Administrative reforms required for the successful implementation of the National Development Plan

dc.contributor.advisorRabie, Babetteen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorOrlandi, Neliaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. School of Public Leadership.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY : Challenges with the successful implementation of policies, strategies and plans have been identified as reasons for South Africa not reducing poverty, unemployment and inequality. The aim of this study is to identify the obstacles that prevent successful policy implementation in South Africa. The focus is specifically to identify the possible constraints that could prevent the successful implementation of the South African National Development Plan (NDP), vision 2030. Policy implementation has been identified in the literature as one of the key elements of public administration. Over time, public administration went through a series of reforms, specifically to search for effective ways to make government work better and more cost effectively. Apart from the role of performance measurement in government’s effectiveness, the focus of reforms shifted to performance-based management as a whole. To ensure effective and efficient service delivery it is important to establish the key factors influencing the success of policy implementation. The study of policy implementation is grounded in the disciplines of public sector management and policy science. It comprises well-defined linear steps within a broader economic, political and social environment that, if taken care of, should lead to a sound policy process being put in place. All government activities must reflect and align to the objectives of government policies. The challenge, however, is to implement the mechanisms properly to reap the benefits of efficiency and effectiveness and to be able to evaluate success or failure. This research proposes a model to evaluate the success or failure of the implementation of the policy process. A model was developed, based on the key public sector reforms, mechanisms and key factors that influence successful policy implementation. The proposed model builds on previous models and frameworks and considers content, causality, context, capacity and control as critical elements influencing policy implementation. It is structured to assist policy implementation analysts to assess policy implementation over the entire policy process. The practical application of the model was tested on the South African NDP. The application of the model to the NDP identified slow progress, challenges with the design and mechanisms as blockages for the implementation of the NDP. Slow progress on the implementation of the NDP necessitated a more detailed analysis of the mechanisms introduced for the implementation of the NDP. Throughout the analysis, the complexity of the mechanism has been identified as a challenge for the successful implementation of the NDP. A revised operating model is therefore recommended for the implementation of the NDP. This revised model provides a simplified mechanism that fully integrates the NDP priorities into the standard processes of government. The proposed mechanism replaces the complex medium-term strategic framework (in its current format) and programme of action reporting process with a more integrated system. The adoption of a more refined framework, based on the proposed operating model for the development of the next five-year implementation plan of the NDP, should eliminate some of the blockages caused by the content and causality elements of the current NDP implementation plans. Despite the recommendation for a revised mechanism, a range of recommendations, based on the findings from the analyses on the current mechanism, have been made. The recommendations start with the development of well described performance indicators and targets. The next set of recommendations relates to the adoption of a more refined model for the implementation plans for the NDP and, therefore, the better integration of the NDP into the existing activities of departments in all spheres of government. Although many of the NDP initiatives relate to existing activities that can be accommodated in the existing budget programme structures of government, the review of all budget programme structures, to provide for the relevant resources and capacity, is recommended. This recommendation refers to all levels of government to ensure the correct classification of budget programmes to accommodate the NDP outcomes and activities to which funds must be directed. A further recommendation includes the consideration of combining other forms of budgeting selectively within the programme performance management system adopted by the South African government. To improve the relationship between planning and budgeting, government should also consider the review of the institutional arrangements of the planning, budgeting and monitoring and evaluation components. This is not just in terms of the NDP/long-term planning, but also in respect of medium- and short-term planning, reporting and monitoring. The last set of recommendations emphasises the role of communication and control when services are decentralised or, in the case of South Africa, the use of public entities. The main recommendations include: The identification of key relevant stakeholders as opposed to using multiple actors responsible for the implementation of national outcomes. Giving greater responsibility to programme managers linked to a public entity and at the same time holding them accountable for the monitoring of the strategic and financial management of public entities. Holding programme managers responsible for communicating and the monitoring of the requirements of public entities (that provide services on behalf of government) in terms of the implementation of the national outcomes.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Onvermoë van die Suid-Afrikaanse regering om beleid, strategie en prestasie planne suksesvol te implementeer is van die redes waarom Suid-Afrika sukkel om armoede, werkloosheid en ongelykheid aan te spreek. Die doel van hierdie studie is om struikelblokke te identifiseer wat die suksesvolle implementering van beleid in Suid-Afrika in die wiele ry. Die fokus is spesifiek op moontlike beperkings vir die implentering van die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Ontwikkelings Plan (NOP), visie 2030. Beleids implementering as een van die sleutel elemente van die publieke administrasie. Die publieke administrasie het, met tyd, deur ‘n reeks van hervormings gegaan, spesifiek om doeltreffende maniere te vind om die regering beter en meer koste effektief te bedryf. Tenspyte van die rol van prestasie maatstawe, in regerings doeltreffendheid, het die fokus van hervorming na prestasie gebasseerde bestuur, as ‘n geheel, verskuif. Om doeltreffende en voldoende dienslewering te veseker is dit belangrik om sleutel faktore, wat suksesvolle beleids implementering beïnvloed, te identifiseer. Die studie van beleids implementering is in die bestuur en beleids wetenskappe dissipline gevestig. Hierdie dissiplines bestaan uit goed gedefinieerde, linieëre stappe binne ‘n ekonomiese, politieke,en sosiale omgewing, wat indien dit gevolg word, ‘n volledige beleids proses in plek stel. Dit is egter ook nodig dat regerings aktiwiteite belyn is met beleid en die doelwitte van regerings beleid reflekteer. Die uitdaging is, egter, om die sisteem akkuraat te implementeer om die voordele van doeltreffendheid en voldoening te geniet en om sukses of mislukking te evalueer. Hierdie navorsing stel ‘n model voor om die sukses of mislukking van die implementering van die beleids proses te evalueer. ‘n Model, gebaseer op die sleutel publieke sektor hervormings, meganismes en faktore wat suksevolle beleids implementering beïnvloed, is ontwikkel. Die voorgestelde model bou op voorheen ontwikkelde modelle en raamwerke en oorweeg inhoud, invloed, konteks, kapasitieit en kontrole as kritiese elemente wat beleids implementering beïnvloed. Dit is so gestruktureer dat beleids implementerings analiste dit kan gebruik om die beleids proses as ‘n geheel te analiseer. Die praktiese gebruik van die model is op die Suid Afrikaanse NOP toegepas. Die resultate van hierdie toepassing het stadige vordering met die implementering, asook uitdagings, met die ontwerp en meganismes vir implementering van die NOP, uitgewys. Die stadige vordering met die implementering van die NOP het verdere, meer gedetaileerde analieses van die meganismes vir die implementering van die NOP genoodsaak. Die analiese het, onder andere, deurgans getoon dat die komplekse meganismes vir die implementering van die NOP problematies is. ‘n Vereenvoudigde proses vir die onwikkeling van die volgende 5-jaar implementerings raamwerk vir die NOP is voorgestel. Hierdie voorstel sluit die gebruik van ‘n besigheids model in, wat ‘n vereenvoudige meganisme verskaf om die NOP ten volle met die standaard prosesse van die regering te integreer. Hierdie voorgestelde model vervang die gebruik van die medium termyn strategiese raamwerk (in sy huidige formaat) en die program van aksie verslae. Die aanvaarding van ‘n meer vereenvoudigde model vir die ontwikkeling van die volgende vyf-jaar implementerings plan vir die NOP sal hindernisse wat deur die inhoud en oorsaaklike elemente veroorsaak word, uit te skakel. Ten spyte van die voorstel vir ‘n meer eenvoudige model, is ‘n reeks aanbevelings gemaak wat op die analiese van die huidige meganismes gebaseer is.Die aanbevelings begin met die ontwikkeling van goed gedefinieerde prestasie-aanwysers en teikens. Die volgende stel aanbevelings is geskoei op die aanvaarding van ‘n vereenvoudigde model vir die implementerings planne van die NOP en ;dus beter integrasie van die NOP met die standaard aktiwitwite van die regering. Alhoewel baie van die NOP initiatiewe verband hou met bestaande aktiwiteite in die regering, wat in die huidige begrotings-programme geakkommodeer kan word, word die hersiening van begrotings programme voorgestel. Hierdie voorstel is gemik op alle regerings vlakke en beoog om die korrekte klassifikasie van programme te verseker om die NOP uitkomste en aktiwiteite waaraan fondse gekoppel moet word, te verseker. ‘n Verdere aanbeveling sluit in die oorweging van ‘n kombinasie van ander vorms van begrotings praktyke, binne die program-prestasie bestuurs sisteme, wat deur die Suid-Afrikanse regering aanvaar is. Boonop word dit ook aanbeveel dat die regering die huidige plasing van die beplannings, begrotings en moniterings eenhede moet hersien. Hierdie aanbeveling behoort ‘n beter verwantskap tussen die beplannings en begrotings prosesse te verseker, oor die lang -, medium - en kort-termyn. Die laaste stel aanevelings benadruk die rol van kommunikasie en kontrole wanneer dienste gedesentraliseer is of soos in die geval van suid Afrika, die gebruik van publieke entiteite. Die hoof aanbevelings sluit in: Die identifisering van ‘n kern groep belanghebbendes teenoor die gebruik van veelvuldige implenteerders van die NOP. Plaas groter verantwoordelikheid op program-bestuurders, gekoppel aan publieke entiteite, in verband met die monitering van strategiese en finansiële bestuur van hierdie entiteite. Hou program-bestuurders verantwoordbaar vir die kommunikasie en monitering van die verantwoordelikhede van publieke entiteite (wat dienste namens die regering lewer) in verband met die implementering van die NOP.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxxi, 266 pages ; illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectNational Development Plan -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectPublic administration -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.titleAdministrative reforms required for the successful implementation of the National Development Planen_ZA
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