The minimum site investigation requirements needed to define site conditions considering the results of ground investigations and its true reflection of actual site conditions found during construction

dc.contributor.advisorDay, Peter Williamen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorFouche, Nanineen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorMyburgh, Keshia Shermaneen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Civil Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2018.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The success of civil engineering projects, whether it involves the construction of houses, bridges, roads or tunnels, depend largely on the adequate identification of subsurface conditions. Geotechnical engineering, even in its most primitive form, has been around for hundreds of years, and unfortunately, so have geotechnical related problems. The Leaning Tower of Pisa is probably one of the oldest and most well-known examples of the problems related to uncertainty within the ground, and so, the importance of ground investigations. The geotechnical investigation aims to reduce the occurrence and impact of such problems as far as possible. Although risk inherent in the ground is inevitable, it can ideally be identified and mitigated by way of incorporating geotechnical investigations in contractual agreements. This way, thorough understanding of requirements and preparation of an adequate investigation may assist in minimising the risk as well as cost and schedule overruns on construction projects. In South Africa, there are various national standards, codes of practice and legislation available that are intended to guide geotechnical practitioners and associated professionals in the planning and execution of adequate geotechnical site investigations. Yet, the occurrence of structural foundation failures and construction cost overruns due to inadequate investigations still occur frequently. This research comprehensively evaluates the investigation requirements specified in regulatory frameworks, as well as the procedures that are currently being followed by geo-practitioners in the industry. The study found that the occurrence of geotechnical related failures is mainly ascribed to inadequate implementation of the regulatory framework. Furthermore, unlike related professions, there are currently no standardised specifications for geotechnical investigations. By identifying pitfalls associated with current site investigation trends in South Africa, the study provides a basis from which the required minimum specifications can be developed and successfully incorporated as contractual obligations by means of a standardised specification.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die sukses van siviele ingenieursprojekte, of dit die bou van huise, brûe, paaie of tonnels behels, hang grootliks af van die voldoende identifisering van ondergrondse toestande. Geotegniese ingenieurswese, selfs in sy mees primitiewe vorm, bestaan al honderde jare, en, so ook geotegniese verwante probleme. Die leunende toring van Pisa is waarskynlik een van die oudste en mees bekende voorbeelde van die probleme wat verband hou met onsekerheid in die grond, en dus ook die belangrikheid van grondondersoeke. Die geotegniese ondersoek poog om die voorkoms en impak van sulke probleme sover moontlik te verminder. Alhoewel inherente risiko in die grond is onvermydelikis, kan dit ideaal gesproke geïdentifiseer en versag word deur middel van geotegniese ondersoeke wat uitgevoer word ooreenkomstig met toepaslike wetgewing en die norme van die bedryf. Dit sal deeglike begrip van die vereistes en voorbereiding van n voldoende ondersoek verseker, en so ook help om risiko, sowel as koste en schedule oorskryding op konstruksieprojekte te vermider. In Suid-Afrika is daar verskeie nasionale standaarde, praktykskodes en wetgewing beskikbaar wat beoog om geotegniese praktisyns en geassosieerde professionele persone te lei in die beplanning en uitvoering van voldoende geotegniese terreinondersoeke. Tog is die voorkoms van strukturele grondslagfoute en konstruksiekoste-oorskryding as gevolg van onvoldoende ondersoeke steeds n gereelde verskyning. Hierdie navorsing evalueer die ondersoekvereistes in regulatoriese raamwerke, asook die prosedures wat tans deur geo-praktisyns in die bedryf gevolg word. Die studie het bevind dat die voorkoms van geotegniese verwante mislukkings hoofsaaklik toegeskryf word aan onvoldoende implementering van die regulatoriese raamwerk. Verder, in teenstelling met verwante beroepe, is daar tans nie gestandaardiseerde spesifikasies vir geotegniese ondersoeke nie. Deur identifisering van tekortkominge wat geassosieer word met huidige terrein ondersoek neigings in Suid-Afrika, bied die studie 'n basis waarvan die vereiste minimum spesifikasies ontwikkel kan word en suksesvol as kontraktuele verpligtinge by wyse van 'n gestandaardiseerde spesifikasie opgeneem word.af_ZA
dc.format.extent155 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectSite planningen_ZA
dc.subjectConstruction projectsen_ZA
dc.subjectGeotechnical engineeringen_ZA
dc.titleThe minimum site investigation requirements needed to define site conditions considering the results of ground investigations and its true reflection of actual site conditions found during constructionen_ZA
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