The impact of the legislative regulation of individual educator performance on the delivery of quality basic education

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study was motivated by three factors. First, the critical importance of education for each individual and our society as a whole. Secondly, the poor state of basic education in South Africa. Thirdly, the central role educators play in the delivery of quality basic education. The process of education is a means of self-actualisation and provides individuals with the opportunity to experience their full intellectual and emotional potential as well as the means to participate in societal processes. It is also valuable to society as investment in education enriches the human capital of a country, is a source of responsible adults and a driver of economic growth. For the South African society, the most important contribution of education is that it is a vehicle for transformation and one of the only societal equalisers that exist. Unfortunately, despite the importance of quality education, all learners in South Africa do not have access to education of an equal standard. Qualified, competent, and professional educators are central to the delivery of quality basic education. This study identifies the educator as the most important role player in the delivery of quality basic education. The focus is on the employment of educators in public basic education which is defined to include school education in South Africa from grade 1 to grade 12. For purposes of the study, educator performance was defined to include the capacity and conduct of educators in delivering basic education. “Capacity” refers to the qualifications, competence, content knowledge and skills of educators whereas “conduct” refers to the professionalism and attitude of educators. One contributing factor to the poor state of basic education is the fragmented and otherwise inappropriate legislative regulation of educator performance in South Africa. For this reason, the experience with misconduct and incapacity of educators within the current legislative framework is investigated. The approach is descriptive and analytical - both quantitative and qualitative. It includes a description of existing research and views on the prevalence and impact of misconduct and incapacity of educators in and on basic education in South Africa. This is followed by a statistical overview of the extent of the application of discipline in the basic education sector based on information from the different Provincial Departments of Education and from arbitrations conducted by the Education Labour Relations Council. The qualitative analysis of these arbitration awards is particularly important since each matter provides insight into the application of legal principles and the exercise of discretion by the different role players responsible for addressing misconduct and incapacity in basic education. Based on these insights, deficiencies in the current system of regulation of educator performance are tabulated. This, together with comparative insights from the English experience, is used to make specific proposals for a range of legislative amendments.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie is deur drie faktore gemotiveer. Eerstens, die kritieke belang van onderwys vir elke individu en ons samelewing as geheel. Tweedens, die swak toestand van basiese onderwys in Suid-Afrika. Derdens, die sentrale rol wat opvoeders speel in die lewering van gehalte basiese onderwys. Die proses van opvoeding is 'n wyse van selfaktualisering en bied individue die geleentheid om hul volle intellektuele en emosionele potensiaal te ervaar asook die middele om aan prosesse in die samelewing deel te neem. Dit is ook waardevol vir die samelewing aangesien belegging in onderwys die mensekapitaal van 'n land verryk, 'n bron is van verantwoordelike volwassenes en 'n drywer is van ekonomiese groei. Vir die SuidAfrikaanse samelewing is die belangrikste bydrae van onderwys dat dit 'n voertuig vir transformasie is en, as sulks, dat dit een van die enigste bestaande maatskaplike gelykmakers is. Ongelukkig, ten spyte van die belang van gehalte onderwys, het alle leerders in Suid-Afrika nie toegang tot onderwys van ‘n gelyke standaard nie. Gekwalifiseerde, bekwame en professionele opvoeders is sentraal tot die lewering van 'n gehalte basiese onderwys. Hierdie studie identifiseer dus die opvoeder as die belangrikste rolspeler in die lewering van gehalte basiese onderwys. Die fokus is op die indiensneming van opvoeders in openbare basiese onderwys wat gedefinieër is om skoolonderwys in Suid-Afrika van graad 1 tot graad 12 in te sluit. Vir doeleindes van die studie word opvoederprestasie gedefinieër om die bekwaamheid en gedrag van opvoeders in die lewering van basiese onderwys in te sluit. “Bekwaamheid” verwys na die kwalifikasies, bekwaamheid, inhoudskennis en vaardighede van opvoeders terwyl “gedrag” verwys na die professionaliteit en houding van opvoeders. Een bydraende faktor tot die swak toestand van basiese onderwys in Suid-Afrika is die gefragmenteerde en andersins onvanpaste wetgewende regulering van opvoederprestasie. Om hierdie rede word die ervaring van wangedrag en onbekwaamheid van opvoeders binne die huidige wetgewende raamwerk ondersoek. Die benadering is beskrywend en analities – beide kwantitatief en kwalitatief. Dit sluit 'n beskrywing in van bestaande navorsing en sienings oor die voorkoms en impak van wangedrag en onbekwaamheid van opvoeders in en op basiese onderwys in SuidAfrika. Dit word gevolg deur 'n statistiese oorsig van die omvang van die toepassing van dissipline in die basiese onderwyssektor gebaseer op inligting van die verskillende Provinsiale Onderwysdepartemente en uit arbitrasies wat deur die Bedingingsraad vir Onderwys aangehoor is. Die kwalitatiewe ontleding van hierdie arbitrasietoekennings is veral belangrik aangesien elke aangeleentheid insig bied in die toepassing van regsbeginsels en die uitoefening van diskresie deur die verskillende rolspelers wat verantwoordelik is daarvoor om wangedrag en onbekwaamheid in basiese onderwys aan te spreek. Gebaseer op hierdie insigte word tekortkominge in die huidige sisteem van regulering van opvoederprestasie getabelleer. Dit, tesame met vergelykende insigte uit die Engelse ervaring, word gebruik om spesifieke voorstelle vir 'n reeks wetswysigings te maak.
Thesis (LLD)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.
employment law; labour law; education law; regulation; educator; educator performance; principal; discipline; incapacity; misconduct; basic education; human rights; learners' rights; assault; poor work performance; financial mismanagement; sexual misconduct; sexual assault; sexual harassment; improper conduct; absence; absenteeism; South African Schools Act; Employment of Educators Act, Quality basic education, Educational law and legislation -- South Africa, South Africa. -- South African Schools Act, 1996, Education and state -- South Africa, Knowledge and skills of educators, Educator performance, UCTD