Knowledge, attitudes and practices of nurses in infection prevention and control within a tertiary hospital in Zambia

dc.contributor.advisorHector, Dawnen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorDamons, Anneleenen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorChitimwango, Priscilla Chisangaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Dept. of Nursing & Midwifery.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MCur)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY : Background: Nurses are health care professionals whose duty it is to protect patients from acquiring infections while hospitalised or while in a health care set up. By maintaining an infection free environment, the patient’s recovery will be promoted and high-quality nursing care will be delivered. Nurses spend most of their time with patients. Therefore, they should have a good level of understanding of the knowledge, attitudes and practices in infection prevention and control in health care setups. The aim of the study was to determine the knowledge, attitudes and practices of nurses regarding infection prevention and control. The objectives were to determine: • The knowledge of nurses in infection prevention and control within a tertiary hospital within Zambia. • The attitude of nurses in infection prevention and control within a tertiary hospital in Zambia. • The practices of nurses in infection prevention and control within a tertiary hospital in Zambia and • To make recommendations to the risk programme and policies of the tertiary hospital within Zambia. Method: A quantitative descriptive study was conducted at a government tertiary hospital in Zambia. Sample: a Stratified random sampling was performed. A total of n= 196 nurses of all categories (70% from each category) were recruited in the study. Tools of data collection: a self-developed validated close-ended questionnaire guided by hospital policies, procedure standards, World Health Organisation and Zambian Centres for infection prevention and control, was used to collect data. Results: During the main study, n= 196 questionnaires were distributed, n= 196 participants completed the questionnaires, a response rate of 100%. Most of the participants were female; 84.7% (n= 166) while 15.3 % (n= 30) were male. The majority of participants had good knowledge in infection prevention and control with the mean score of 83.21. The attitude towards infection prevention and control was good with the mean score of 81.37. The practice in infection prevention and control was poor with the mean score of 48.88. Conclusion: Based on the findings of the current study, it can be concluded that, despite performing well in knowledge and showing a positive attitude towards infection prevention and control, nurses had unsatisfactory practice levels regarding infection prevention and control, exposing the patients to infection-related diseases. Recommendations: Strengthening infection prevention and control practice through regular in-service training/workshop; ensure that members of staff receive appropriate vaccinations regarding infection prevention and control; ensure that resources, e.g. personal protective equipment are available all the time; observing nurses’ practices (hand hygiene auditing and during invasive procedures) and provide feedback. Furthermore, research about the barriers in infection prevention and control practices.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Agtergrond: Verpleegsters is gesondheidswerkers wie se plig dit is om pasiente te beskerm teen die opdoening van infeksies tydens hospitalisasie of terwyl die patient in 'n gesondheidsorg instelling is. Deur die handhawing van 'n infeksie vrye omgewing, word die pasient se herstel bevorder en 'n hoe gehalte verplegingsorg gelewer. Verpleegsters spandeer die meeste van hul tyd saam met pasiente, dus moet hulle 'n goeie vlak van begrip van die kennis, houdings en praktyke he met betrekking tot die voorkoming en beheer van infeksie in gesondheidsorg instellings. Die doel van die studie was om die kennis, houdings en praktyke van verpleegsters met betrekking tot infeksie voorkoming en beheer te bepaal. Die doelwitte was om vas te stel: • die kennis van verpleegsters in infeksie voorkoming en beheer binne 'n tersiere hospitaal in Zambie • die houding van verpleegkundiges in infeksie voorkoming en beheer binne 'n tersiere hospitaal in Zambie. • die praktyke van verpleegsters in infeksie voorkoming en beheer binne 'n tersiere hospitaal in Zambie en • om aanbevelings te maak aan die risiko program en beleid van die tersiere hospitaal. Metode: 'n Kwantitatiewe beskrywende studie is uitgevoer in 'n tersiere hospitaal in Zambie. Steekproef: `n Gestratifiseerde steekproefneming is uitgevoer. 'n Totaal van n= 196 verpleegsters van alle kategoriee (70% van elke kategoriee) is gewerf vir die studie. Data-insameling instrument: 'n self-ontwikkelde gevalideerde geslote vraelys gelei deur die hospitaal beleid, prosedures standaarde, Wereld Gesondheid Organisasie en Zambiese sentrums vir Infeksievoorkoming en beheer is ontwikkel en is gebruik om data in te samel. Resultate: Gedurende die hoof studie,was n= 196 vraelyste versprei, al n= 196 deelnemers het die vraelyste voltooi , met `n responskoers van 100%. Die meerste van die deelnemers was vroulik, 84,7% (n= 166), terwyl 15,3% (n= 30) manlike was. Die meerste van die deelnemers het 'n goeie kennis van infeksie voorkoming en beheer getoon met die gemiddelde telling van 83.21. Die houding teenoor infeksie voorkoming en beheer was goed met die gemiddelde telling van 81.37. Die praktyk in infeksie voorkoming en beheer is swak met die gemiddelde telling van 48.88. Slotsom: Op grond van die bevindinge van die huidige studie, kan dit afgelei word dat, ten spyte van goeie prestasie in kennis en die toon 'n positiewe houding teenoor infeksie voorkoming en beheer, het verpleegsters onbevredigende praktyk vlakke met betrekking tot infeksie voorkoming en beheer, blootstelling van die pasiente aan infeksie verwante siektes. Aanbevelings: Versterk die infeksie voorkoming en beheer praktyk deur gereelde indiensopleiding / werkswinkel; verseker dat personeellede toepaslike inentings ontvang met betrekking tot infeksie voorkoming en beheer; verseker dat hulpbronne b.v.persoonlike beskermende toerusting deurentyd beskikbaar is; waarneming van verpleegsters praktyke (hand higiene ouditering en tydens indringende prosedures) and voorsien terugvoering. Verder, navorsing omtrent die hindernisse in infeksie voorkoming en beheer praktyke.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxvii, 143 pages ; illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectMedical care -- Infection preventionen_ZA
dc.subjectNurses -- Knowledge and learningen_ZA
dc.titleKnowledge, attitudes and practices of nurses in infection prevention and control within a tertiary hospital in Zambiaen_ZA
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