Nie goedgelowig nie, maar gelowig en goed : oor die uitdaging van beter morele vorming in en deur gemeentes

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The article addresses the issue of moral formation in the South African society and focuses on the role the Christian churches can play in this respect. It argues that the church can indeed play a vital role, if it succeeds in facing up to at least four challenges. The first one has to do with a stronger emphasis on the moral implications of the gospel on congregational level. Too many churches preach a version of the gospel that lacks clarity about the moral commitment asked of disciples. The second challenge is to get a more focused picture of what an intrinsic Christian lifestyle looks like. A plea is made for the reinstatement of a condensed basic moral code grounded in biblical teaching. The third challenge relates to the vital question of how moral formation is actually being implemented in the faith communities. Attention is given to different ways this question is being answered. The fourth challenge concerns the churches' hesitancy to accept co-responsibility for the public communities we are living in. Congregational and denominational leaders have to realize that churches are called not only to discipleship, but also to citizenship. If the churches are willing to accept these challenges, they can be an important factor in the moral renewal of the South African society.
CITATION: Burger, C. 2000. Nie goedgelowig nie, maar gelowig en goed : oor die uitdaging van beter morele vorming in en deur gemeentes. Verbum et Ecclesia, 21(2):a1256, doi:10.4102/ve.v21i2.1256.
The original publication is available at
Burger, C. 2000. Nie goedgelowig nie, maar gelowig en goed : oor die uitdaging van beter morele vorming in en deur gemeentes. Verbum et Ecclesia, 21(2):a1256, doi:10.4102/ve.v21i2.1256.