Agroforestry development and implementation in South Africa: an assessment of selected case studies

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ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Agroforestry (AF) is the integrated approach of producing trees and agricultural crops and/or livestock in a single system on the same piece of land. Elements of AF have been practiced in South Africa (SA) since the late 1800’s, through what’s known as the Taungya system. AF has numerous environmental, economic and social benefits. However, there is limited research in SA to qualify and validate these benefits. The available information and research on AF practices in SA is also highly fragmented, difficult to access or out-dated. There is also no formal national policy or strategy that directly addresses the development and implementation of AF in SA. This national study composed of two phases. The first phase consisted of an assessment of AF development and implementation at the national level where a self-administered questionnaire was distributed to key stakeholders and individuals, involved in the development, promotion and implementation of AF in SA. The second phase entailed the assessment of selected AF projects, using a combination of case studies and survey methods. The results and outcomes of the study provided qualitative and quantitative data on AF development and implementation in SA. This include an analysis of the extent and geographical distribution of AF projects; the major AF systems and practices used; the main barriers factors that hinder the development and implementation of AF. The key organisations developing and implementing AF were defined and an assessment of the main direct and indirect goods and services derived from AF. The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) associated with AF projects; and the design and diagnosis (D&D) of AF systems were also identified. The study concluded that AF systems are currently being developed and implemented in SA at various scales, level and with multiple management objectives, but potential to expand does exist. Several goods and services are also derived from AF systems, which make it a viable sustainable production alternative to conventional production. However, there are a number of barriers (institutional, technical, economic, policy/governance and social) affecting AF adoption, which need to be addressed. One of the recommendations is the development of a national AF policy and strategy. Furthermore, the top ranking national level barriers, which were identified and assessed through the research study, should be addressed. A more comprehensive assessment of the extent and distribution of AF in SA are also required. Finally, a detailed quantitative assessment of the AF goods and services and addressing the outcomes from the D&D of AF case studies in SA is needed.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agrobosbou (AF) is die gekombineerde verbouiing van bome en landbou gewasse en/of diere op dieselfde grondeenheid. AF het dus verskeie omgewings, ekonomiese en sosiale voordele. Dit word al sedert die 1800’s beoefen in Suid Africa (SA) in die vorm van die Taungya sisteem. Daar is egter beperkte navorsing oor AF in SA om dié voordele te kwantifiseer en te bevestig. Verder is beskikbare inligting van AF sisteme in SA baie gefragmenteerd, moeilik om te bekom of verouderd. Daar bestaan ook geen formele strategie of beleid wat die ontwikkeling en implimentering van AF in SA direk aanspreek nie. Hierdie nasionale studie het uit twee eenhede bestaan. Die eerste fase het die AF ontwikkeling en implementering op nasionale vlak ondersoek deur middel van ‘n self geadministreerde vraelys wat aan belanghebbendens, betrokke by die bemarking en implementering van AF in SA, uitgestuur is. Die tweede fase was die assessering van geselekteerde AF projekte deur middle van ‘n kombinasie van gevallestudies en direkte waarnemings. Gevolglik het die uitslag kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe data van AF ontwikkeling en implementering in SA aangedui. Dit het ook ingesluit die geografiese verspreiding en grootte van die AF projekte; die AF sisteme wat toegepas word; moontlike hindernisse ten opsigte van ontwikkeling en implementering. Die sleutel organisasies in die ontwikkeling en implementering van AF was ook geïdentifiseer en geassesseer om die direkte en indirekte goedere en dienste van AF te lys. Verder is die sterkpunte, swakpunte, geleenthede en bedreigings (SWOT) geassosieer met AF projekte; die ontwerp en diagnose van die AF sisteme ook geïdentifiseer. Gevolgtrekkings wys dat AF sisteme in SA tans op verskeie vlakke ontwikkel en geimplementeerd word met verskillende bestuursdoelwitte. Die moontlikheid van uitbreiding is dus moontlik. Verskeie goedere en dienste afkomstig vanaf die AF sisteme kan ook help om AF as ‘n volhoubare en suksesvolle alternatiewe konventionele manier van produksie te vestig. Daar is egter verskeie hindernisse (institusionele, tegniese, ekonomiese, beleid / bestuur en sosiale) wat eers oorkom sal moet word. Een van die aanbevelings is die ontwikkeling van ‘n nasionala AF beleid en strategie om die hindernisse aan te spreek. ‘n Meer omvattende assessering van die verspreiding en effek van AF in SA moet onderneem word. Laastens, ‘n gedetailleerde kwantatiewe assessering van die goedere en dienste verkry uit AF sisteme asook die uitkomste van die ontwerp en diagnose van die AF gevallestudies in SA moet eers onderneem word.
Thesis (MFor)--Stellenbosch University, 2016.
Agroforestry -- design, Agroforestry systems, Agroforestry -- Research