An exploratory analysis on Kayamandi as a sustainability conundrum : identifying the missing links towards a more sustainable future

dc.contributor.advisorPepler, Daveen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorPetzer, Kyle Johnen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. School of Public Leadership.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2015.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Informal settlements in South Africa are home to a large proportion of the country’s population and many of these people live in atrocious conditions which infringe on their basic human rights. It is imperative that the problems synonymous with informal settlements be addressed. Kayamandi is situated on the outskirts of Stellenbosch, a town with abundant financial and human capital and resources. In relation to other informal settlements throughout South Africa, Kayamandi is relatively small. Thus, the progression towards sustainability and development would be deemed to be an easier prospect here than in many other urban areas in South Africa. Evidently, this has not been the case. This thesis identifies the shortcomings in the way that various proponents of development, such as the private and public sectors as well as non-profit organisations, approach development and sustainability in Kayamandi. The research was conducted through an extensive literature review, case study analysis and qualitative research methods. The aim was to: Identify what the main social, environmental and economic issues are in Kayamandi; To analyse policy, plans and programs and to assess whether these have been practically achieved in relation to the stipulated objectives, and; To assess some of the sustainable development initiatives and programs that have been implemented in Kayamandi with the aim of identifying why sustainable development has as yet not been achieved. An extensive literature review sheds light on the nature of poverty and informal settlements, while explaining concepts surrounding sustainable development, good governance and how sustainability as a paradigm holds the key to addressing issues synonymous with informal settlements. It also focuses on how sustainable development can unlock the potential of deprived and informal communities. Subsequent chapters give insight on what is prescribed in national policy, plans and programs; what the current situation in Kayamandi is with regards to environmental and socioeconomic issues, as well service delivery, housing and infrastructure delivery; and how the proponents of development have approached development in Kayamandi. From the research conducted it was found that: There is a lack of good governance; Policy implementation is poor; Developmental initiatives tend to be linear and reactive; There is a lack of innovation; There is poor communication between stakeholder and developmental proponents, which is further exacerbated by tedious bureaucratic procedures, and; There is no clear and comprehensive sustainability framework or plan in place. However, the research indicates that this can be resolved via several mechanisms and through the implementation of several strategies: By building and developing public and community leadership as well as recognising the importance of knowledge in fostering sustainable development; Improving communication and developing appropriate communication networks and feedback loops between stakeholders and proponents of development; Implementing unbiased, proactive and innovative initiatives which address the triple bottom line of sustainability and; By making use of suitable assessments and indicators alongside an appropriate, inclusive and holistic sustainability plan or framework.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Informele nedersettings in Suid-Afrika is die tuiste van 'n groot deel van die land se bevolking en ‘n groot hoveelheid van die mense woon in haglike omstandighede wat inbreek maak op hul basiese menseregte. Die toenemende probleme wat gepaard gaan met informele nedersettings moet aangespreek word. Kayamandi is geleë op die buitewyke van Stellenbosch, 'n dorp met 'n oorvloed van finansiële en menslike kapitaal. Kayamandi, in vergelyking met ander informele nedersettings in Suid-Afrika, is relatief klein. Dus, sou die vordering na volhoubaarheid en ontwikkeling makliker bereikbaar weesgeag word as in ander stedelike gebiede in Suid-Afrika. Klaarblyklik Duidelik is dit egter nie die geval nie. Hierdie proefskrif identifiseer die tekortkominge in hoe die verskillende voorstanders van ontwikkeling, soos die private en openbare sektore tesame met nie-winsgewende organisasies, ontwikkeling en volhoubaarheid in Kayamandi nader. Die navorsing is gehartig deur middel van 'n uitgebreide literatuuroorsig, gevallestudie-analise en kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetodes. Die doel was om: Te identifiseer wat die belangrikste sosiale, omgewings en ekonomiese kwessies in Kayamandi is; Beleide, planne en programme krities te ontleed in verhouding tot die vasgestelde doelwitte en of hulle in werklikeid bereik was, en; Om deur kritiese beoordeling van die volhoubare ontwikkelings inisiatiewe en programme wat in Kayamandi geïmplementeer is, vas te stel waarom volhoubare ontwikkeling as sulks nog nie bereik is nie. 'n Uitgebreide literatuuroorsig werp lig op die aard van armoede en informele nedersettings, en brei uit oor begrippe rondom volhoubare ontwikkeling, goeie regering en hoe volhoubaarheid as 'n paradigma die sleutel hou tot die aanspreek van kwessies wat sinoniem is met informele nedersettings en hoe dit potensieël opgelos kan word. Daaropvolgende hoofstukke gee insig oor wat in nasionale beleid, planne en programme voorgeskryf word; Wat die huidige situasie in Kayamandi is met betrekking tot die omgewing en die sosioekonomiese kwessies soos goeie dienslewering, behuising en die toestand van infrastruktuur versakaffing, en; Hoe die voorstanders van ontwikkeling tot dusver ontwikkeling genader het in Kayamandi. Daar is gevind dat: Daar 'n gebrek is aan goeie bestuur; Implementering van beleid is swak; Ontwikkelingsinisiatiewe is geneig om lineêr en reaktief te wees; Daar 'n gebrek is aan innovering; Daar swak kommunikasie is tussen belanghebbendes en ontwikkelings voorstanders, wat verder vererger word deur langduige burokratiese prosedures, en; Daar is geen duidelike volhoubaarheids-raamwerk of plan nie. Maar die navorsing dui ook daarop dat die kwessies opgelos kan word deur 'n aantal meganismes, asook die implementering van verskeie strategieë: Deur die opbou en ontwikkeling van openbare en gemeenskapsleiers sowel as die erkenning van die belangrikheid van kennis in die bevordering van volhoubare ontwikkeling; Die verbetering van kommunikasie en die ontwikkeling van toepaslike kommunikasie-netwerke en terugvoerlusse tussen belanghebbendes en voorstanders van ontwikkeling; Implementering van onbevooroordeelde, pro-aktiewe en innoverende inisiatiewe wat die driedubbele lyn van volhoubaarheid aanspreek, en; Deur gebruik te maak van geskikte evaluering en aanwysers saam met 'n gepaste, inklusiewe en holistiese volhoubaarheid plan of raamwerk.af_ZA
dc.format.extent163 pages : colour mapsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectKayamnandi (Stellenbosch, South Africa) -- Community developmenten_ZA
dc.subjectKayamnandi (Stellenbosch, South Africa) -- Sustainable developmenten_ZA
dc.subjectHuman settlements -- South Africa -- Stellenboschen_ZA
dc.titleAn exploratory analysis on Kayamandi as a sustainability conundrum : identifying the missing links towards a more sustainable futureen_ZA
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