Ethical perspectives regarding human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) positive children in childcare centres

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) pandemic gives rise to a vast array of moral and ethical issues. The enrolment of HIV positive children in childcare facilities, in particular, presents a unique set of ethical issues and concerns, including dilemmas with regard to status disclosure, and ethical guidance is required in this regard. The main objective of this study is to argue in favour of a controlled means of disclosure in childcare institutions. However, status disclosure and stigmatisation present a complex relationship that needs to be examined in detail. Against the background of this relationship, this dissertation will attempt to provide a principlist analysis of various ethical considerations with regard to status disclosure, taking into account the perspectives of the guardians of the HIV positive child, the childcare director of the facility, the other children attending the facility, and the HIV positive child him/herself. Finally, this dissertation will attempt to provide a framework for status disclosure of HIV positive children in childcare settings, with specific reference to the Namibian context.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Die menslike immuniteitsgebreksvirus (MIV)-pandemie lei tot ’n magdom etiese en morele vraagstukke. Die opname van MIV positiewe kinders in kindersorg-inrigtings is, by uitstek, ’n tekenende toonbeeld van wat hierdie dilemma behels. Dit sluit kwessies ten opsigte van MIV-status openbaarkmaking in, wat etiese riglyne vereis. Die hoofdoel van hierdie verhandeling is om ’n saak te beredeneer ten gunste van die beheerde openbaarmaking van jong kinders se MIV-status in openbare kindersorg-inrigtings. Die openbaarmaking van MIV-status en daaropvolgende stigmatisering verteenwoordig egter ’n komplekse verhouding wat nader beskouing verg. Teen die agtergrond van hierdie verhouding, poog die verhandeling dan ook om ’n analise, gebaseer op beginselmatigheid (principlism), te voorsien. Dit neem verskeie perspektiewe in ag: die ouers/voogde van die MIV-kind, die hoof van die kindersorg-sentrum, die ander kinders wat die sentrum bywoon, en die MIV-kind self. Ten laaste, die verhandeling bied ’n raamwerk aan vir status onthulling van MIV positiewe kinders in kindersorg omgewings, met spesifieke verwysing na die Namibiese konteks.
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.
Disclosure of information, HIV-positive children -- Namibia, Child care -- Ethical aspects -- Namibia, Kindergarten facilities -- Namibia, UCTD