Utilization of an HIV/AIDS employee wellness program within the workplace (Harare, Zimbabwe)

dc.contributor.advisorDavis, Burten_ZA
dc.contributor.authorRuwende, Phoebe Tarisayien_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Dept. of Industrial Psychology. Africa Centre for HIV/AIDS Management.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study partly assessed the utilisation of an HIV/AIDS Employee Wellness Program (HIV/AIDS EWP) offered by a bank in Harare, Zimbabwe. It was done by assessing employees‟ knowledge, awareness and perceptions of the Program; their utilisation thereof; as well as identifying areas of key concern within the Program. Results showed a high level of knowledge and awareness of the organisations‟ HIV/AIDS EWP. Help and information vital to the HIV/AIDS EWP was found to be easily accessible. The Program was viewed as an enhancer of HIV/AIDS knowledge and consequentially vetted favourably. Utilisation of the Program was high, it showed HIV/AIDS organisational offered programs were attended well; and there was a positive view on importance of HIV seminar and forum attendance plus accessing pamphlet information pertinent to the HIV/AIDS EWP. Respondents were in favour of knowing one‟s HIV status, showing a willingness to enrol with the organisation‟s anti-retroviral program. Results revealed a high level of knowledge on condom use and a generally positive attitude towards institutional provided condoms. Respondents showed a good understanding of the workings of the existing organisational HIV/AIDS policies and programs. Although the majority of respondents in the study showed a willingness to continue a friendship with a colleague who is HIV positive, issues of discrimination towards HIV-positive persons were identified in the study. A need for perseverance on HIV-related education, information and communication dissemination by the Organisation for its employees (and communities they live in at large) are suggested.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie was gerig op die gedeeltelike assessering van die gebruik van 'n MIV/VIGS Werknemerswelweesprogram (MIV/VIGS WWP), wat deur 'n handelsbank in Harare, Zimbabwe, aangewend word. Dit is uitgevoer deur werknemerskennis, -bewustheid en -persepsies van die program , asook die gebruik en toepassing daarvan, te assesseer - dele van die Program, wat van sleutelbelang is, is ook geïdentifiseer. Bevindings het gedui op 'n hoë vlak bestaande kennis en bewustheid van die vermelde instansie se MIV/VIGS WWP. So is ook bevind dat bystand en inligting, wat van die uiterste belang vir die MIV/VIGS WWP is, maklik bekombaar was. Die Program is beskou as 'n opskerper van kennis aangaande MIV/VIGS en is gevolglik gunstig gekontroleer. Aanwending van die Program was omvattend; dit het getoon dat die aanbieding van instansiegedrewe MIV/VIGS-programme goed bygewoon word en daar was ook 'n positiewe siening waarneembaar oor die belangrikheid van MIV-seminaar en -forum bywoning, asook oor die assessering van pamflet-inligting wat spesifiek op die MIV/VIGS WWP gerig is. Respondente het die gedagte gesteun dat 'n mens van jou MIV-status bewus behoort te wees en het gewilligheid getoon om by die instansie se anti-retrovirale program in te skakel. Bevindings het ook op 'n hoë vlak van ingeligtheid oor die gebruik van kondome gedui en 'n algemene positiewe ingesteldheid teenoor die verskaffing van kondome deur die betrokke instansie. Respondente het goeie begrip getoon wat betref die funksionering van die bestaande instansiegedrewe MIV/VIGS-beleidsrigtings en -programme. Hoewel die meerderheid respondente betrokke by die studie gewilligheid geopenbaar het om 'n vriendskap met 'n kollega wat MIV-positief is, vol te hou, is daar ook blyke van diskriminasie teenoor mense wat MIV-positief is tydens die verloop van die studie geïdentifiseer. Daar word aan die hand gedoen dat die instansie volhard deur met sy werknemers te kommunikeer en aan hulle (en die groter gemeenskappe waarin hulle woon) inligting te voorsien wat hulle op hoogte sal hou van MIV-verwante aangeleenthede.af_ZA
dc.format.extent68 p. : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectEmployee health promotion -- Zimbabwe -- Harareen_ZA
dc.subjectAIDS (Disease) -- Zimbabwe -- Harare -- Preventionen_ZA
dc.subjectHIV infections -- Zimbabwe -- Harare -- Preventionen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Industrial psychologyen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Industrial psychologyen_ZA
dc.subjectAssignments -- Industrial psychologyen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- HIV/AIDS managementen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- HIV/AIDS managementen_ZA
dc.subjectAssignments -- HIV/AIDS managementen-ZA
dc.subject.otherAfrica Centre for HIV/AIDS Managementen_ZA
dc.titleUtilization of an HIV/AIDS employee wellness program within the workplace (Harare, Zimbabwe)en_ZA
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