The functional design of a project management information system : case study with South African Breweries Ltd

dc.contributor.advisorSchutte, C. S. L.
dc.contributor.authorBester, Anna Ju-Marie
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Industrial Engineering.
dc.descriptionThe goal of the report is to investigate and validate the functional design of a project management information system (PMIS). The goal of the case study is to measure and evaluate the current PMIS within South African Breweries Ltd against the essential information- and system requirements found to identify the information- and system gaps present.en_ZA
dc.descriptionFinal year project, 2011
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Globalization and the internationalization of markets have increased competitive pressures on business enterprises. This has led companies to engage in projects that are vital to their performance, if not their survival. These projects need to be managed, that is, they need to be planned, staffed, organized, monitored, controlled, and evaluated. In order to succeed, companies must deliver projects on time and within budget, and meet specifications while managing project risks. While large amounts of time, resources are dedicated to selecting and designing projects, it remains of supreme importance that projects be adequately managed in organizations if they are to achieve their performance objectives. Thus, to provide a tool for the successful management of project, this final year project presents a project management information system (PMIS). The value of a PMIS and a description of a PMIS as well as the essential elements and components of a PMIS are offered. Furthermore, the information- and system requirements are provided. The final year project also describes how to use a PMIS within the management of a project. A description of PMIS hardware and software is suggested together with the desirable features of a PMIS to aid project managers to choose and design a specific PMIS that meets the requirements and needs for a specific project. In order to validate and verify the information gathered from literature and experience, a research test model is presented to prove that a PMIS is the correct model to use within project management as well as to prove that the model is defined and described correctly. An altered information audit and Pareto analysis is used with the aim of measuring and evaluating the current PMIS within South African Breweries Ltd against the essential information- and system requirements found. Conclusions and case specific recommendations are made to provide SAB Ltd with concrete solutions that will improve productivity and project success rate. This in turn will have a positive influence on SAB Ltd on their road towards meeting their company goals.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Globalisering en die internasionalisering van markte is tans besig om drasties toe te neem en plaas mededingende druk op sake-ondernemings. Gevolglik raak maatskappye betrokke in projekte wat noodsaaklik is vir hul prestasie, indien nie vir hul oorlewing nie. Hierdie projekte moet bestuur word, dit wil sê hulle moet beplan, beman, georganiseer, gemonitor, beheer, en geëvalueer word. Om suksesvol te wees, moet maatskappye projekte binne tyd en begroting lewer. Hierdie projekte moet voldoen aan gestelde spesifikasies en moet risiko bestuur ook in ag neem. Terwyl baie tyd en hulpbronne toegewy word aan die selektering en ontwerp van projekte, bly dit van uiterste belang dat die projekte genoegsaam bestuur moet word as organisasies hul prestasie doelwitte wil bereik. Die finale jaar projek bied ʼn projek bestuur inligting stelsel (PBIS) aan. ʼn PBIS is ʼn hulpmiddel vir die suksesvolle bestuur van projekte. Die waarde van die PBIS en 'n beskrywing van ʼn PBIS asook die noodsaaklike elemente en komponente van 'n PBIS word aangebied. Verder word die inligting- en stelsel vereistes voorsien. Die finale jaar projek beskryf ook hoe om die PBIS te gebruik in die bestuur van 'n projek en dui aan hoe projek inligting gedeel kan word met behulp van 'n PBIS. 'n Beskrywing van die PBIS hardeware en sagteware is saam met die gewenste eienskappe van 'n PBIS voorsien. Dit sal projek bestuurders help om 'n spesifieke PBIS te selekteer en te ontwerp wat aan die vereistes en behoeftes vir ʼn spesifieke projek voldoen. Om te valideer en te verifieer dat die inligting wat versamel is uit literatuur en ervaring korrek is, is 'n navorsings-toets model aangebied om te bewys dat die PBIS die korrekte model is om te gebruik in die bestuur van ʼn projek sowel as om te bewys dat die model wat gedefinieer is, korrek beskryf word. 'n Informasie oudit en Pareto analise word gebruik om die huidige PBIS binne die Suid-Afrikaanse Brouerye Bpk., te meet en te evalueer teen die noodsaaklike inligting en stelsel wat gevind is. Sodoende kan die huidige inligting en stelsel gapings geïdentifiseer word. Gevolgtrekkings en spesifieke aanbevelings word gemaak om SAB Bpk. te voorsien met konkrete oplossings wat produktiwiteit en projek sukseskoers sal verbeter. Dit is voordelig vir SAB Bpk. en kan help om die maatskappy se doelwitte te
dc.format.extent80 p. : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectProject management information system (PMIS)en_ZA
dc.titleThe functional design of a project management information system : case study with South African Breweries Ltden_ZA
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_ZA
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