An evaluation of the level of awareness about biomedical intervention for HIV prevention among the post secondary school youth in Richards Bay

dc.contributor.advisorMunro, Greg
dc.contributor.authorAdekola, Ayobami Precious
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Science. Dept. of Industrial Psychology. Africa Centre for HIV/AIDS Management.
dc.descriptionThesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Despite various strategies such as biomedical, behavioural and political strategies to stop the spread of HIV epidemic among the youth, the risky sexual behaviour among the youth and the resultant increase in unwanted pregnancies is driving the spread of HIV transmission among the youth of Kwazulu-Natal. This study sought to evaluate the level of awareness of post secondary school youth who are living in Richards Bay in Kwazulu-Natal. The researcher conducted the study within a quantitave paradigm. The population for this study are the post secondary school youth in Richards Bay. The data sources for this study will come from survey conducted using semi-structured questionnaire and from the focus group session. The data collection tool was distributed by referral using snowball sampling technique. This study found that the level of general knowledge about biomedical strategies for HIV prevention is low among the youth in Richards Bay since most participants knew only about condoms as a strategy for HIV prevention. The study also found that a significant number of the study participants did not know about the role of circumcision in HIV prevention. In addition, the study found that level of knowledge about biomedical intervention for HIV prevention is higher in female participants than male participants. This study ascertained that the youth have good attitude towards biomedical intervention for HIV prevention though much mobilisation and education will still have to be done with regards to circumcision. The study also identified practices that may impede the use of biomedical strategies such as a lack of availability and accessibility to female condoms The study recommends the need to educate and mobilise the community about biomedical strategies for HIV prevention such as condoms, circumcision, PMTCT, PEP, PrEP, HAART and VCT. The Umhlatuze municipality needs to create a massive awareness within Richards Bay about its available facilities and services like free circumcision and condom distribution outlets that can increase the uptake of biomedical strategies for HIV prevention. Also, the government needs to engage the faith based organisations and other NGOs to integrate biomedical strategies for HIV prevention in their awareness campaign. The study also recommends provision of female condoms in appropriate quantities like male condoms and that multimedia campaign against HIV-related stigma and discrimination should be intensified in Richards Bay.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ten spyte van verskeie strategieë soos onder andere biomediese, gedrags- en politiese strategieë om die verspreiding van die MIV-epidemie onder die jeug te vernietig, die onverantwoordelike seksuele gedrag onder die jeug en die gevolglikke toename in ongevraagde swangerskappe, veroorsaak ‘n toenemende verspreiding van MIV onder die jeug van KwaZulu Natal (KZN). Hierdie studie beoog om die verskeie vlakke van bewusmaking van die naskoolse jeug wat in Richardsbaai (KZN) lewe te evalueer. Die navorser het sy studie saamgestel op ‘n paradigma gebaseer op kwaliteit. Die teikengroep vir hierdie studie is die naskoolse jeug in Richardsbaai. Die inligtingsbronne vir hierdie studie sal van die opname kom wat saamgestel is uit semi-gestruktureerde vraelyste en gefokusgroeppe. Die data versamelingstegniek is versprei deur middel van ‘n sneeuval effek. Die studie het gevind dat die vlak van algemene kennis van bio-mediese strategieë vir MIV voorkoming laag is onder die jeug van Richardsbaai. Die meeste deelnemers het slegs geweet van die kondoom as voorsorg-strategie as ‘n voorkoming vir MIV. Die studie het ook gevind dat ‘n groot aantal deelnemers nie bewus was van die rol wat besnyding speel in die voorkoming van MHIV nie. Bykomend hier is gevind dat die vroulike deelnemers (in teenstelling met die mans) ‘n hoër vlak van kennis gehad het rondom die bio-mediese rol in die voorkoming van MIV. Die studie bevestig dat die jeug ‘n goeie gesindheid het teenoor die mediese rol vir MIVvoorkoming, alhoewel heelwat kennisvaslegging en opvoeding gedoen moet word ten opsigte van besnyding. Die studie het ook verskeie praktyke geïdentifiseer wat die gebruik van biomediese strategieë kan belemmer soos ‘n tekort aan en toegang tot vroulike kondome. Die studie toon dat daar ‘n behoefte is aan die opvoeding en mobilisering in ‘n gemeenskap ten opsigte van die bio-mediese strategieë vir die voorkoming van MIV soos byvoorbeeld kondome, besnyding, PMTCT, PEP, PREP, HAArt en VCT. Daar bestaan ‘n behoefte dat die Umhlatuze Munisipaliteit ‘n massiewe bewusmakingsprogram moet loods binne die gemeenskap van Richardsbaai om beskikbare fasiliteite en dienste soos gratis besnyding en kondoomverspreidingspunte daar te stel.Die staat het die taak om geloofsgebaseerde organisasies en ander NGO’s betrokke te maak om bio-mediese strategieë en MIV–voorkoming te integreer. Hierdie studie beveel die bevordering van die beskikbaarheid van vroulike kondome aan , soos in die geval van die manlike kondoom. Die studie ondersteun en beveel ook aan dat die multimedia veldtog teen MIV-verbonde stigma en diskriminasie opgeskerp moet word in Richardsbaai.af_ZA
dc.format.extent86 p. : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- HIV/AIDS managementen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- HIV/AIDS managementen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Industrial psychologyen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Industrial psychologyen_ZA
dc.subjectHIV infections -- South Africa -- Richards Bay -- Preventionen_ZA
dc.subjectYouth -- Health and hygiene -- South Africa -- Richards Bayen_ZA
dc.titleAn evaluation of the level of awareness about biomedical intervention for HIV prevention among the post secondary school youth in Richards Bayen_ZA
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