An assessment and analysis of duty- bearers realising the right to food among children under the age of 18 years in Masiphumelele, Cape Town

dc.contributor.advisorKoornhof, Hilletjie Elizabethen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorMatji, J. N.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorVincent, Susan Melanieen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Dept. of Global Health. Human Nutrition.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MNutr)--Stellenbosch University, 2015.
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY : Background: The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, guarantees the right to food for all. Aligned with this commitment, policies and programmes have been developed by various government and non-governmental sectors. However, despite these interventions, malnutrition and food insecurity remain major problems in South Africa, in particular, for children. For the development of effective interventions to improve the right to food of children as right-holders, it is important and valuable to prioritise the identification of those who have either obligations or responsibilities as duty-bearers to the rights-holders. Objectives: This study aimed to identify relevant duty bearers and determine what and how goods and services relating to specified food security determinants were being provided to children in the local community of Masiphumelele, and how these duty-bearers perceived their role in this context. It also aimed to determine whether collaboration existed between various duty-bearers. Furthermore, the perceived constraints to collaboration by the duty-bearers were explored to obtain information for planning future interventions. Method: A cross-sectional, qualitative study was performed on duty-bearers providing goods and services to children under the age of 18 years in Masiphumelele, a township in the Southern Peninsula of the Western Cape. Goods and services were identified according to food-security determinants. In-depth interviews by way of a semi-structured discussion were conducted with 27 purposively selected duty-bearers in order to explore the types of goods and services provided and how they were being provided. Willingness to collaborate amongst duty-bearers was also explored. Results: Six types of duty-bearers were identified namely 1) the state, 2) non-government organisations, 3) faith-based organisations, 4) welfare organisations, 5) individuals and 6) the private sector. Goods and services provided included: a) assistance in the transfer of public-assisted programmes, b) assistance in food supply, or c) assistance in private food transfer. Goods and services provided were mostly by way of the provision of food: 1) at a cost, 2) at no cost, 3) at a supported cost, 4) on credit, 5) through school feeding, or 6) by aiding the provision of food at no cost. All but one duty-bearer expressed willingness to collaborate. Perceived concerns and constraints to collaboration and issues faced in the context of delivery were numerous and varied. Conclusion: While the state is obligated to fulfil the right to food, opportunities exist for all duty-bearers to build the normative content of the right to food into the daily realisation of this right amongst the children in Masiphumelele. This can be done through focused attention on the availability, accessibility, sustainability, stability and adequacy in the goods or services provided. Parents are to equally recognise their responsibilities, and opportunities exist for the initiation of community-based intervention using the human rights-based approach to development for participation and encouragement.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Agtergrond: Die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika waarborg die regopvoedsel vir alle burgers. Beleide en programme ontwikkel deur verskeie regerings en nieregerings-sektore wat verband hou met hierdie verbintenis. Ten spyte van hierdie intervensies bly wanvoeding en voedselonsekerheid steeds groot probleme in Suid-Afrika, veral onder kinders. Vir die ontwikkeling van doeltreffende intervensies vir die verbetering van die regopvoedsel van kinders, as regtehouers, is die priorisering van die identifisering van diegene wat pligdraers óf verpligtinge of verantwoordelikhede het aan die regtehouers belangrik of waardevol. Doelwitte: Die doel van hierdie studie was 1) om relevante pligdraers te identifiseer en te bepaal wat en asook hoe hulle goedere en dienste, wat verband hou met spesifieke faktore wat voedselsekuriteit bepaal, verskaf aan kinders in die plaaslike gemeenskap van Masiphumelele, en 2) hoe hierdie pligdraers hul rol in die verband sien. Verder is die mate waarin daar samewerking was tussen die verskeie pligdraers ook bepaal, asook watter beperkings tot samewerking pligdraers ervaar is, ten einde inligting te bekom vir die beplanning van toekomstige intervensies. Metodes: ‘n Deursnee-kwalitatiewe studie is gedoen oor pligdraers wat goedere en dienste verskaf aan kinders onder die ouderdom van 18 jaar, in Masiphumelele in die Wes-Kaap. Goedere en dienste is geidentifiseer volgens spesifieke faktore wat voedselsekuriteit bepaal. Onderhoude is gevoer met 27 pligdraers om die aard van goedere en dienste wat hul lewer te verken asook hoe hulle voorsien word. Pligdraers se bereidwilligheid tot samewerking is ook ondersoek. Resultate: Ses tipes pligdraers is geidentifiseer, naamlik 1) die staat, 2) nieregeringsorganisasies, 3) geloof-gebaseerde organisasies, 4) welsynsorganisasie, 5) individue en 6) die private sektor. Goedere en dienste wat gelewer is, sluit in hulp a) met die oordrag vanopenbare bystandprogramme; b) met kosvoorraad; of c) met oordrag van kos in die privaatsektor. Goedere en dienste wat gelewer is, het meestal plaasgevind deur die voorsiening van kos 1) teen ‘n koste, 2) teen geen koste, 3) teen kosprys, 4) op krediet, 5) deur skoolvoeding, of 6) deur ondersteuning van die voorsiening van geen-koste voedsel. Feitlik alle pligdraers, met die uitsondering van een, het hul bereidwilligheid tot samewerking verklaar. In die konteks van dienslewering is waargeneem dat daar verskeie en uiteenlopende bekommernisse en beperkinge bestaan ten opsigte van samewerking asook ander aangeleenthede. Gevolgtrekking: Terwyl die staat verplig is om die reg op voedsel te vervul, bestaan geleenthede vir alle pligsdraers om te bou aan die normatiewe inhoud van die regopvoedsel in die daaglikse verwesenliking van die reg onder die kinders in Masiphumelele. Dit kan gedoen word deur gefokusde aandag te skenk aan die beskikbaarheid, toeganklikheid, volhoubaarheid, stabiliteit en toereikendheid van die goedere of dienste wat gelewer word. Net so moet ouers ook hul verantwoordelikhede erken. Geleenthede bestaan vir die inisiering van ʼn gemeenskapsgebaseerde intervensie met behulp van die menseregte-gebaseerde benadering tot ontwikkeling vir deelname en aanmoediging.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxiv, 61 pages ; illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectActivists, Human rights -- Masiphumelele (Cape Town, South Africa)en_ZA
dc.subjectRight to food -- Masiphumelele (Cape Town, South Africa)en_ZA
dc.subjectChildren -- Masiphumelele (Cape Town, South Africa)en_ZA
dc.titleAn assessment and analysis of duty- bearers realising the right to food among children under the age of 18 years in Masiphumelele, Cape Townen_ZA
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