Structure-property relationships in stimulus-responsive cadmium- and zinc-based metal-organic framework materials

dc.contributor.advisorHaynes, Delia A.en_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorBarbour, Leonard J.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorClaassens, Isabellaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Science. Dept. of Chemistry and Polymer Science.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study of flexible MOFs or soft porous crystals is an exciting and fast-expanding area of MOF research. These materials respond dynamically to external stimuli, including temperature, mechanical pressure, guest sorption or light. Flexible MOFs are prime candidates for gas separation and storage, catalysis and sensing applications. Thus far the focus has largely been on the creation of new MOFs. However, focusing on fine-tuning and controlling the properties of these materials can produce advanced materials with potential applications in several areas of industry. This study investigates the structure-property relationships of three related flexible MOFs to explore ways in which to tune and control their response to specific stimuli. The effects of guest inclusion, temperature and light on the structure of the material are studied. The first two studies place special focus on photochemical cycloaddition and exploring means with which to control the outcome of the reaction. We describe the use of guest exchange as a means to control the position of photochemical [2+2] cycloaddition between bpeb ligands in a new Cd (II) MOF. The selective synthesis of one of two different isomeric products is demonstrated by exchanging one solvent in the channels of the MOF for another. The nature of the guest controls the conformation of the organic linker (bpeb) within the framework, which has a direct effect on the regioselectivity of the cycloaddition reaction. The study demonstrates how a response to different guests in a flexible MOF can be utilised as a synthetic tool and is the first example of the synthesis of both isomers of the cyclized bpeb dimer in the same framework. In the second study temperature change is employed as a stimulus control regioselectivity of the photochemical cycloaddition reaction in the same Cd(II) MOF. The isomeric product formed depends on the temperature at which irradiation is carried out. A rare temperature-induced phase transition alters the conformation of the bpeb ligand in the MOF, and thereby the position at which cycloaddition occurs. The phase transition is fully described and characterised using variable temperature X-ray diffraction techniques. This work also highlights the multistimulus responsive nature of this Cd(II) MOF, which responds to temperature as well as solvent exchange and light. The final section describes a new highly flexible four-fold interpenetrated fluorinated MOF that undergoes breathing and subnetwork displacement modes of flexibility to give interesting gas sorption behaviour. The effect of fluorinated substituents on the gas sorption behaviour is investigated by comparing it to the non-fluorinated isoreticular analogue. Sorption analysis reveals significant changes in gate-opening pressure as well as the degree of hysteresis observed between the two frameworks. In situ SCXRD techniques and computational analysis are employed to describe and identify the interactions responsible for the change in behaviour. This study shows that fluorination of pillar linkers is a viable pathway to developing frameworks that exhibit favourable sorption profiles for future studies. These studies improve the understanding of how to control or fine-tune MOFs that change their properties in response to particular stimuli.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die bestudering van buigsame MOFs of sagte poreuse kristalle is 'n opwindende en vinnig-uitbreidende gebied van MOF-navorsing. Hierdie materiale reageer dinamies op eksterne stimuli, insluitend temperatuur, meganiese druk, sorpsie of lig. Buigsame MOFs is belangrike kandidate vir gasskeiding en opberging, katalise en sensortoepassings. Die fokus was dus grotendeels op die voorbereiding van nuwe MOFs, maar met die fokus op die fynstelling en die beheer van die eienskappe van hierdie materiale, kan gevorderde materiale met potensiële toepassings op verskillende bedryfsgebiede vervaardig word. Hierdie studie ondersoek die verhouding tussen struktuur-eienskap verhoudings en drie verwante buigsame MOFs om maniere te bepaal hoe hulle op spesifieke stimuli reageer en dus beheer. Die gevolge van die opname van gas, temperatuur en lig op die struktuur van die materiaal word bestudeer. Die eerste twee studies fokus veral op fotochemiese sikloaddisie en eksplorasie van middele om die uitkoms van die reaksie te beheer. Ons beskryf die gebruik van gaswisseling as 'n middel om die posisie van fotochemiese [2 + 2] sikloaddisie tussen bpeb ligande in 'n nuwe Cd (II) MOF te beheer. Die selektiewe sintese van een van twee verskillende isomeer produkte word gedemonstreer deur een oplosmiddel in die kanale van die MOF vir 'n ander te ruil. Die aard van die gas beheer die konformasie van die organiese skakelaar (bpeb) binne die raamwerk, wat 'n direkte effek op die gebiedselektiwiteit van die sikloaddisie -reaksie het. Die studie demonstreer hoe 'n respons op verskillende gaste in 'n buigsame MOF as 'n sintetiese instrument gebruik kan word en is die eerste voorbeeld van die sintese van beide isomere van die gesikliseerde bpeb-dimer in dieselfde raamwerk. In die tweede studie word temperatuurverandering aangewend as die stimulus om gebiedselektiwiteit van die fotochemiese sikloaddisie-reaksie in dieselfde Cd (II) MOF te beheer. Die gevormde isomeriese produk wat gevorm word hang af van die temperatuur waarteen bestraling plaasvind. 'n Seldsame temperatuur-geïnduseerde fase-oorgang verander die konformasie van die bpebligand in die MOF, en sodoende die posisie waar die sikloaddisie plaasvind. Die fase-oorgang word volledig beskryf en gekarakteriseer met behulp van X-straaldiffraksie tegnieke met veranderlike temperatuur. Hierdie werk beklemtoon ook die multistimulus responsiewe aard van hierdie Cd (II) MOF wat reageer op temperatuur sowel as oplosmiddeluitwisseling en lig. Die slotgedeelte beskryf 'n nuwe hoogs buigsame, viervoudige-geïntegreerde gefluoreerde MOF wat asemhalings- en subnetwerkverskuiwing van buigsaamheid ondergaan om interessante gassorpsiegedrag te toon. Die effek van gefluoreerde substituente op die gassorpsiegedrag word ondersoek deur dit met die nie-gefluoreerde isoretiese analoog te vergelyk. Die sorpsie-ontleding onthul aansienlike veranderinge in die hek openingsdruk sowel as die mate van histerese wat tussen die twee raamwerke waargeneem is. In-situ SCXRD-tegnieke en rekenaaranalise word gebruik om die interaksies wat vir die gedragsverandering verantwoordelik is, te beskryf en te identifiseer. Hierdie studie toon dat fluorering van pilaarskakelaars 'n uitvoerbare roete is om raamwerke vir toekomstige studies te ontwikkel wat gunstige sorpsieprofiele vertoon. Hierdie studies verhef die begrip van die beheer van MOFs wat hul eienskappe verander na aanleiding van spesifieke stimuli.af_ZA
dc.format.extent127 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectStimulis-responsive materialsen_ZA
dc.subjectSupramolecular chemistryen_ZA
dc.subjectMetal-organic frameworksen_ZA
dc.titleStructure-property relationships in stimulus-responsive cadmium- and zinc-based metal-organic framework materialsen_ZA
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