Exploring closeness in parent-adolescent relationships (PAR) in a semi-rural, low-income community in the Western Cape Province of South Africa

dc.contributor.advisorLesch, Elmienen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorBomester, Oliviaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Psychology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Research is limited regarding closeness in parent-adolescent relationships (PAR), particularly in marginalised communities. The research objective was to explore closeness in PAR in one semi-rural, low-income Coloured community in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. This study was exploratory in nature, making use of a cross-sectional survey research design and semi-structured interviews. Fifty families (67 parents and 50 adolescents) were eligible and willing to participate in the quantitative part of this study, while 12 families (19 parents and 12 adolescents) took part in the qualitative part of the study. For the empirical investigation into close PAR, the following questionnaires were administered to parents: Mother and Father Versions of the Inventory of Parent Attachment (IPA), Revised Inventory of Parent Attachment (RIPA), and the Relationship Closeness Inventory (RCI). The questionnaires are currently not standardized for South African populations, therefore they were adapted to suit the specific context and translated into Afrikaans. For statistical analysis of the surveys, summary statistics was performed using measures like means, standard deviations, frequency tables, and histograms. Reliability analysis was conducted using Cronbach’s alpha. For comparison of the different instruments, correlations were calculated. Comparisons between different groupings were done using two-way ANOVA. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the qualitative data and to explore the participants’ constructions of close PAR. General findings were that most female participants reported close mother-daughter relationships while most male participants reported relatively close father-son relationships. Overall, mothers generally spent more time with their adolescent children. Fathers and daughters generally reported less close relationships with one another. Although fathers were relatively more involved in their children’s lives compared to fathers in prior research studies, mothers and adolescents reported to have a closer bond.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die navorsing is beperk ten opsigte van nabyheid in die ouer-adolessent verhoudings (OAV), veral in gemarginaliseerde gemeenskappe. Die navorsing doelstelling was om nabyheid in OAV in ‘n semi-landelike, lae-inkomste Kleurling-gemeenskap in die Wes-Kaap Provinsie van Suid-Afrika te verken. Hierdie studie is verkennend van aard, en het ‘n dwarsdeursneeopname navorsingsontwerp en semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude gebruik. Vyftig gesinne (67 ouers en 50 adolessente) was bereid om deel te neem in die kwantitatiewe deel van hierdie studie, terwyl 12 gesinne (19 ouers en 12 adolessente) in die kwalitatiewe deel van die studie deelgeneem het. Vir die empiriese ondersoek in noue OAV, is die volgende vraelyste gebruik: Vader en Moeder weergawes van die Inventaris Van Ouer Gehegtheid, Huidige Situasie Met My Kind, en die Verhouding Nabyheid Inventaris. Die vraelyste is tans nie gestandaardiseer vir Suid-Afrikaanse bevolkings nie, daarom was hulle aangepas om die spesifieke konteks te pas en in Afrikaans vertaal. Vir die statistiese analise van die opnames, is opsommingstatistiek uitgevoer met behulp van maatreëls soos gemiddeldes, standaardafwykings, frekwensietabelle, en histogramme. Betroubaarheid analise is uitgevoer met behulp van Cronbach se alfa. Vir ‘n vergelyking van die verskillende instrumente was korrelasies bereken. Vergelykings tussen die verskillende groeperings is gedoen met behulp van tweerigting-ANOVA. Tematiese analise is gebruik om die kwalitatiewe data te analiseer en om die deelnemers se konstruksies van noue OAV te verken. Algemene bevindings is dat die meeste vroulike deelnemers noue moeder-dogter verhoudings gerapporteer het, terwyl die meeste manlike deelnemers relatief noue vader-seun-verhouding gerapporteer het. Die moeders, oor die algemeen, het meer tyd met hulle adolessente kinders deurgebring. Pa’s en dogters het, oor die algemeen, minder noue verhoudings met mekaar gehad. Hoewel die vaders relatief meer betrokke in hul kinders se lewens was, in vergelyking met die vaders in vorige navorsingstudies, moeders en adolessente het nouer bande met mekaar gerapporteer.af_ZA
dc.format.extent227 p. : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectParent and adolescent relationshipsen_ZA
dc.subjectParent and childen_ZA
dc.subjectParental closenessen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Psychologyen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Psychologyen_ZA
dc.titleExploring closeness in parent-adolescent relationships (PAR) in a semi-rural, low-income community in the Western Cape Province of South Africaen_ZA
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