances. In South Africa a new education legislation might be the impetus for further privatisation. Information about the implementation of privatisation in South African context was obtained by semi-structured interviews with numerous principals in the Cape Metropole. Additional data concerning the schools was obtained by means of a questionnaire. The qualitative research method was mainly used for the collection and interpretation of data. It became evident that total privatisation would not be the solution for the unique problems of the South African educational system. The system would be too expensive and not within financial reach of the average person. Privatisation in public schools with regards to all facets will be difficult to implement. It is, however, possible to privatise certain school structures and according to the interviews, this has already been initiated in numerous schools. To enable privatisation to function successfully, efficient expertise is essential. It is paramount that there should be meganisms of efficient control and management. The role of the principal has become vitally important with a shift of emphasis from educationalist to manager. The supportive role of the governing body of a school in the decision-making process and the management of the school has been increased by the education legislation. Based on international tendencies it seems that healthy business principles are the foundation of privatisation of selective school structures. Most of the interest groups are satisfied with the fact that they have more say and a greater involvement in the total educational system. The objective that will be achieved is a legitimate system that maintains high standards, is more affordable than the current system and learners who are equipped to fulfill their role as mature citizens.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysstesel is in 'n oorgangstadium vanaf 'n gefragmenteerde stesel met verskillende departemente tot 'n meer omvattende, eenvormige stesel. Voorheen was die finansies sentraal beheer en bestuur. Die nuwe onderwysstelsel se doelwit is egter om 'n deursigtige, vrye en gelyke demokratiese stelsel daar te stel met slegs een oorkoepelende departement. By die Suid-Afrikaanse publiek is baie verwagtinge geskep rakende die nuwe stelsel. Baie meer leerders word deesdae· betrek by skole sonder dat meer finansiële hulpmiddels beskikbaar is. Om aan die verwagtinge van die publiek te voldoen en om standaarde te handhaaf moet alternatiewe inisiatiewe vir geldgenerering nou gevind word. Tydens die eerste fase van dié ondersoek is navorsing van relevante lande se onderwysstelsels onderneem. Daar is vasgestel dat hierdie lande vorme van privatisering toepas om hul onderwysstesels op 'n hoë vlak te laat funksioneer. By al die lande is aanpassings gedoen om privatisering by die plaaslike omstandighede te laat inskakel. Inligting oor die toepassing van privatisering in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks is bekom deur semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude te voer met 'n aantal skoolhoofde van die Wes-Kaap. Addisionele data aangaande die skole is verkry deur die voltooiing van 'n vraelys. Die kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetode is hoofsaaklik gevolg by die insameling van data en die interpretasie daarvan. Dit was duidelik dat algehele privatisering nie 'n oplossing sal wees by die unieke probleme van die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysstelsel nie. Dit sal die stelsel te duur maak en buite bereik van die gemiddelde persoon plaas. Privatisering van staatskole ten opsigte van alle funksis sal inderwaarheid moeilik bereik kan word. Privatisering van sommige skoolstrukture kan egter wel plaasvind, en is reeds geïmplementeer in talle skole, soos vasgestel uit die onderhoude. Om privatisering goed te laat funksioneer, is voldoende kundigheid sowel as meganismesvan kontrole en beheer onontbeerlik. Die prinsipaal se rol het baie belangrik geword, met 'n klemverskuiwing vanaf opvoedkundige na bestuurder. Die beheerliggame van skole se ondersteunende rol en die hulp wat hulle verleen by die bestuur- en besluitnemingsprosesseword ingevolge onderwyswetgewing aansienlik groter. Gegrond op internasionale tendense blyk dit dat gesonde sakebeginsels die onderbou van privatisering van sommige skoolstrukture is. Die meeste belangegroepe is tevrede met hul groter inspraak en betrokkenheid by die opvoedingstelsel in die geheel. Die doelwit wat bereik gaan word, is 'n stelsel wat legitimiteit het, goeie standaarde handhaaf, finansieel meer bekostigbaar is as die huidige stelsel, en leerders wat opgewasse is om hul rol as volwaardige landsburgers te vervul.af_ZA
dc.format.extent269 p.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectEducation, Secondary -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectPrivatization in education -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectEducation and state -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectEducational change -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Educationen_ZA
dc.titleDie moontlike privatisering van enkele onderwysfunksies in sekondere onderwys in die Republiek van Suid-Afrikaaf_ZA
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