Die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk en die 1933-droogte, met besondere verwysing na die Noordweste

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Weens n verskeidenheid samelopende omstandighede, staan die droogte van die dertigerjare in Suid-Afrika bekend as Die Groot Droogte. Dit was krisistyd in hierdie land se geskiedenis. Die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk (NGK) het baie intens betrokke geraak by hierdie krisis, omdat die oorgrote meerderheid van die mense wat deur die droogte geraak is, lidmate van hierdie kerkverband was. In gemeentelike verband is die bediening voortgesit so goed as wat omstandighede dit toegelaat het. Die krisis van verarming, ook van die plaaslike gemeentes, het egter die kerk gedwing om in breer verband or te tree. Gevolglik is groot noodlenigingsaksies op kort termyn en rehabilitasieprojekte op langtermyn vanaf Sinodale kant aangepak en geimplementeer. Wetenskaplike navorsing oor die armoede-probleem en die opheffing en rehabilitering van arm mense, is in hierdie tye deur die NGK gelei. Suid-Afrika is n oorwegend droe land, en droogtes is n gereelde verskynsel waarmee deurlopend rekening gehou moet word. Die NGK het praktiese ervaring en kennis opgedoen van omvattende gekoordineerde optrede in sulke krisisse. In die kerk is daar n samevoeging van groot kundigheid op die terrein van barmhartigheid. Hierdie barmhartigheid word uit die Woord van God gemotiveer en beredeneer. Dit is dankbare liefde wat die. Dit is diens wat eie is aan die Christelike Kerk omdat dit na vore kom vanuit n lewende geloof in die Drie-Enige God. Hierdie agtergrond maak die NGK uiters relevant en n noodsaaklike rolspeler in hierdie land met sy gereelde natuurrampe en armoede-probleem wat roep om hulpverlening, opheffing en rehabilitasie.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: On account of various simultaneous circumstances, the drought of 1933 is known in South Africa as The Big Drought. In our country's history this was a time of crisis. The Dutch Reformed Church (DRC) was intimately involved in this crisis due to the fact that a very large proportion of the people affected by the drought, were members of this Church. The ministry in the local congregations in this time, was dona as good and efficient as circumstances allowed. However, the crisis of poverty, due to the drought, forced the Church to minister in a more comprehensive way. This was done in terms of its synodical structures. Consequently, large and important programs of alleviation of need in the short term and rehabilitation projects in the long term were initiated and implemented by the Church. In this time the DRC was in the forefront with scientific research concerning poverty, and the uplifting and rehabilitation of poor people. South Africa is, for most of its regions, a dry and water-scarce country. Frequent droughts are a fact that must always be kept in mind. Through its actions the DRC gained practical experience and knowledge of well co-ordinated action in this time. Furthermore, there is a vast combination of expertise and competence concerning the poor and helpless available in this Church. The ministry of mercy (caring) is motivated by the Bible as the Word of God. It is love borne of gratitude that serves. This is a ministry that is unique to the Christian Church because it is founded in faith in the Triune God. Against this background the DRC is very relevant today and a major role player in South Africa, frequented by natural disasters, and the problem of poverty that necessitates alleviation, caring and rehabilitation.
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 1995.
Droughts -- Social aspects -- South Africa -- Northern Cape, Church work with the poor -- Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk, Dissertations -- Theology