Robotics process automation : customer contact centre email management utilising uipath

dc.contributor.advisorVisser, Alwynen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorKhasoane, Paballo Joyceen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. School of Accountancy.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY: Customer contact centres have become at the forefront because of inevitable technological advancements, making many customers prefer to access services from the comfort of their own homes over travelling to do the work. The result has burdened contact centres with calls and emails that pile up and cause backlogs that are more difficult to manage with continuous inflow, as well as pressures to attract customers, sell services and products and provide the best customer experience in the process of retaining clients. This study considers the Robotics Process Automation (RPA) software implementation governance through the establishment of the framework with a clear cascade of governance on technological solutions adopted by organisations. The approaches considered for this study range from an Information Technology (IT) perspective to RPA application software, informed by governance standards and control frameworks adopted. Employing RPA technology, the study tackles challenges facing governance, including initiative-taking steps that warrant implementation of measures to ensure regulatory compliance, scalability, and auditability. The administration and deployment of RPA technology entails a complex network of relationships with various stakeholders, each of which has functions and interests, structures, and direction, thus necessitating comprehensive guidance. The desirable structures and directions were attained through an integrated RPA governance framework using the constructed RPA UiPath application software. RPA implementations and usage have been established to address the customer contact centre challenges with UiPath application software. According to the literature studied, UiPath is a leader in automation, providing solutions for harvesting processes, assuring process efficiency, and effectiveness. UiPath does not require programming capabilities, which is advantageous for resources management. UiPath major offering, Studio, and its elements, along with innovative technologies, have demonstrated that organizations' strategic objectives may be realized with their diverse robot offerings. Because of UiPath's unattended and hybrid robots, resources can be deployed to different roles, risk on daily duties can be mitigated through controlled access that UiPath robots are given, ensuring that they complete tasks that they are configured to do, and deliver around-the-clock service because robots do not tire. The systematic literature review technique, including a design science research strategy, have been used to categorise, identify, and separate contributors of a complete RPA governance framework in the context of customer contact centre email management from relevant literature. Also considered are the procedures required to create an adaptable, useable framework that mitigates RPA technology governance constraints. The rewards of an adaptable framework were discovered to be enabled by a well-defined implementation plan and appropriate alignment between business and IT operations, informed by Control Objectives for Information Technology (COBIT 19) and ISO/IEC 38500:2015 as governance standards. Because RPA technology requires no new infrastructure, though running on legacy systems managed by IT, and the technology's end-users are business operations personnel, clearly defined work processes, roles, and duties, need to be established and followed from the time RPA UiPath application software is acquired until it is decommissioned to ensure conformity by the whole organisation.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Klientekontaksentrums het op die voorgrond getree as gevolg van vooraanstaande onvermydelike tegnologiese vooruitgang, wat die meerderheid individue dryf wat kliente verkies om toegang tot dienste vanuit die gemak van hul eie huise te verkry eerder as om te reis om dit te doen. Die resultaat het kontaksentrums belas met oproepe en e-posse wat ophoop en agterstande veroorsaak wat moeiliker is om te bestuur met voortdurende invloei, sowel as druk om kliente te lok, dienste, produkte te verkoop en die beste klantervaring in die proses te bied om te behou kliente. Hierdie studie-analise oorweeg die Robotics Process Automation (RPA)-sagteware-implementeringsbestuur deur die daarstelling van 'n raamwerk, wat 'n duidelike kaskade van bestuur verskaf oor tegnologiese oplossings wat deur organisasies aanvaar word. Benaderings wat in hierdie verband oorweeg word, wissel van 'n Inligtingstegnologie (IT) perspektief tot RPA toepassingsagteware, ingelig deur bestuurstandaarde en beheerraamwerke wat aangeneem is. Wanneer RPA-tegnologie aangewend word, konfronteer dit struikelblokke in terme van bestuur; en sluit inisiatiefneemstappe in wat implementering van maatreëls regverdig om regulatoriese nakoming, skaalbaarheid en ouditbaarheid te verseker. Die administrasie en ontplooiing van RPA-tegnologie behels 'n komplekse netwerk van verhoudings met 'n verskeidenheid van belanghebbendes, elk met 'n eie stel funksies en belange, struktuur en rigting, daarom is dit nodig dat 'n basiese omvattende leiding verskaf word. Die gewenste struktuur en rigting is bereik met behulp van 'n geintegreerde RPA-bestuursraamwerk wat gebruik maak van RPA UiPath toepassingsagteware wat gebou is. RPA-implementerings en -gebruik is gevestig om die klientkontaksentrumuitdagings met UiPath-toepassingsagteware aan te spreek. Volgens die literatuur wat bestudeer is, is UiPath 'n leier in outomatisering, wat oplossings vir oesprosesse verskaf, prosesdoeltreffendheid en doeltreffendheid verseker. UiPath vereis nie programmeringsvermoens nie, wat voordelig is vir hulpbronbestuur. UiPath groot aanbieding, Studio, en sy elemente, tesame met innoverende tegnologiee, het getoon dat organisasies se strategiese doelwitte verwesenlik kan word met hul diverse robotaanbiedings. As gevolg van UiPath se onbewaakte en hibriede robotte, kan hulpbronne na verskillende rolle ontplooi word, risiko op daaglikse pligte kan versag word deur beheerde toegang wat UiPath-robotte kry, om te verseker dat hulle take voltooi waarvoor hulle gekonfigureer is om te doen, en rondom die- klokdiens omdat robotte nie moeg word nie. Die sistematiese literatuuroorsigtegniek, in samewerking met 'n ontwerpwetenskapnavorsingstrategie, is gebruik om bydraers van 'n volledige RPA-bestuursraamwerk te kategoriseer, te identifiseer en te skei in die konteks van klientkontaksentrum-e-posbestuur vanuit relevante literatuur. Dit is gedoen terwyl ook die prosedures oorweeg is wat nodig is om 'n aanpasbare, bruikbare raamwerk te skep wat RPA-tegnologiebestuursbeperkings versag. Daar is ontdek dat die belonings van 'n aanpasbare raamwerk moontlik gemaak word deur 'n goed gedefinieerde implementeringsplan en toepaslike belyning tussen besigheid en IT-bedrywighede, ingelig deur Beheerdoelwitte vir Inligtingstegnologie (COBIT 19) en ISO/IEC 38500:2015 as bestuurstandaarde. Omdat RPA-tegnologie nie nuwe infrastruktuur benodig nie en loop op huidige stelsels wat deur IT bestuur word, en die tegnologie se gebruikers besigheidsbedrywighede personeel is, moet duidelik gedefinieerde werkprosesse, rolle en pligte gevestig en gevolg word vanaf die tyd dat RPA UiPath aansoek gedoen word. sagteware word verkry totdat dit uit diens gestel word om ooreenstemming deur die hele organisasie te verseker.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxiii, 122 pages : illustrations
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectArtificial intelligence -- Industrial applicationsen_ZA
dc.subjectElectronic data processingen_ZA
dc.subjectTechnological innovationsen_ZA
dc.titleRobotics process automation : customer contact centre email management utilising uipathen_ZA
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